As the title states, I would like to know what do you think about online dating sites. I would like to hear your opinions and stories whether you had some experience with them or not. Or if anyone around you had any experience with them. Please note that I don't differ between paid and free dating sites, take it as a one general thing,

I know it's fun to troll or mess around in the forums, but I would like some serious answers. I also know these sites are very different around the world, but there's not much I can do about that.

As somebody will probably ask... The reason why I want to know is because I'm sick and tired of being alone and have basically zero chances to meet somebody, ever. I always thought about trying these dating sites, but have been sceptical, thinking it would be a waste of time.

9 years ago

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Same question as the title for the lazy ones who don't feel like writing.

View Results
They are great/They are awesome.
They are ok.
I don't know/I don't have an opinion.
They are nothing much.
They are useless/They suck.
I don't want to answer, I just want to click something.

I made a blog of funny stuff.

9 years ago

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Wow! just wow! Maybe you should post the REAL picture of you, with the tick glasses and the unibrow. Good looking people like the one in your photo don't have time for games right? They're too busy fighting off the horde of stupid guys smitten by their beauty.

9 years ago

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I will definitely go through that when I find the time.

9 years ago

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Seriously how are you not married to the blue Power Ranger by now? He's incredibly smart, one of the world's greatest heroes, and he has a totally sweet ride.

9 years ago

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ha, good read :D

9 years ago

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I cannot read. Will you read it to me?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I lied I can read, I just want to hear your voice in my ear, making me laugh, making me feel again...

Holy fucking daylight drunkenness. I need to stay away from this Vodka! :(

9 years ago

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I never used any of that kind of website so I can't really help you here..

9 years ago

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It could work, but you have to be picky with the people that u talk or want to meet ... is not bad , is just another way to meet people :)

Just be smart with your selections and u gonna be good :D and maybe go out with someone really awesome !

9 years ago

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You are always so positive. Why don't I have you on my whitelist yet?
puts in the heart list

9 years ago*

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No problem :) i always try to help the people that i like from SG :D licks

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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lick :D

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9 years ago

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On a serious note why don't you put down your phone or ipad etc and actually talk to someone sitting next to you on a bus or train or a bench in the park?

9 years ago

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Well, the problem is....

  1. During workdays, I wake up at 6:30 and get home at 19:00. I have no time to actually go anywhere/do anything. Talking with co-workers really doesn't count.
  2. During weekends, I'm usually glad I have some free time for myself, that I do not go anywhere. Not that I get thousands of invites to go somewhere anyway. Most of my weekend time is dedicated to my family as well (meaning parents and relatives).
  3. I'm way too shy/introvert to talk to somebody on a bus/train like that. I also have zero confidence when it comes to my looks (I'm uglyyyyy).

I can't remember the last time I sat on bench in the park. I might do that. Our mental asylum has a nice park. I might meet someone nice there :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Can some guys confirm this is true?

9 years ago

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I do not carry anything with technology outside of my dwelling. For a few simple reasons. I like to make eye contact and converse with other people. And that we all get mugged and robbed here for dumb material crap gadgets like that. It is a trying time we live in now. It is filled with Heresy, everywhere.

9 years ago

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Tech HERESY! Tech HERESY everywhere!

9 years ago

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It is the worst thing to have happened since an asteroid for the Dinosaurs. Fucking Heresy!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Online dating sites are great for females who want to leave poor countries and get a rich (but usually old) husband in EU or USA.

9 years ago

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Talking from experience, I had like zero replies on local hungarian dating sites but surprisingly enough I had more luck with foreign ppl

Then again I dont like long distances and got burned by most of these so i got tired of it.
Had most of luck on FurryMate, its probably because people from the fandom are more into the person you are instead of judging by the outside and they have more sane expectations unless most people and mostly talking about girls hoping for mr perfect to arrive on white horse just like in the movies. The way I see is like there are two kind of people on these sites

  1. The popular ones who can have anybody they want small number of people usually
  2. The not so popular ones who are not as macho or badass and are just standing aside with s sour taste in their mouth most people
9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Jani neboj, to přijde. :-)

9 years ago

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Dík, už aby to bylo :D

9 years ago

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Online dating sites sound like a bad idea. But hey maybe it works so I say give it a shot.

9 years ago

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All dating sites will share one glaring problem: they're based around the idea of advertising yourself but none of us have an accurate self-perception. This leads to a lot of instances of finding someone who sounds like the cat's pyjamas but turns out to be very different. If you find someone interesting try to meet them in person as quickly as you can and are both comfortable doing so. That way you can start to discover sooner how accurate their profile was.

They do let you filter who you're looking for however which is nice if certain characteristics are mandatory to you, e.g. someone who doesn't want kids, someone who is of a specific faith or lack thereof, etc.

9 years ago

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That is true, I don't know who the hell I am :D
Seriously though, after some talking, I would like to see the person with my own eyes. Tells you much more than text and pictures. So I agree.

9 years ago

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Met my wife on a dating site as well. I don't think any of them are better at finding people than others (except eHarmony is dumb, you can't choose whom you wish to date?) unless you're looking for someone of a specific religion, interest, etc.

9 years ago

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Honestly? I think they could work, but our society is built all around sexual interactions for the fun of it. Not saying everybody is like that but it's what our society has built up to. I feel like it's all very... Underwhelming.

9 years ago

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You should make a survey with a giveaway at the end,link it on sg,and ask who scored high enough where they live at. Maybe you'll get lucky ^^

9 years ago

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If that someone was from my little country, that would be one hell of a luck. I should marry them right away :D

9 years ago

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I don't think it's entirely a good thing. I mean sure you might find someone you'll love but at the same time you are just as likely if not moreso to get a creep or crazy. It is inherent in any situation involving dating but with the internet there is no guarantee that what information people put out is accurate.

9 years ago

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It might work if you actually live in a country/city where people use it... such as USA/UK.
I got an OKC account, and theres like a total of 30 girls in my city, ranging from 18 to 50 years old.

9 years ago

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Well, my country is small, but I live in the capital city. That should give a small chance at least.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

9 years ago

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I think they are a good option for people to meet each other. The key is not to try to hide anything and to be as open and upfront as possible. Find someone you connect with and are a suitable match for and hope for the best. Wish you the best of luck friend!

9 years ago

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Being open is my thing and not a problem. Not being hot is the main problem though :)

9 years ago

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Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. :)

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9 years ago

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I thought this was a dating site and I just keep feeding the machine games and it will eventually spit out a mate.

9 years ago

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I would be willing to try, but most I've seen looked pretty fake, just trying to get your money

9 years ago

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I doubt men will try to get my money :D
But girls, yes. Probably. Some of them.

9 years ago

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I didnt mean people there, I meant sites with there ads "hundreds of women in your area"
yeah right ^^

9 years ago

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Oh, my bad! I get ya.

9 years ago

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Most of them suck, especially those that ask you to pay because reasons. But I can't complain, I am now dating a really nice and cute girl thanks to one of those sites, so they aren't that bad, its up to the people and their real intentions

9 years ago

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best dating site is "meetme" used to be called myyearbook

dozens of girls have been had by me thanks to that site lol

9 years ago

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They're ok i guess but go out and meet people

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Is that an invitation? wink wink

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Minous2.