So I'm thinking about getting L4D2, probably get it during the upcoming sale. I was wondering if I use mods and go into the console, will it get me VAC banned?

Specifically I want to use mods which reskin your character and change their name/portrait. Example of said mod:

And I want to go into the console to switch my camera to "thirdpersonshoulder" as a first person camera makes me dizzy.

Oh and the reason I'm asking is because I have absolutely no idea how VAC works and I don't play Valve multiplayer games. I know Magicka uses VAC, but I don't intend to use mods or anything on it.

1 decade ago*

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No, it won't

1 decade ago

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VAC banned is more for direct and indirect cheating, im pretty sure remodding your character skin is only local side, its not like it adds a move speed bonus or life bonus or auto aim thing to it.

1 decade ago

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VAC doesn't ban for mods/skins/console.

1 decade ago

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Nope, me and my friend even made a LP with reskins and nothing happens :-)

1 decade ago

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You can use scripts in that game as well. Just don't pay for some program that makes your guys go three times faster or telefrag.

1 decade ago

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I think your question has been answered, but I feel bad for you as I think FPSs ROCK.

1 decade ago

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VAC doesn't ban mods,skins or console. Aslong you don't use any third party programs... Console is integrated in-game. You can launch the console Ingame. If you put "sv_cheats 1" to your console (ingame) you can change your firstperson to thirdperson, spawn tanks, zombies and much more. As I said the console is a part of the game and not a third party program. YOu will NOT receive a VAC if you use the console.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Quolli.