I have no interest whatsoever in buying cards or crafting badges, but I like it very much that so many people do. Last week I started using the Steam Idle Master tool to mine cards off my games, and the Steam Inventory Helper browser extension sell them easily. In such a short period I managed to "generate" $35 with very little effort, which is more than cool. Is there any other tactic I'm missing?

9 years ago

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$35? How much cards did you sell? Maybe I should look into this whole card selling business :D

9 years ago

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i have 72 $ in inventory only spent like 15-20 $ on card, but that money i made it with free tf2 item so i spent nothing :D

9 years ago

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I sold about 500 cards and according to Steam Idle Master have about 140 cards left to drop, so not much is left in the tank. I started this thread to figure out my tactic for the future, when I (inevitably) buy gather more games...

9 years ago

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you must have had idle master running for a loooooooooong time to get 500 cards, when i was doing it i got about 20-30 cards average when i left it overnight (about 8-10 hours). figured i was spending more on electricity than the cards where generating so i kinda gave up. anyway on topic, i always sold 1 pence under the current price for a quick sale, its free money after all and i couldnt be arsed waiting ages for them all to sell.

9 years ago

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Some people leave their systems on already for other reasons. But if you've only got your system on to make money from cards, then yeah, you're not making money. :)

Another thing to note is that once you get all cards for a game, you also unlock the possibility of randomly receiving boosters. Boosters are insta-sell if you sell them as a booster, or if you want to gamble (by losing a few cents) you can open them and hope you get a foil.

9 years ago

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Probably not more. articles I have seen routinely put leaving your computer on all year at less than $100. So a week or two to get a hundred-2 hundred dollars of card drops is a tiny percentage of the total earnings.

You could just run it as your system is on normally, but the reduced price you would get on the cards would probably offset the few dollars you would use in hydro.

9 years ago*

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if you really want to maximize profits, check how much "real" money you spent on games, then look at those 35$ and start thinking.

9 years ago

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when a free game is ga, keep the card longer so you don't have to sell the card for 0.03-0.05$, instead whait to get 0.1 $, can take a long time, but if you don't need the money now, its a good way, you can buy alots of set when they are low price (usally when at least 100 k game anre gived away), they you sell the card 0.1 $ when you bought them 0.05-0.04 $.

i bought caster foild card for 0.08-0.1 $ each game and now they worth 0.2-0.25 in average

9 years ago

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So are you saying that card price can actually increase? I thought it only goes downhill...

9 years ago

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I thought it only goes downhill...

Yes, it does.
For free games, it goes to 0.03$-0.04$ but after a while it can come back up a little, so that is ok, but normally card prices drop (sales, bundles, giveaways = more people own the game = more drops = more items = less value) so if you have an expensive card better get rid or it quickly, I once had some cards from a game, and they were worth ~0.23$ each and I kept them, next week, they're all ~0.11$.

9 years ago

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Also, card price can increase for games which no longer drop cards or are unavailable at all.
Don't forget, some cards are <b>only</b> available through <b>crafting</b> boosters atm and they won't drop price by any means.

9 years ago

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If you want to make text fat, put two asteriks (stars) in front and at the end of it -> **

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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ya, like other said but mostly for free game,

If its a rare/indie game that no one buy or pretty rarely bought then its gave for free for x time, the price will drop but after a few week, the price will still go up

With that thing you can see all the badge price of all game, so you can buy the lowest card of a free game then sell them later

9 years ago

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Lets take some games that ware 96% off .. and going for like 15cents.

Squishy the Suicidal Pig , Waveform , that Horror game.
The price of all cards went downhil to 0.03/4 and now they are going for 0.10/1+

other thing you can do ( if you have abit of extra spare time) is using steamcardexchange (thats a site google it )
And trading some of the Really cheap ones for alittle bit more expensive ones.

They have a system there , where cards are worth credits and the credit worth of a card is the ~price of a card from the set.

Its alil bit complicated to use , but once you figure it out ... its pretty neat .

Also last , but not least ... trading in cards in Tremor games ... ( duno if you kno0w bout that site )
IT does require using steamcardexchange most of times tho .. but you can easily get bundle games ( if you are interested in them ) for the price of a couple cards there .
Or just save up credits and get keys , if you want wallet cash .

TLDR , i know its abit off a wall of text and kind of a mess , but if you have questions bout anything i mentioned , feel free to ask .

9 years ago

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Tell me, how is it 'complicated to use' when you just sell cards for credits and buy cards for credits?
Its really simple and usefull, I recommend steamcardexchange for everybody who didn't know about it
(its down for maintenance though xD but it happens very, very rare - once in 4-5 months)

9 years ago

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Cause , withount wanting to offend anyone , there are Dozens and dozens of people ... who find it hard to use.
Like , even in their official steam group there are people asking how to use it almost on a daily basis ... |
Guess they are just dumb ...

It took me like a couple of mins to figure it out , and been using it ever since.

Also yeah ,sadly its under maintance ... there is some problem with retrieving cards prices from steam or somrthing like that :|

9 years ago

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I've seen they mostly do 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 trades.

9 years ago

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Check the card's page for selling price and buying ("looking for it at this amount") prices. If the gap is large, try to sell it on largest buy price +10%. If the largest buy price is significantly higher than the next, just sell it to that person before someone else does.

If the gap is small, either try to go under the current lowest by one cent, or sell for the same price. Keep in mind though that if, for example, 1000 people are selling a card for 10 cents with 2000 people wanting to buy it at 9 cents, then if you join the 10-cent sellers, your card will be put at the end of that queue, so it will only be sold if all 1000 sellers sell or revoke their cards.

Also, don't be greedy. If you get a foil drop, don't expect people to pay 2-3 dollars/euros for it. Check the average price of the normal cards, and multiply it by 5 at the maximum. Just because you see people selling stuff for much money doesn't mean there are others who actually buy it for that price.

Oh, and if you get booster packs, think, because all buyers do. Boosters give you three random cards, so never set the sale price to higher than the average price of three cards of that game -10%. (So, if a game has cards at around 12 cent, sell your booster for 30-33 cents… it is still a better profit than selling the cards individually.)

9 years ago

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Thanks for the helpful tips!

Is there an easy way to get to the card's page without adding it first to a sale? I can't find a link from the Inventory page?

I need to read more about booster packs. Never quite got what these are about...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You can always use the search function on the market, or add Easy SteamGifts to your browser. If you click on a card in the inventory (and it is tradeable), it can take you to the market page. There are also plug-ins for market use for browsers, when I get home (and I don't forget) I'll link you some. You may not need it, but they can be useful.

Here are a few plug-.ins you may try. I use Opera, so they are also Chrome-compatible, don't know about Firefox:
Steam ninja!
Steam inventory helper
Steam price history graph

9 years ago*

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Click a card in your inventory. It'll tell you how many have been sold in the last 24 hours. On average, that'll be about how many sell each day (perhaps a bit more Friday through Sunday?).

Click the sell button. It will now bring up a graph showing how much the card sold for over the past month. You can trim it down to the last week to get the finer details, I wouldn't bother with the lifetime view (cards always sell for more when they're new). Find the price that the card tends to peak at each day. Set your price to that and it'll be sold for that price once all the cards presently priced like that get sold.

Patience is key. It's a FIFO system. First In, First Out. If there's 115 out there, it may take a good long while. If there's a couple dozen, not so long.

Don't price it at the current going rate (which Steam suggests you do) unless you are REALLY impatient. Generally that price is one or two cents below what the peak daily price is. Steam is going to take at least two cents off the top of any sale you get.

Key thing to know: If you're based in the U.S.A., once you've sold more than 200 items Steam has to issue a tax form for you, so they'll want and need your Social Security number. Until you sell 201, you don't need to give it to them (so don't). Last year I think I sold 200 and removed the rest of my sale items. Once you're getting near to the year's end, pull off your lower-priced stuff if you're getting towards 200 sales. Another thing to remember is that come the end of the year there's the whole Christmas sale thing where you get cards for votes. Those cards generally fetch a good 10 cents a piece (and more earlier on). Focus on unloading those while they're still worth something besides gems.

9 years ago

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Good tips, thanks!

I don't live in the US, so no issues with this limit other than providing Steam with my details.

9 years ago

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Oh, so I can sell as much as I want in Europe? =)

9 years ago

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More or less. EU has completely different consumer and non-company retailer laws.

9 years ago

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It's not so much that stuff, it's a tax thing. You're allowed to sell personal items without sales tax being involved. I'm guessing that once you sell more than 200 items, the gov't here considers you to be "in business."

9 years ago

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After you send steam some basic info, yes

9 years ago

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Okay, thanks Guys =)

9 years ago

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U.S. sellers can also sell as much as they want to. It's just that once they top 200 cards, they'd pay a tiny bit of sales tax (I think?) or perhaps income tax on the proceeds. Given that we're generally selling things on Steam for .08 net, it might be a buck or two. With certain types of taxable income it can force the citizen to use a different tax form. For most younger folks, the 1040EZ form taxes them fairly little (given that they have almost no deductions to itemize) and is quick and easy to file.

I had a job once where I was making crap wages but the employer kind of screwed us over by making us independent contractors. We worked for ourselves rather than them (not really, but that's what they claimed). I couldn't file 1040EZ that year, because I had self-employment tax. I paid twice as much Social Security (FICA/FUTA) as I had "no employer" to match my withholding. Worst tax year I ever had, and it was a crap $5/hour job (early 90s, was a wee bit over the minimum wage). The funnier thing is that I was technically working for the government! It was the library in a local town with (of course) Republicans running things. If anyone knows how to shift their tax burdens onto others, it's the GOP.

Normally they just do it to their grandchildren (by running deficits!).

9 years ago

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Oh damn O.o

Thank you =)

9 years ago

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They'd pay a tiny bit of sales tax (I think?) or perhaps income tax on the proceeds

It only comes into play if you make 20k USD, in which case you then have to pay tax on it as income. Outside of that, it changes nothing.

9 years ago

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I also filled that tax form after selling 200 items but i am not from US

9 years ago

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What I basically do is I always check out the average price and then I put it on sale..2 cents cheaper give or take.
The key emphasis is to get your stuff on the first page of listing which requires some undercutting

Then again its sometimes better to wait before pulling back items from sale to your inventory and reprice it (unless it doesnt get sold within a week

I sold like 750 cards in a matter of a month(?) I believe and made around 27 or more euro of profit, including boosters and foils.

9 years ago

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BTW, one more thing that I do which I forgot to mention is set Steam Idle Master to "Priotize games with the highest card values". This way, I mine these first before their value drops.

9 years ago

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Unless it is a new game on Steam, it's not much of a difference. If you really want to sell cards for a nice amount, always sell them as soon as the game hits. Price drop can be as excessive as 80% over a month. But if the game has been on Steam already for a time, the price won't change as much, and messing around with the very cheap ones is a hassle, since on some the market is oversaturated (way more sellers than buyers).

9 years ago

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I actually see a very clear difference. Cards from the first games went for 10-12 cent, but those I currently get only go for 5-6 cent. If I didn't prioritize value I assume that those that went for higher price would have ended at the low end, though possibly not within that short period of activity (I'm only using Idle Master for a week or so).

9 years ago

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I meant it's not much of a difference in the long run. If you sell all cards, it doesn't really matter if you go for the better ones first and the cheap ones last, the result will be the same as the market values don't fluctuate that much, especially up.

9 years ago

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Guys, before Polarity was on sale, cards sold for ~0,5€. Now they sell for about 5 cents =/

Do you think there is a chance they will get above 10 cents again? =)

9 years ago

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During the first few days of Steam sales, especially if it includes some sort of incentive to buy cards (like the gem one last winter), there is often a slight uptick in prices as people start crafting badges to get sale cards and other perks. This is seen mostly on lower priced cards and cards in sets that are easy to craft into badges (low cost + low card count). You'll have to decide if money now or the potential for more money later for yourself.

Personally I just check the number sold in the last 24 hours (150 for example) and then select the highest price that's likely to sell it within a day or two (so if there were 3 @ .08, 10 @ .09, 35 @.10, and 250 @ .11 I'd list for .10 because it should still sell quick.

9 years ago

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Don't sell the cheap cards. Complete the cards for a badge and wait till summer/winter sale. And then craft the badges at the very start. So you can sell the "special" sumer/winter badges when prices are high. You get some other stuff to make gems and try to win some extra games.

9 years ago

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  • higher xp = better drop rates. And so on and so on
9 years ago

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Only for boosters, and I can confirm with my level 71 account that free boosters are on the par of truthful Fox News reports: they happen once every few months.

9 years ago

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maybe because you have few games..i get a booster at 8-10 days

9 years ago

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Well, it depends on the amount of games you have off course. I'm getting boosters regularly and I guess Yirg has quite an extended library also. Next sale my steam lvl will be going rocket with all the prepared badges.

9 years ago

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So it's better to craft badges in for example the summer sale? why is that? =)

9 years ago

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At the very beginning of the sale the prices for the event cards are pretty high (often .30 ) but wait too long and the price steadily drops throughout the sale. .30 for one card is better than 5 cards @ .05 each.

9 years ago

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If it's the same as previous sales. You will get some sort of a "summer badge". And when you sell it early it will go for around 30 ct (or higher) because of the badge hunters. Afterwards it tend to drop to around 10 cents towards the end of the sale. So you recover quite immediately some $$. + the other stuff you can trade for gems + higher lvl = faster booster packs.

9 years ago

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Ah, okay. I just thought that they meant normal badges (like for Batman or Hitman), but okay, thank you =)

9 years ago

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You sir just lieded about your "few months", please admit it.

9 years ago

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This year I got one booster so far for Doors: The Main Building, which is still sitting in my inventory. All other boosters I have there are purchased in preparation for level 5 badge crafting. Before that I got two booster during the Christmas sales due to the large amount of badge crafting, and before that maybe in summer sometimes? I know that ever since I started crafting badges, I got less than 10 booster so far.
Although I do agree that the fact I don't hoard, but actually play (usually 100% or at least try) my games before crafting a badge can contribute to the low amount of drops. And because I don't have "popular" games.

9 years ago

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You made a typo on CNN.

9 years ago

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I have 23 card sets and i will craft them during Steam sales

9 years ago

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Why will you do it during sales, can't you just do it now? =)

9 years ago

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I will get those special trading cards which can be crafted only during sale instead of discount coupons

9 years ago

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Oh, that is great =D

9 years ago

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I purchase those visual novels launch day, use idle master, sell them, buy gems, craft boosters of those games, sell the cards again, profit. Nekopara, for example, had a card that was like $1 some time ago, Vanilla, and you will get some foils as well.

9 years ago

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Buying 1$ bundles with max games with cards (or change leftovers for games with cards), drop cards from games, sell it, buy TF2 keys, buy games, sell games. PROFIT. I buy already buy much keys "for free" via cards. I do not remember when i buy keys for real money :D This is best profit i mean ;) (my best clear profit is 35,7€ on one game (franchise pack)) WOW!

9 years ago

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I sold about 3000-3500 cards(Main&Alt acc.) and got 250-300$(Included Background/emoticons/gems). Thats why i love Steam&IdleMaster:D

9 years ago*

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I should really get back to using Idlemaster, I still have 847 card drops remaining, which is about $63.13 ^^

9 years ago

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Like other people have said--wait for major Steam events before selling cards.

Crafting events, holiday events (winter sale / summer sale), etc. These occasions always draw the prices of cards upward. It's almost always in your best interest to unload quickly when something new comes out too (i.e., new cards for a new badge). You never know when that game might get bundled.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago*

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I think creating badges is much better as you get more booster packs which you can sell for profit so reaching a good level for proper drops of boosters. Besides I make more by making the badges during sale season and selling out the holiday cards.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Yirg.