25,871 Members
7,992 Gifts

The ratios of members to gifts just aren't right. I think there needs to be more restrictions to the site. Such as:

*Deleting accounts that are so old that have not donated yet.
I know that people can be having it rough as far as their real life finances goes, I'm that way myself. But I found a way to give one gift so far, and I do plan on giving more. Account members should be given a certain amount of time to try to give a gift themselves, because there's no reason for there to be 25 members for every 7 gifts.

*Raising the cost of points for an invite code. I think the current dynamic cost of points is too low. At the forums I regularly go to, I sometimes see people just hand out invite codes. I see threads saying "I got 9 invite codes, let me know if you want them" and then lurkers with 0 posts will start asking for them. I think if an invite code cost 200 points, then people will think twice, or three times before they decide to hand a code out to a total stranger.

Not only is this site getting thousands of entries per giveaway (which makes it harder to win), it's getting really slow to load pages as well. And I'm going to say it's because of all these people who have come to the site and only want to win.

1 decade ago*

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Well, apparently it's common for CSmania users to have "Farm" accounts, that they have just chilling for points. Common enough that on their private giveaways, they say "Please don't enter with your farm accounts"

Edit: Whoa, whoa whoa, what's this NA only thing?

1 decade ago

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We can send a secret insider to Soviet Russia, copy the names of all the farmers, and have their accounts banned...or just block certain countries...or just ban inactive accounts...or have some sort of farm detection in place. Hmmm...

1 decade ago

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Wow..can't you just ban them?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Cost of points is dynamic and deleting thousands of accounts can take too long to do and more would spring up in their place and maybe end up to a point where those new accounts end up as inactive as well. I don't know it just seems like a waste of time to me and a bit of a lost cause. But then again I've seen some great stuff worked around here before too.

1 decade ago

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I think rather than weeding through all the accounts by hand, the site should be programmed to delete accounts. If account has not submitted a gift within X amounts of days, then that account should be purged from the system.

1 decade ago

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That would work I suppose. I think the inactive accounts should be purged first though.

1 decade ago

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"Edit: I think this site should also be North American members only. Even though it's a rule to not enter for gifts as a work-around to obtain games not sold in their region, there are tons of non-NA accounts here specifically for just that." (quote sayedstafa)

Yeah and only white people and everyone needs at least $1000 worth of games in their account to join, because we wouldn't want any of those damn foreigners or poor people here. I mean this site is about gifting sth, why should anyone but us rich people profit of that?

1 decade ago

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I actually checked that.

So the OP is american and deeply believes that his country is the only one where no scammers live, and every other country only has farm accounts?

Well, F*** YOU.
I'm serious.
I had a long thread about this kinda stuff a while back. I am austrian, look at what i already gave away. i also always try to give my opinion on stuff in a fair way. (not now because that is just retarded)

1 decade ago

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Nice assumptions, I'm actually Iraqi

1 decade ago

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So, does that mean that you don't want to be part of this community anymore? Or are you just stupid?
Oh and nice try, removing that last part from your original post, just to clarify I've made a little change to my post as well.

1 decade ago

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People aren't focusing on the point of this thread, of course I'm going to edit it. That's what the edit button is for ¬_¬

1 decade ago

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the problem isn't how many accounts.... it's how many farm accounts. it's not an easy problem to solve.
As for making it North america only, I don't agree with that. I have people I talk to all over the world... it makes for a very diverse community and more active because of all the time zones.

1 decade ago

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"Edit: I think this site should also be North American members only. Even though it's a rule to not enter for gifts as a work-around to obtain games not sold in their region, there are tons of non-NA accounts here specifically for just that."

Let me guess: You live in North America. :P Besides, what's wrong with entering giveaways for games not sold in one's own region?

1 decade ago

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Well, I personally have a copy of Shogun Total War that I will never ever be able to play, and Steam won't remove it. So, there's a problem.

1 decade ago

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I conctacted to Steam support, wanted to delete "Fallout: NV" from the account. I wanted to buy "Fallout: NV - GOTY" in a future. They deleted it and added money to my Steam wallet. So no problems with that.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Increasing the $50 value of games on new account requirement to a larger amount - say $150 or $200, might help? Purge the farming accounts with a lower value of games on them? I don't know how hard that would be to implement though.

1 decade ago

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US members only??

I could go for the "don't be a national fundamentalist" argument, but instead, I'll try with a different approach, one that would appeal to your selfishness:

From the top 10 contributors this week, only 4 have "US" as their country in their steam profile. So what you suggest is to get rid of more than half of the top gifters... brilliant!

1 decade ago

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I never said US only, I said NA. And I took that out since suggesting it apparently leads to the end of the world.

1 decade ago

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Right... and what does NA means to you? Were you considering mexicans, for instance? I don't think so, but I was, and that's why I explicitly changed it to US.

Either way, doesn't matter. Because from those non-US top contributors, only one says in his steam profile that he is from a country in the north american continent, so you are still suggesting to get rid of half of them.

1 decade ago

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Actually, I was considering Mexicans as well. But that doesn't matter, I already said I took that out of the thread. What's the purpose of you continuing with that same point when I already said I took it out?

1 decade ago

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Er, there is honestly not much difference between 'US Only' and 'NA Only' in the eyes of the world.

1 decade ago

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Lets just get rid of inactive users. There's definitely users who registered once and entered my first giveaway and they never logged back in sg or on steam. And my first giveaway ended just over 2 months ago before it was deleted >_>

1 decade ago

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for (int i = 0; i < UserCount;i++)
if (User[i].IsActive() == false || User[i].IsRussianSpy() == false || User[i].IsFarming() == true)
Return HICULT;

1 decade ago

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Not everyone can make giveaways. Not everyone has that kind of disposable income. And suggesting that you have to in order to stay here would make this site a pay to participate. Which seems like it's against the point. At that point you might as well make it so that people have to pay a certain amount to cg along with their invite code they get so that they can register. Sure, that's a bit of hyperbole, but that's essentially what you're talking about here. The only reason that I was able to giveaway a game on here was because the game was on sale for 1.50, and I bought one for myself and my closest friends, but one friend already had it. So I'm waiting for another good sale of a game I can give him. So I had one free to give. But many people just can't do that.

Also, bust out a calculator for a second and do the math, before you just generically say there are 25 members for every 7 giveaways, which is also hyperbolic. When making a statistic like that it's best to take it down to 1. It's a bit more true that way. 25,871 Members divided by 7,992 Gifts (to use your numbers) is 3.24 members for every 1 gift. That's not all that bad if you ask me. For every 7 giveaways it's actually only 22.66 members. Not that much different from what you said, but it is.

Also, your example is skewed. I've seen that 9 invites thread you referenced. And there was only one person who posted in it who was a new member on the forums. But that person was a referral from someone who has been a user for a very long time. The older member first posted that his friend wanted one, then the friend posted, then the older member posted again to verify that that's who he was talking about. Again, not that bad when you really look at all the facts.

And I know you removed the North America only thing from your post because people kept referencing it, and that's not your point you say. However, you made it, so clearly it applies. And it is a big factor. Because just because someone isn't in North America, doesn't mean that they don't deserve to win games. And it doesn't mean that they won't give games away either. Steam doesn't say only North American people can buy games. So if games are available in other countries, what makes them ineligible for the site?

1 decade ago

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^This. You got told.

1 decade ago

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NA only? Ow ok I see people don't want me gifting games here anymore. Ok fair enough I will stop gifting then.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by sayedstafa.