Another school shooting, this time in Maryland, happened today. Last I heard, two people were critically injured and not much else.

On another note, today as well, in Austin Texas, there was a nail bombing at a Fed-Ex warehouse. No deaths, but one person did get minor injures. Article said it was the fifth bombing in that area this month ALONE.

I swear, Trump must be going for the world record of in country violence reports.

These imbeciles in Washington, whom I did NOT vote for so I reserve the right to complain, need to get off the NRA payroll and put REAL gun control regulations into effect. Not little things like banning bump stocks. That and they need to get a way to limit the way people can get ingredients to make their bombs, even though that will be immensely harder to do than gun control.

Sorry if anyone gets offended by this. I'm just fed up with the way this country is mismanaged.

6 years ago

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So sad...

6 years ago

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wasnt he going to talk to game devs because of gun violence?

It is more the readily availability of guns and stuff thats the problem.
Saw once a gif with the amount of gunshops and supermarkets? (A) and the gif was scary, there where plenty of shops (A) but they where dwarved by the amount of gunshops...

6 years ago

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Problem is NRA pays for the government to keep them in business so the cycle will continue.

6 years ago

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and NRA is the weapons lobby? because I heard about that

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Starbucks vs gunshops.

6 years ago

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Not to mention our own overly glorified military that actually kills people in real life and shows tough guy/lone wolf-with-guns advertisements to teenagers. I know they aren't marketing that to mature adults.

6 years ago

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good, another cases to blame "violent gamer" lol
says country who SELL firearms LEGALLY

fak logik

on another note, it's really sad
what's with those shooting anway? depression?
it's not like getting PTSD from war, so how come it's even worst?

6 years ago

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I feel like people are capable of this very often but with no means they just get angry but relax.

However if you put a gun within easy reach, they don't calm down they see a solution.

6 years ago

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We need to demystify mental illness. Stigmas impede progress.

6 years ago

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Or at the very least give easy access to it. More people use Google than actual doctors to diagnose their mental illnesses, either because of stigma or lack of access.

6 years ago

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Exactly, that's the real problem.

6 years ago

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And the US government will ban videogames before putting gun regulations because "Videogames are too violent". This doesn't look good for you American gamers

6 years ago

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If they're proven to be the cause for violence then that makes sense, guns are just tools, the crazy PEOPLE are the problem. Eliminate the cause and there will be no effect.

6 years ago

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I don't like Trump at all, but the problem is less simple than banning guns or bomb ingredients.

You can make a bomb with the stuff you find underneath your kitchen sink, and even if every gun was completely banned there would still be tens of millions of illegal firearms in this country- not counting anything homemade. You can literally print a pistol in a 3d printer...

No one wants to talk about mental health it seems. When Reagan closed the mental institutions this caused a ripple effect throughout society. Mental health became more and more of a stigma associated with invalids, criminals, and the homeless; but no one talks about the lack of access to mental health care and the genetic links passed down from a generation of institutionalized people that were released by Reagan.

Sometimes, we simply pass off these people as idiots, or we marginalize them as something else- but we see them everyday. They walk beside us in our supermarkets, they post on Facebook, they vote in elections.

The problem, is that these people have easier access to guns than treatment. Everyone actually agrees about the need for gun control- I love to debate gun nuts personally. They may twist and contort themselves, but they agree that you should not be able to purchase rockets at Walmart or grenades at Costco. Even the most insane of gun nuts agree that the 2nd Amendment does not give someone the right to own nuclear or biological weapons.

There are many factors at play here, gun control is only part of the issue. There needs to be universal health care, mental institutions need to be reopened, and there needs to be a unified database dedicated to preventing those with mental health issues from obtaining weapons of any kind. People need to stop getting their medical advice from the internet and start getting it from health professionals.

The stigma and cost of mental health has been a barrier for nearly 40 years, and this needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

6 years ago

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Mental illness is a factor, and the US doesn't handle it that well, but it's only one factor. The omnipresence of guns is as big a factor. If a mentally ill person couldn't get hold of a gun quite as easily, it'd be harder for them to shoot up a school.
Look at it this way. The ingredients to make a bomb are readily available, but very few people actually go through the effort of learning how to make a bomb and then acquiring the ingredients. and, by the way, if you buy a large quantity of certain chemicals, the purchase is reported to intelligence agencies which will then make an assessment and possibly track you

It is true that changing the law does not reduce the number of illegal guns in the US, but the average school shooter wouldn't be able to get hold of an illegal gun anywhere near as easily as they can legally get hold of them.

Only in USA is it as easy to buy a gun, and only in USA are school shootings commonplace.

6 years ago

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I agree, there are way too many guns per capita in the US. I also cynically believe that even if guns were eliminated completely, there would still be incidents with mass casualties just with different means unless mental health is taken a serious look at.

These gun lobbyists like to play (prey) on fear. Ever since 2001, gun manufacturing in the US has doubled. This is definitely a big factor as you point out, but even in states like mine with the toughest of gun laws (New York) we still have issues. Instead of guns, they might use a truck and run people over as we've seen.

There are enough guns in the US for every man, woman, and child. Hundreds of millions of firearms coupled with the decline of mental health is what we see at work now, and it is only going to get worse unless something is done.

The ATF does track certain chemicals and components typically used in certain bombs, but this is futile. It doesn't come close to covering even half of the spectrum of volatile compounds that are bought and sold each day. Gunpowder, gasoline, and fertilizer are not monitored or tracked.

We need to find out what causes people to make such rash decisions that costs the lives of so many others. And yes, we need to make sure people do not have easy access to guns, and there needs to be less guns in general. It needs to be easier to get mental health care than it is to get a gun.

Thanks for the great post. =)

6 years ago

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It's a complex issue, but you have to start with the "cheapest" option. You can't solve everything at once, the US has way too many problems for that. So spreading awareness of these issues is fine, but try not too argue against implementing a first step, just because it's so complex.

6 years ago

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See , if the teachers had guns that wouldnt happen.

Also give warehouse workers Guns also .

6 years ago

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I think the solution is clear. Mandatory carry for every single citizen. That will certainly end gun violence right? /s

6 years ago

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Just leaving this great article here.

6 years ago

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It's a sad state of affair when The Onion is a more reliable source of information than some of the propaganda channels.

6 years ago

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Good thing youtube is banning firearm content... That will surely fix it!

6 years ago

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Banning guns (except for politician/celebrity bodyguards) solves all problems, just look at Chicago and other Blue cities. Crime is non-existent. cough CNN cough

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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I did say that politicians and celebrities can get them easily. Just that the average person has more hurdles than is constitutionally permitted to go through to get one, yet there you have Blue cities like Chicago and tons of gun crime.

6 years ago

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Chicago has some of the most strict gun laws in the country and has the most gun violence. Educate yourself.

6 years ago

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The problem is sick/disturbed people. Can't blame people who can't really do anything about that.

6 years ago

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Overview of gun laws by nation - Wikipedia
There are also such wikis.

In Japan, there have been no such things for civilians since the "sword regulation" and "gun control" in the Meiji era.
Well, was it about 146 years ago?
Ah, apart from terrorist organizations and cults.XD

6 years ago*

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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There is gun related news every day, not just today, so keep on posting daily ;)

6 years ago

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One of the stupidest posts I've ever seen, how can you possibly blame Trump for this, Obama was the one who was in power when this country started going to shit. Learn to think for yourself and quit being a sheep.

6 years ago

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I can blame whoever I want. Well, as long as the first amendment exists.

As for Trump, I've never liked him. Even back in the 80's and 90's when I first heard about him. So him being president, not MINE though, just doubled my hatred for him.

And as for Obama, it started at the end of Bush Jr's reign of incompetence. Obama just walked into a bad situation made worse by a hostile GoP.

6 years ago

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Banning guns will not solve problem of mentall ill people. If not with gun or riffle, they would do it with big kitchen knife or something else handy. But lets blame video games, guns and Trump/Obama/Bush/... because no reason. But even then USA have low number of killing per 100 000 citizens compared to other countries and all of you who live in USA are allowed to arm and defend yourselves and your families in the case of need. We from other countries are not so allowed.

6 years ago

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I think it’s a bit late to ban gun in the US now since whoever is more likely to go on a rampage probably already has gun(s). Cannot really blame either side of the political party though since how could they control millions of individuals. Best bet imo is to focus on education and mental help.

6 years ago

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Closing this before a mod comes in and starts suspending people, namely me, for getting out of hand here.

I apologize for the fighting I started.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by BHTrellis188.