I'm using AMR-16 now, but ammo is wasting very quickly. What are you using and why on pretty high levels?

10 years ago*

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Best weapon is stealth. Sadly, people seem to think wearing masks is normal behaviour.

10 years ago

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I find Stealthing missions to be one of the most fun aspects of this game and also makes a lot of missions go a lot faster and become a lot easier. Only issue I find is that you typically have to get to around level 50 to actually be able to be effective at it.

10 years ago

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locomotive and sniper, cause damage damage damage

10 years ago

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CAR-4 when fully modified is frankly one of the best Assault Rifles in the game. Although honestly it depends on what type of Heist it is.
I find myself using the IZHMA 12G and Locomotive 12G a lot. Locomotive 12G frankly has to be one if not the best secondary weapons you can get in game. In fact I would go so far to say that the Locomotive 12G is really my main weapon most of the time.

If you have the Sniper DLC, Rattlesnake or R93. Especially since they go through shields.

10 years ago

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But snipers are good at long range, and I like close combat and assaults... :-)

10 years ago

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Real men use red dots on their Thanatos! :P I use my snipers at closer ranges than my shotguns frankly lol.
Honestly one shot from a Thanatos if placed right can wipe out nearly a whole police assault! XD

10 years ago

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Well.. Heavy Eagle + Loco = Ultimate carnage. Though you can't 'conceal' the Heavy Eagle at all, 60 damage with the funnel of fun only.
Also if you are an enforcer, Consider investing in the perk that allows you 2 ammo bags, As for non-DLC, CAR-4 is your way to go, It can be concealed easily too.

10 years ago

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silenced shotgun and ove9000 saw

10 years ago

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Actually yeah, the SAW is frankly the most useful Primary Weapon in the game hands down.

10 years ago

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Brenner all the way. Kill like shotguns but with more fun.

10 years ago

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Locomotive Shotgun.

Just go Loco, baby.

10 years ago

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Reinfeld + Loco

10 years ago

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I am enforcer so my primary is a saw but secondary as others have said is teh LOCO

10 years ago

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AK 762, Saw, Car-4 or Thanatos for primary and Loco for secondary. If I'm running Mastermind pistol build then it'll be Signature .40 or Bronco.

10 years ago

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For me, the best Thanatos - barret, i'm a loud man.

10 years ago

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