Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Paprika (2006) - Decent for what it was but generally overrated anime. I expected something better. 6/10

Flubber (1997) - Not funny at all, boring and uninteresting. Wasn't horrible but far from good. 4/10

The Avengers (2012) - Great movie, what more is there to say? Only for people who enjoy such flicks though. 9/10

Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015) - Even better than the original. Tons of spectacular action is probably the movie's strongest point. 10/10

Batman: The Killing Joke (2016) - Saw it in the cinema and I thought it was very good, like all other animated Batman movies I've seen. 8/10

Cut Bank (2014) - Good crime/drama movie with good cast. 7/10

7 years ago

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Body Double (1984) - Amazing thriller directed by Brian DePalma with many adult themes and interesting plot. 9/10

Lady In The Water (2006) - Drama mixed with fantasy directed by M. Night Shyamalan. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. So stupid it hurts. Annoying too. 1/10

The Last Airbender (2010) - Bad movie. Very generic, bland, predictable and so damn boring. Acting was horrible too. Visuals were nice though. 3/10

Get Hard (2015) - Very funny comedy starring Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell. I just love comedies with Kevin. 8/10

Deadpool (2016) - One of the best superhero movies ever. Great humor, lots of action, great editing - everything was amazing. I regret not watching it in the cinema. 10/10

Gone Baby Gone (2007) - Amazing crime/drama directed by Ben Affleck. Great cast, very good plot with lots of twists, good photographs and so on. In general one of the best crime movies I've seen during last few years. 10/10

7 years ago*

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A Walk Among The Tombstones (2014) - Absolutely amazing crime/thriller starring Liam Neeson. If you like classic movies from this genre you will love this. 10/10

Sausage Party (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Very good animated movie for adults. There were some forced lines but generally it was fun and funny. 8/10

Seven Pounds (2008) - Over 30 metascore? Critics really don't know shit and IMDB rating just proves it. Very emotional movie with great acting starring Will Smith and Rosario Dawson (beautiful as always). Amazing flick. 9/10

Hancock (2008) - Good "superhero" kind of movie starring Will Smith. Funny and light. 7/10

The Mechanic (2011) - This is exactly how a Hitman movie should have looked like. Very good watch plus Statham, you can't go wrong with him. 8/10

The Gallows (2015) - Found footage type of horror. First 30 minutes of the movie is pure shit and acting is horrible but the rest is pretty decent. 6/10

7 years ago

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Train to Busan, a South Korean zombie movie. Absolutely fantastic, I couldn't recommend it more. 10/10

7 years ago

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Pain & Gain was so fun to watch lol. Interstellar is 10/10, period.

7 years ago

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Sphere was 10/10 for me, so mysterious and that damn twist at the end! Sci-fi perfection. Capote was so damn hard to watch but it was decent. I Saw the Devil is the best revenge movie ever imo.

7 years ago

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Dredd (2012) - Beautiful, masculine type of cinema. Great action flick all around. 9/10

Sully (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. It's a very good movie based on real events directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart. 8/10

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Best SW movie of the XXI century, period. Beautiful photographs, tons of action, very good acting, great music, interesting story and good emotional load. Last 15 minutes were epic. The whole movie is a must see, not only for SW fans. Probably gonna see it again tomorrow. 10/10

7 years ago*

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12 Angry Men
Not the one from the 50s, instead The William Friedkin movie. Director of sorcerer and Exorcist.
Im not that into the 50s stuff, Friedkin at least i know to be a fantastic director.
courtroom drama, set entirely in one room, where you look through the facts and story from the 12 Citizens point of view.
Aside from that, the characters and story are incredibly predictable, in a 50s kind of way. Yet the movie as a certain fluidity and i found myself glued to the screen, for its entire duration.
The Handmaiden
Erotic thriller, from Park Chan-wook, director of Mr. Vinganรงa and Oldboy
Some scoundrel convinced 2 women, wanting a way out from their present life, into exploiting one another other.
with Gorgeous cinematography as per usual.
I would really recommend it, though of course the Lesbian scenes and the love for Japanese Porn, might trow some people off.
it's reflected in its entirety, not just in its story, but literature and set design
This one is going to be part of my collection. It will sit perfectly well with David Lynch, Verhoeven and some Japanese movies like Air Doll...weird collection i know.

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7 years ago*

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The Ides Of March (2011) - Very good political drama directed by George Clooney and staring Clooney, Ryan Gosling and Philip Seymour Hoffman. If you liked House of Cards series you will like this movie as well. 8/10

Ratatouille (2007) - Very good animated movie about a rat who is on a quest to become a chef. 8/10

A Christmas Carol (2009) - Great animated movie based on Dickens' novel. Animation wasn't great but the plot and the way it was shown were amazing. Best moral of the story in the history of Disney movies (not thanks to them though but to Charles of course). 9/10

Mission: Impossible (1996) - Great action/crime type of movie. Classic at this point. 9/10

Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) - Second installment in the series is different than the first one. More asianesque, probably because it was directed by John Woo. I liked it very much even though very often it's ridiculous and extremely unrealistic. 8/10

Mission: Impossible 3 (2006) - One of my favorite action movies ever created. Everything is great in this part of the series. Plus Philip Seymour Hoffman was amazing as a villain. 10/10

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) - The next installment in the series is great but not as great as the third one. The villain was weak and there were too many unrealistic scenes. Still, tons of fun. The Dubai segment was perfect. 9/10

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) - As good as the third one. Pretty much flawless. Strongly recommended. 10/10

7 years ago*

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Last Knights
The procedure to americanize asian movies with whatever prolific actors you can find, independently of role, is well known.
This time, the studio went further and hired a director well known for his hot garbage and took away his signature color scheme, leaving us with just, Garbage.
The movie itself is half medieval courtroom drama, with some action bits later on. From what is supposed to be a remake of 47 Ronin
Hell or High Water
By far my favorite movie this year.
It's such a great feeling when you don't want to see the major plot point, but rather just follow all these great characters around. Sort of like my experience with Twin Peaks.
You want to know something cool, this and Battlefield Earth share the same cinematographer, Crazy...i know!
The Hunted
If you want to see a Rambo clone, by the director of The Exorcist, this would be it, but...
There is no real reason to watch it, Friedkin is not that great with these stories of Legend...but he did add a very solid chase scene

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7 years ago*

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  1. The Handmaiden (aka Plot twist Bitches!!!) 10/10 recommended based on story.
    2.The Wailing
7 years ago*

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John Wick.

7 years ago

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John Wick (2014) - One of the best action movies of the last few years. Starring Keanu Reeves. It has great atmosphere, very good photographs, music is outstanding and action sequences are amazing. Superb! 10/10

John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. As good as the first one. Audiovisual orgy! 10/10

The Angry Birds Movie (2016) - I honestly don't understand the criticizm. It's cute, funny, charming and interesting, different than all the other animated movies. I enjoyed it very much. 9/10

Top Gun (1986) - Amazing atmosphere and music, very pleasant classic starring Tom Cruise. 8/10

Days Of Thunder (1990) - From the director of Top Gun and starring Tom Cruise as well. It's about Nascar races. It's good but not as good as Top Gun. 7/10

Transformers (2007) - I have a weakness for this series. Great action sequences, very good humor, well shot and directed. Tons of fun. 9/10

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) - As great as the first one although many critics seem to differ lol. 9/10

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (2011) - Still great. 9/10

Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014) - Different characters and basically a different movie. Still, it was very good, especially when it came to photographs, action sequences and music. Just don't take it too seriously and you'll have fun. 8/10

A Cure For Wellness (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Amazing photographs (can't stress that enough!), good music, great atmosphere, interesting plot at first but the ending and the plot towards the end is really, really bad. Still, it's a good movie as an overall experience, for the sake of art. 7/10

Collateral (2004) - Crime/drama movie starring Tom Cruise (as a bad guy) and Jamie Foxx. It's very interesting and well done, kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. 9/10

Blue Jasmine (2013) - I'm a huge Allen fan but this was a bad movie. It's a picture about a stuck up bitch who complains about everything cause her life fell apart, she tries to tell everyone how to live and that they live their lives wrong while her own life is in shambles. Horrible mess, it's about nothing basically, about being stupid, if anything. 4/10

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - Never been a fan of Captain America but this was a very good movie. Especially loved Hayley Atwell in it playing Agent Carter - absolute Goddess, ideal of a woman. 8/10

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - It's basically another Avengers movie. Greatness. 9/10

Captain America: Civil War (2016) - And yet another Avengers movie. Tons of fun. 9/10

Logan (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Twice. It's the definition of how comic based movies should look like! And Rated R is a must, we don't need no PG-13 bullshit. A must see! 9/10

King Kong (2005) - Such a boring movie. Wasn't horrible though, just generic and predictable. CGI and special effects were laughable. 6/10

Kong: Skull Island (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Amazing photographs, very good music, good acting, great atmosphere. One of the best "monster movie" type of flicks of the last few years. Recommended. 9/10

7 years ago*

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lego batman, 10/10 btw

7 years ago

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Blair Witch
I hated it, granted i was never a fan of the original. I've watched simply for being a new Wingard movie.
Its not just that i dislike Found Footage, Its uneventful...and yes i knew what i was getting into.
First half has some bad dialogue, but the fast editing and quick cuts where entertaining, add some music and you got your own Prodigy music video.
During the Edo period, two Portuguese priests travel to Japan in search of their mentor, Father Ferreira.
Its a remake, although they might have a different focus,Here it is more of a discussion topic, aside from also being technical masterpiece.
For story and characters there is "The Mission" which is an alright movie.
The cast is a mess. Scorsese got whoever was popular at the time:
Liam Neeson, who was on "the Mission" has a small role, he wasn't really necessary.
Not to mention kylo ren was so much better than Private Doss, for the little time he was on screen...he has his mouth open in every scene
So many stars I almost forgot the rest of the actors were asian
Starred Up
Eric Love a 19 yo with severe anger issues is sent to an adult prison, where he meets again with his neglectful father.
In such a violent prison, where aggressivity and dominance are necessary for survival, you get to see the real emotions and aspirations that are confined to the small space of a cell or rehabilitation group.
After the Storm
It's another Koreeda drama, great characters, great stories real emotions.
flows from one piece of dialogue to another

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7 years ago*

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Hard ticket to hawaii

Nudity: off putting, serves for some laughs. Drags for too long and i skipped most of it. 4/10
Acting: awfully awkward from the actors side, wooden delivery from the women, who are just gorgeous models. 5/10
Memorable: one of the best things about it, when every scene is absurd, it's hard to forget it. 8/10
Action: barely any gunplay,ย  not even martial arts. 2/10
Practical/special effects : no effort whatsoever 1/10
Plot:like an alien figuring out how to make a movie, no understanding of our reality, dialogue or continuity. 2/10
characters: no development, boobies and muscles take the center stage. 1/10
Charm: not when women have no personality and where aimed at a specific type of men. 3/10
Quotable: very much so, here is a few: 10/10
-Calm down boss, we got bad news!

  • Lets unload and hit the jacuzzi, I do my best thinking there!
  • If brains were birdshit you'd have a clean cage.

I recommend searching for the best scenes. The plot doesnt really make any sense and its just curious find for its sheer absurdity.

7 years ago

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American Graffiti
George Lucas film prior to Star War.
Coming of age/teen comedy that both funny and really easy to watch, aswell as being quite successful at representing youngsters back in the 60s with just a few characters through one long night.
El abrazo de la serpiente
Few directors capture that magic of traveling through unknown locations, lost in time, away from the boundaries of reality of civilized world.
It just set during the right time with the right characters where the modern culture still lets them believe in the imaginary, while still showing the devastation of the modern man and the destruction of the mith/sacred.
The Cassandra Crossing
A group of passengers on a train have been exposed to a deadly disease. More than having these people working out the problem, it seems to be more how authorities are going to deal with it, and i was mostly waiting for the resulution.
This is not a good movie, it's a cheap disaster fiasco with mostly celebrities, like OJ.
At least Cosmatos isnt a terrible director, and he does try to go through a list of generic action, so the viewer does not fall asleep. because the the concept is anything but creative, the script might aswell be 2 pages long

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7 years ago

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The Young Offenders (2016) - Very funny and relaxing Irish comedy. I was pleasantly surprised. 8/10

Redbelt (2008) - Decent movie about martial arts but nothing really special. 6/10

The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter (2014) - Briliant stand-up, need to watch the rest of his work cause Fluffy is an amazing performer. 8/10

Finding Nemo (2003) - Classic animated movie at this point, very pleasant. 8/10

Finding Dory (2016) - Worthy sequel. 8/10

Gold (2016) - Saw it in the cinema. Very good movie starring Matthew McConaughey with some great plot twists along the way and great acting. 8/10

Ghost In The Shell (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. I expected something worse. It turned out to be a very good action movie with some great visuals, nice acting (Kitano!) and great American-Japanese atmosphere (pretty neat mix). 8/10

Prometheus (2012) - Very good sf movie, a lot better than I expected. 8/10

Alien: Covenant (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Critics appreciated it while the rest of the people didn't. Weird. Thought it would be the other way around. I loved it as an action/sf movie. It was predictable plus it's no horror at all. Still, very fun to watch. 8/10

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. It's as great as the first one. Fun, fun, fun and fun once again. 10/10

Get Out (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. I absolutely loved it. I wish the second part of the movie was more similar to the first one though but still it's a great picture overall. 9/10

King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Critics are crazy to rate it so low. It's basically Guy Ritchie in medieval times. Amazing montage, magnificent music, great photographs, good humor. Insanely fun movie. 9/10

6 years ago

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Wonder Woman (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Great humor is probably this movie's strongest suit. Acting was great as well, action sequences were nice. I enjoyed it very much. I only wish there wasn't so much jumping and flying at the end, it's not Superman. 8/10

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Loved it, front to back. Great humor, to be honest this movie is more comedy than anything else. Very light and pleasant watch. 9/10

It Comes At Night (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. Critics loved it, audience hated it. Why? More "festival" type movie than a blockbuster. The ending probably didn't help lol. Anyway, I love such flicks. 8/10

War Machine (2017) - Good satire of modern conflicts. Brad Pitt is always a plus. The humor is subtle, definitely not "hahahaha" type of movie. 7/10

Baby Driver (2017) - Saw it in the cinema. So far the best movie of 2017. Four years in the making, every scene, every second is planned and has a purpose. Music fits everything so well and the montage is just outstanding. Amazing job everyone involved, perfect movie. 10/10

6 years ago

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A Serbian Film. 10/10, best romcom I've seen in years.

6 years ago

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Brawl in Cell Block 99
From Bone tomahawk to this, i think i finally found a good substitute to Tarantino once he reaches 10.
Not even kidding, this is up there with reservoir dogs for me, i mean maybe, i've seen this once. But i'm super hyped for whatever comes next
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
It's a great setting, but heavily flawed. It preys on people's expectations, but when the time came, it was so unlikely, and convoluted, they decided to just abruptly end.
It might just be that they had copied the comic scene by scene, but when switching the main villain for another, they didnt even noticed the plot hole that was created
And this makes it the third batman animation with a changed but for the worst ending.

6 years ago

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The Foreigner few days ago.. It's 10/10

6 years ago

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American History X (1998) - Seriously, a 10/10 movie. When a movie makes you feel so many emotions, it's bound to be good. When a movie makes you think about it after its over, it's a good movie. When a movie hooks you in so that you don't even notice the time, it's a good movie. When all of these are put together... then that's a perfect movie. I genuinely felt uncomfortable outside walking my dog after watching the movie. I felt disgusting and afraid, knowing that if things were different, I, or anyone else might've ended up like him. Realistic drama and scenarios tend to get a bigger reaction out of me than the superhero flicks or some fantasy epic. If that sounds like you, check this piece of art out.

This is England (2006) - Another 10/10 movie. Lucky me. This time it's realistic, but it reminded me of my own childhood a lot and, again, how it could've been if things had been different (but this time it was very likely). I loved it from start to end. Probably the best British movie I've ever seen.

6 years ago

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Critics made it 10/10 cause it was a black movie and they tough it would be very liberal. I laughed hard when the idea of BLM was actually the bad guy and the idea of "WE the people, not the color" were the good guys.
Truth be told, I'd give it a 8/10, just because it was totally different of what I expected.

6 years ago

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The Great Dictator

Great movie 10/10! ๐Ÿ‘

5 years ago

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