On sunday the 25th I am obliged by family and tradition to baptise my twins (born on july 20th 2015)...
Being an atheist myself, I very much enjoy making puns out of any religion possible, so enjoy the poll.

There will be a weeklong countdown towards the 25th with a nice little train and daily giveaway's (just in case the church explodes and I won't be able to give out the keys from the train)

PLEASE NOTE: I am taking all this religion bull with lots of humour...
If you're dead serious about it, please refrain and try to laugh...

Train SGTools protected, circumvention will lead to reroll...

small choo-choo for <3 and select groups...
Please do not beg for WL, like some other people here, I like to ninja <3 if you do/comment something I like/love...
Nagging for WL will probably get you BL...

- Another quickie added for my whitelist only
Oh, it seems the Whitelist fairy has passed by again...(this one ends sunday)

daily giveaway's:

7 years ago*

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Will the church explode and the gates of hell open up?

View Results
Yes they will, and the Devil will come out to devour you!
Yes they will, and a fight between god, the angels, the devil and his minions will start... It will be Epic!
No it won't, you are insignificant to either god or the devil... (Goes back to play Ant Farm)
No it won't, religion is bull... (gets struck down by Mjölnir)
Never mind god and the devil, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will make an appearance and give out delicious nooodles for all... Let's pray: Ramen
Potato Noodles...
Off course not, your twins are the cutest and their cuteness will save the world...


7 years ago

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Why don't you just tell your family that you're not going to baptize your children because you're not religious and that if they don't like that they can fuck off?
You should do with your kids and raise them the way you see fit, not how your religious family wants. Man up and be a proper father, instead of one who treats his kids the way others want.

7 years ago*

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I raise them without religion, to become critical thinking citizens who investigate befor accepting things, always basing this on facts...
But if I can satisfy the family by going to church once upon a time (and get a reason to throw a party and be wasted totally), I take the peacefull (and booze filled) route :D

7 years ago

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I think it's rude and disrespectful from them to ask of you to be part of their religious practices and to perform such on your children even though you're an atheist.

The way I go about things is give people two choices; they either accept me the way I am and my way of life or get out of my life.

7 years ago

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Doesn't that make you the same as any religious zealots?

Why not just search a nice compromise and have fun together?

7 years ago

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How exactly does that make me the same? I'm not going to push my beliefs on them and I expect they do the same and refrain from pushing their beliefs and religious practices on me. I think both sides deciding not to push their beliefs on each other is the most respectful and most fair way. If someone doesn't respect me enough to agree to such "compromise" then they can fuck off and get out of my life.

7 years ago

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Wanted to whitelist you, found you already there :)

Needless to say, +1 to everything you wrote here.

7 years ago

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You should talk with your family and state that you want your twins to choice their faint when they become mature.

7 years ago

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In my country about 90% of elementary schools are run by the Catholic Church, and they can decide not to accept your child if they are not baptised.

It's a real problem when people baptise their children when they don't really believe because it gives the Church the ability to say "look how many people believe, we still have control" and it gives the government the ability to shirk their responsibilities and allow its own citizens to be denied entry to a school that their parents' taxes pay for on the basis that they didn't go along with the religion charade.

There is no compromise in a situation like that. It's important that people take a stand and show that they won't allow the Church to control them or their children's education.

7 years ago

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Different places, but seen your country, I completely agree with taking that stance in these circumstances...

7 years ago

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Yeah, different people have different backgrounds, which is why some people get so het up about whether or not to baptise children. It's impossible to please everyone, no matter what you believe.

7 years ago

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There you've got the worlds biggest problem by the balls my friend...

View attached image.
7 years ago

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" without religion, to become critical thinking citizens who investigate befor accepting things, always basing this on facts"
Imo, nonsense..
Not related at all :)

7 years ago

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why nonsense? why not related?

7 years ago

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My opinion is that your children should decide themself if they want to be baptized or not when they are older. They are still atheists like you. If your parents believe in a god, its their personal belief and your children have nothing common with it.

7 years ago

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They can choose to get either their "communion" or a "special party" when they are older...

The way I see it, if they fall in love with a girl/dude who wants to marry before the church, they don't have any extra costs anymore...

7 years ago

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What extra costs? :o

7 years ago

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To be able to marry before church, like her inlaws wanted, my sister had to be "rebaptised" when the church "lost" the documents concerning her baptism... That makes me the "godfather" of my 8 years older sister ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
This costed her an extra fuckload of cash...

7 years ago

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Seems like that church is in need of divine destruction for its crimes. Does anyone know of any spells that can bring down The Divine Meatballs upon the unworthy?

7 years ago

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Haven't seen you around-- or maybe I haven't been around as much? Nice to see your apologetically brusque, yet always fair and honest opinions. =) One thing for the OP to consider is the wishes of his wife, though. If she feels strongly about it, then compromise could be called for...it's part of marriage (which might be why it isn't for everybody, of course).
I also had twins, and am also non-religious (agnostic in my case). But I saw no harm in getting them baptized. I'm not dooming them to a life with religion. It's not going to change how I raise them with regards to religion or any other topic. But it made everybody happy (including my wife) and it was nice to see the family gather together (even if we had to schlep two screaming 6-month-olds to my wife's hometown).
Now, if my family starts pressuring me to take them to church every Sunday, well, that's not going to happen unless the kids themselves really want it. Just my two cents, cheers.

7 years ago

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Wanted to <3 you, then noticed you were allready on it... (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
Off course, how couldn't you be... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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I still lurk the forum a lot and post in various threads but I tend to avoid the sensitive ones now. I got sick of drama and arguments which never accomplish anything but cause negative feelings between members of the community.

Anyway on your point about his wife, I often forget that some (maybe most?) atheists are open to having a relationship/marriage with religious people. If she is indeed religious and wants their children baptized then I agree they should do it. He choose her after all and he should make compromises which don't hurt anyone and keep their relationship healthy.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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bumpity bump....

7 years ago

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It's a usual family conflict....

7 years ago

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No conflict here... Just taking life with some puns ;)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump for FSM. May you find yourself in the warm embrace of his noodly appendages.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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If you don't believe it and you won't raise your kids religious why bother baptising just because of family .actually nevermind family's are annoying as fuck better keep a peaceful life

7 years ago

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You got it... (─‿‿─)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Nothing to add, so a heartfelt meaningless bump. :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bring on the war between God, the angels and the devil! Go devil!

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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no, it will be chinese crabs, i'm tellin ya chinese crabs will take over the world

7 years ago

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Thanks for the train and have a bump. :3

7 years ago

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Shouldn't we be wondering how most religious 'branches' make us enter our children way before they are able to decide to do so themselves?
Clever recruitment concept, though ;-)

..and a free bump :D

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by VaKhajDar.