It's my cake day! Where are my gifts?
First i want to tell you a story if you got time otherwise you can pass this scene. For a while ago my pc broke (My brother did it not me) and i tried everything. I was looking forums, YouTube, asking random people, trying to fix myself but nothing worked and i said "I am living in SG. Let's try to ask those people too." I opened a thread. I told my problem and suddenly you guys started to help me. You were like "Did you try that, do this, show that, post a photo, what are the specs tell us" etc. Eventually we couldn't fix it maybe i broke some more but that's okay. I always love this community from the beginning but the part that shock me was you don't even know me but some of you even got sad for me. However every good thing has an ending point. I am going to be a soldier. I was waiting to be called. Today the message came and next month I'll be on my way. (In my country every citizen that are over 20 have to go to military for 6 or 12 months) And you know the situations are little bit complicated these days. Of course I'll be back if nothing happens and will be the new president of SteamGifts. Until then you need to stay with current moderators. Anyways before i go i want to spend more time with you. So, i came with this idea that i always want to do since my first day.

I want to play a game
There are no rules. Just convince me to whitelist you. It's going to be a little game. You can comment anything. With a funny gif, a good video, a movie or a game recommendation, a joke or even some random things that you think would make me convince. Everything counts. Only rule to make the others think harder and push their imagination beyond their limits is: if i answer a comment that means you are in, no one can make the same comment. For example, you said "I will whitelist you back" and i respond "You are in" etc. I am only giving this example to not to give spoiler No other comments similar to this counts. So be creative, write something that no one could imagine or copy. It's going to be so much funny and show this people's creativity. Just give it a shot. It'll be fun.

I will add every comment that i found convincing here. So, you can check before write anything. Like i said in my cake day discussion i am checking this site couple of times every day. So, if i didn't answer your comments in 12 hours that means you couldn't make it. So try again or quit. Majority of the gamblers quit right before the jackpot. Remember that.

Now let's play!

My first real puzzle train. It has 4 steps. This is the first one:

Tango Whiskey Delta Echo^ Delta Golf Whiskey^

Games: STRIDER, Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Fort Solis, House Flipper Pets VR


  1. When people want to post a meme or a gif majority using this site.
  2. Some of you already solved the first part but couldn't get there because you are adding extra words to it. Try this "site name/code"
  3. For the second part, you need to look closer and assemble the pieces.
  4. If you got stuck on the third part remember everything has a unique id.
  5. For last part turn back to stage 3 and read more carefully if you can.

1) Start with spelling alphabet twdEdgW
2) Go to imgur make puzzle gif xppnncpr
3) Make a jigidi and post a permalink to my first giveaway
4) And post the GA code in braille language w93s9

  • Don't just try to get in. Maybe i won't even do a whitelist GA or maybe I'll do some junk games. Try to have fun.

Thanks to aliihsandikmen for correcting a point in puzzle.
No more joke
No more this thing what even is it But definitely check that.
Didn't expect a poem
A good speech
For revenge
A memory about the super dead target
Interesting topic to discuss
I put my soul into this comment I hope you liked it
Just yoghurt
For understanding this threads real meaning! WaxWorm
Funny gif
Site recommendation
A little exception
That's what i am talking about
For being Einstein
That's art
Everything is white
A story about me
Portal 2 YouTube video!
Special thanks to these people. They know why.
MarvashMagalli, Almostn33t, s4k1s

I have to write this, some of you even surpassed my imagination and done some unique things. Thank you so much.

2 weeks ago*

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I made a group for whitelisted people you can send request after i say you're in. It's worth it i promise. Group.

2 weeks ago*

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View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Looks delicious but how fast you came in. I didn't even finished it yet. :)

2 weeks ago

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and i still cant solve it

2 weeks ago

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I don't know where you get stuck but I'll add hints.

2 weeks ago

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View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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I was the first to say happy cakeday! Also I read your whole post 😁 Not sure if that is good/creative enough

2 weeks ago

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You can do better.

2 weeks ago

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Well then how about my mom's favorite joke when I was growing up? How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it

2 weeks ago

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Wait! Am I in by technicality? You said if i answer a comment in any way that means you are in.

2 weeks ago

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Haha sorry. That doesn't mean you are in.

2 weeks ago

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Noooooo. But you answered twice 😋 I did have a question though if you're OK with answering it. You said in your country every citizen over 20 has to do military service for 6 to 12 months. What determines if it's 6 or 12? Is it just what job you're given?

2 weeks ago

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It's about service difference. If you go as a sergeant you make 12 months but if you go as private (simply soldier) you make 6. You can make that decision by yourself at the beginning by choosing but final word still up to military.

2 weeks ago

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O ok interesting. Do you have to do any special training beforehand to be sergeant or is it included with the extra 6 months?

2 weeks ago

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Also I saw on your steam games you had a good number of hidden object games. You should check out hidden folks. It's a kind of where's Waldo find it game but all the noises are sound effects made by people making noise. It's pretty great.

2 weeks ago

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What has five toes that isn't your foot?

... My foot :)

2 weeks ago

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That got me of guard. Really laugh. You are in.

2 weeks ago

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Haha, yay!

2 weeks ago

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the answer ive known since i was a kid is your other foot

2 weeks ago

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I am the president of oatmeal raisin cookies are the best cookie club that also plays their SG wins.

2 weeks ago

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Nice to meet you president! I guess you are implying something.

2 weeks ago

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that I will absolutely go to town on oatmeal raisin cookies... I could live off of them... for some time at least.... before the malnutrition gets to me.

2 weeks ago

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Oh, your story reminded me of how I too suffered for about a month early last year with my pc problems. Flarking kernell error that kept crashing my pc, I couldn't figure out what was causing it for a while. Google didn't help at all, no matter how deep I went into it. As a result, I decided to change my old gpu, to the also old gpu (you know, the price of a new one is not so cheap now), but a bit more powerful. When I disassembled the computer, and started to mount the gpu I noticed that one of the wires was pulled out of contact with the motherboard, like something out of the diapason where the sound wiring is connected. Strange, but no matter how many times I disassembled the computer before when I tried to diagnose the error, it never caught my eye. I still haven't figured out what was causing the error, the old gpu or this yanked wire. Thank goodness that error hasn't returned since.

Anyway, I got a little caught up in the memories. Congratulations on your cakeday. I'll toss you a playlist that I stumbled upon just a couple days ago, but I've already listened to it 5 or 6 times. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

2 weeks ago

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Happy to hear that you solved your problem in a way but it turned out mine is a little bit more doomed. My whole pc turned into an oven cause of reverse electricity. Motherboard, rams, cpu, gpu i mean everything toasted. I am thinking to assemble a new one by myself after i get back.

2 weeks ago*

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Confucious quote "Man who go to sleep with itchy butt wakes up with smelly finger"
Words of wisdom

2 weeks ago

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Confucious was a smart man. ''The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.''

2 weeks ago

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Thats a good one reminds me of the old "feed a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for life."
Heres another funny confucius one
"It is only when mosquito land on your balls that you realize there is a way to solve problems without using violence."
And one more
"baseball wrong! Man with four ball cannot walk!"

Ehh sry if youve heard them before just found them thought provoking lol

2 weeks ago

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Sorry no more joke comments. I just checked your account i am trying not to do that for look every comment equally and really impressed you became 5 level in just one month. I am giving you a little special treatment. If you guess the second best puzzle game in 3 try you are in. First one is Portal 2. Want to play?

2 weeks ago*

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The Talos principle or the Witness are 2 id rank up there as far as strict puzzle games go. more recently i finished Superliminal and had a very portal like experience with it.. some of the puzzles really had me scratching my head for a while sometimes needing to take a step back for a bit to think about

2 weeks ago

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There were no answer to that. Just wanted to see what you'll say and you said 3 good puzzle games. You are in.

2 weeks ago

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Sweet! Thank you! Happy cake day by the way

2 weeks ago

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Antichamber is a really good one too. Manifold Garden gives the same vibes and is great as well.

My hidden gem, that was also my first giveaway here on SG, is the DROD (Deadly Rooms of Death) series. It's such a well made puzzle game, with so much depth to it. I'd recommend anyone to go through it chronologically, with the caveat that the first installment can be really sisyphean in parts and has one room at almost the very end that is somewhat "RNG" or better yet - a very weird AI behavior that you can't really understand, and you just have to be lucky to find the right path - if you have trouble with this room, seek the solution on youtube, or the game's website.

1 week ago

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I really saw that game for the first time. Thanks for recommendation but it's not cheap on steam. Is there anywhere that i can find more profitable?

1 week ago

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Are you talking about DROD, Antichamber or Manifold Garden?

1 week ago

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DROD you can tell me on steam to not to chat here

1 week ago

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I could, but I thought others might find this info useful too.

You can buy DROD through the dev's site (and get both a DRM free copy, and a steam key), but I think it's even more expensive there.

1 week ago

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I'm waiting you to return.
Let's take over this place, it's a peaceful or a rebellion (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.

In all seriousness, come back safe and remember if it's possible in the place where you go, remembered that internet doesn't know borders.

2 weeks ago

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No i decided I'll drop internet while i am there. For at least 6 months. Network is a great place when you hangout short time in it but if you loose yourself it becomes an addiction and a nightmare. I want to stay away for a while.

2 weeks ago

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Ooh, I have my own computer tale of woe. I had to ship my standard height large box computer. We double boxed it, lots of Styrofoam padding. Somehow, in shipping, they dropped it so hard, they crushed the reinforced steel corner in! (This was a 90s computer. Sturdy.) Corner was totally flat. Computer still worked!

We had insurance on it, but the shippers required we send the computer in for proof it was damaged. We boxed it back up, it was picked up, insurance claim paid. Computer comes back... They had dropped it again! Broke the 3.5" floppy drive door off (not even sure how!) AND... filled the entire inside of the computer case with styrofoam package peanuts! Static nightmare.

Computer still worked! Hard drive made ominous clicking noise, but continued to work as a spare drive for the several years I used it afterwards.

Hope you can build a worthy computer for yourself when that's possible. Kinda miss swapping all the parts between family computers. Was a funny but fun way to bond as a kid.

2 weeks ago

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Old things are really build different. New ones on the other hand are so much fragile. But that computer you mentioned is just like a shelter wow.

2 weeks ago

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Should have saved it for the zombie apocalypse! Could have a stunningly sturdy weapon and combo indestructible gaming computer. <Zombie smash!> <Quick game of pacman>

2 weeks ago

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They don't make things now like they did in the 90ies.
Did I sound old enough? How about this then: those damn kids today! We used to have better shipping companies! :P

Seriously though, now you drop a computer, you can grab the spare parts if you're fast enough.

2 weeks ago

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This comment was deleted 2 weeks ago.

2 weeks ago*

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There are no gifts, whole site is scam. You don't even get real cake.

2 weeks ago

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What? Cake is a lie?

2 weeks ago

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Yeah. At least you don't have to be afraid. Cake isn't real, it can't hurt you.

2 weeks ago

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Please boss, Please don't put me in the dark, don't make me go into the dark, I's afraid of the dark.

1 week ago

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This is such a great movie

1 week ago

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You know, I find it really interesting how many important life lessons I have learned from video games over the years. Geometry Dash taught me that I should never give up, because with enough practice I can do seemingly impossible things. Undertale taught me that it's okay to leave a few stones unturned. The Messenger taught me that this, too, shall pass. Omori taught me that while escapism and fantasy have their purpose, real life is more important. I hope that one day I can make great games that have a positive impact on players like those games did for me.

2 weeks ago

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Is this not enough? :(

2 weeks ago

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That is so cool! It's inspiring how you are looking at games with intent rather than just mindless entertainment.
Finding or Searching for value, no matter the subject, Solid outlook towards life 💖

2 weeks ago

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Sorry for late response. At first i wasn't impressed enough but after several read it's a really good speech. You are in.

2 weeks ago

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Now I'm stuck on the puzzle... Hmmm...

2 weeks ago

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Visit here where anything is possible.

2 weeks ago

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What the hell that was hilarious. You are in. If you got more like this toss me.

2 weeks ago

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Happy cake day and "hayırlı tezkereler" :)

2 weeks ago

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Thank you and sağol. Kütahya hava kuvvetleri çıktı acemiye bakalım. And you are in for that help.

2 weeks ago

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Hé, bonne journée du gâteau ! J'espère que vous en avez un bon !

Haha, je plaisante. Je ne parle même pas français.
Mais vous avez fait sortir le traducteur.

2 weeks ago

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Mais je sais. -_-

2 weeks ago

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Eh bien, c'est certainement embarrassant pour moi alors.

J'aurais dû choisir une langue plus dure. Comme... le latin.

2 weeks ago

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That maybe doesn't work either cause i know a little bit but i don't know french just kidding. Learned a lot at high school and university cause i am a paramedic. :D

2 weeks ago

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Do you know that you can make interesting puzzles with

For example, look for this hex:

Then look for wall 4, shelf 4, volume 22. Then open to page 12

Please let me know if you find, and regardless, please let me know if you have any questions

Happy Cake Day!

2 weeks ago

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Yeah i know this but you need to give the clues in a story or a speech otherwise it's not fun. And hey that's my name.

2 weeks ago

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In a peaceful village nestled at the edge of a vast, enchanted forest, there was a centuries-old tree known as the Zen Tree. Its 3 peculiar branches seemed to hold secrets of the ages, and its leaves rustled with tales untold.

Every evening, a young girl named Elara would sit by the wondrous tree, entranced by the sounds it made. She believed that the tree was whispering to her, quietly sharing hundreds of its stories of far-off lands and forgotten times. The villagers thought it was just the wind, but Elara knew better.

One night, as the moon cast a silvery glow over the village, the tree's whispers grew louder and more urgent. Elara approached the tree, pressing her ear against its rough bark. To her astonishment, the tree spoke in a clear, gentle voice.

"Elara, brave heart, a great adventure awaits you. Hidden within my roots lies a map to the mythical city of Eldoria. The city holds a treasure that can bring prosperity to our village."

With trembling hands, Elara unearthed the map, its ancient parchment shimmering with a magical light. Looking determined to find Eldoria, she embarked on her journey 3 minutes pass 3o'clock, guided by the tree's whispers.

Through dense forests and across treacherous mountains, Elara's courage and kindness helped her overcome every challenge. Along the way, she made friends with mythical creatures—like Lumis, the firefly who could light the darkest paths, and Thalor, the wise old owl with a knack for solving riddles.

Finally, after many moons, Elara reached the gates of Eldoria. The city was a dazzling sight, with golden towers that touched the sky and crystal-clear streams that sparkled like diamonds. At the heart of Eldoria, she discovered a hidden chamber where the treasure lay—a magical seed that could rejuvenate the barren lands.

With the seed safely in hand, Elara returned to her village. She planted the seed on the 30th street in her village, and soon, lush greenery and bountiful crops sprang forth. The Zen Tree watched over the village with pride, its leaves whispering songs of joy and gratitude.

Elara became a hero in her village, not for the treasure she brought back, but for the bravery and compassion she showed. And the Zen Tree continued to whisper, reminding all who listened that sometimes, the greatest adventures can begin with the simplest suggestions. And the story of Elara became the tree's 410th tale

2 weeks ago

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Happy cakeday, I remember your computer problem thread what came out in the end? And please don't play the hero in your military.

2 weeks ago

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And i remember you. It turned out my pc just burned in the end. I guess when my brother blow with a leaf blower fans turned too fast and cause a reverse electricity. Someone told this in that thread.

2 weeks ago

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Yes, a common mistake if you let fans spin while cleaning your pc with a blower or vacuum they work like little generators ruining your hardware possibly. Good luck and all the best!

2 weeks ago

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Well blame to my brother :(

2 weeks ago

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A Poem for your Cake Day

Gather around, it’s Cake Day again,
A time for joy with online friends.
But today’s a bit more bittersweet,
As I prepare to leave my seat.

Once my PC met its fate,
(Not my fault—my brother’s plate!).
I searched through forums far and wide,
Watched YouTube guides, but hope still died.

Then I turned to all of you,
"SG, please, what should I do?"
You jumped right in, you tried your best,
Specs and fixes, no time to rest.

Though the battle was fought, my PC was lost,
But I gained something greater, no matter the cost.
A place where strangers became my crew,
And cared for me like family too.

Now duty calls, I must depart,
A soldier's path, a heavy heart.
But when I'm back, just wait and see,
SteamGifts’ new president will be me!

So let’s enjoy this Cake Day feast,
One last slice before I leave.
Until I return, stay strong, stay bright,
SG, my home—my guiding light. 🎂✨

2 weeks ago

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Just be honest did you use ai? Even if you do it's still really good thanks you are in.

2 weeks ago*

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I wish I was this good at writing poems but yes, half AI and half me.

2 weeks ago*

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Happy 🎂day ErhanT

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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I know like every paradox and terms like paradox sorry i read a lot.

2 weeks ago

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View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Okay that's a funny gif. You are in.

2 weeks ago

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I'll give you a boring joke, a joke that's not even worth calling a joke

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.👊😼

2 weeks ago

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Omg! Don't do this to me.

2 weeks ago

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Here's a bunch of videos that I found interesting, and maybe you will too

The Zipf Mystery - by Vsauce

The mystery of "MICHAELSOFT BINBOWS" (in 2 parts) - by Nick Robinson

How a Free Browser Game Turned Into Dead Cells - by ThatGuyGlen

The LOST Pokemon Movie About An Actual Dinosaur - by NormalBoots

MissingNo.'s Glitchy Appearance Explained - by Retro Game Mechanics Explained

Knife Expert: The Truth About Knife Defense Will Shock You! - by Jesse Enkamp

Marvel's Ultimate Villain - by Mullet-Man Comics

2 weeks ago*

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2 weeks ago

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Awesome, I especially liked the comedy one. Pretty damn funny.

2 weeks ago

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My favourite joke:

Two great white sharks swimming in the ocean spied survivors of a sunken ship. “Follow me, son” the father shark said to the son shark and they swam to the mass of people.

“First we swim around them a few times with just the tip of our fins showing.” And they did.

“Well done, son! Now we swim around them a few times with all of our fins showing.” And they did.

“Now we eat everybody.” And they did.

When they were both gorged, the son asked, “Dad, why didn't we just eat them all at first? Why did we swim around and around them?”

His wise father replied, “Because they taste better without the shit inside!”

2 weeks ago

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It was a little bit funny actually but no more joke comments ;=)

2 weeks ago

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Fun fact. A lot of the Beatles tapes and interviews and were lost. But some of them were preserved thanks to Doctor Who. The Doctor has a device that can observe different moments in time and one of the tests they do is to show a Beatles clip from a Sullivan Show appearance. The original tapes of their appearance was lost, but that part was preserved thanks to the TV show.

2 weeks ago

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im in

2 weeks ago

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Is it working that way?

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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maybe so

2 weeks ago

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You shouldn't trust a completely broken clock, even if it shows the correct time 6 times a day.


Or, was it 5 times a day? Maybe 4.... No, no, 3 times? No, wait, 2 times a day! I am pretty sure, 2 times a day!



2 weeks ago

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When i was a kid i was thinking this ''Even a broken clock shows the right time twice a day'' quote is like there is a clock that not working correctly but somehow showing the time just right twice a day. How is that possible? After that i learned the translation to Turkish that i heard was wrong -_-

2 weeks ago

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OFFICER: The victims were dismembered and sacrificed on an altar made of antlers.

DETECTIVE: Dear god!

OFFICER: Most likely, yes

2 weeks ago

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You know i wouldn't say that but already got a joke comment in. I liked you from other discussions and cause how active your profile is, so you can do something really good. Try again. I am waiting!

2 weeks ago

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