Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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Part III of horror month

King of the Ants
Even the short IMDB synopsis spoils the film. It's a movie of increasing cruelty, ending without a shred of humanity.
It has a really good last act, but the ending and the dialogue do bring it down a notch. You can easily identify a Stuart Gordon film. But they always fill a bit rushed on some aspects.
Cannibal Holocaust
Yep still love it. Some movies should be judged on whether or not they achieved what they set out to do. It's not an easy one to watch, but it undeniably reached its objective
If you don't know what it is, it was a controversial movie back then, and it still is today due to Animal cruelty. Be warned, they did went to the jungle and killed a shit load of animals. In fact, i sure as hell didnt ask what a turtle looks if we cut it off its shell. Long story short, the spine is connected to the shell, and the bottom part sort of holds its organs.
Its also known for having some of the cringiest dialogue lines even among other italian directors.
For me it works, due to those issues. It reached its goal, just by dumb chance.
Cannibal holocaust is a statement on media sensationalism. And it does exactly what "real" news does, it manipulates and portrays people in the least relatable way. So much so, that the world believed that some of the footage used was indeed real.
The other half of the film is supposed to be "filler" to sell the real (fake) footage, as an actual feature film, so they can make money off of it.
cringe dialogue as "who are the real savages" spoken in monotone by the person who supposedly found the footage, just helps selling the whole package.
It's an alright haunted house flick. It's not as violent as most italian films. But...those italians, right? They sure love some sexual tension in their films, much like Amityville 2 (btw the best Amityville). The issue here is that it's a bit inappropriate.
Ghosts of Mars
The sad reality is that even if Carpenter did the absolute minimum, it's still better than half of the movies i see every year. What is there to say about this one there is nothing original about it. Humans colonize mars, evil spirits rise to take their land, humans kill the evil spiritis. It's not like Aliens, or Starship troopers. It's more like Ice Cube defeats the largest Metal band on Mars.
The CGI sucks, the acting sucks (well, ice cube seems to be enjoying it). However, this is one non DOOM movie, that is better than the real DOOM movie
There should be more chimpanzees in horror. They are terrifying, really. Its an unpredictable animal, that people put more faith in just for being closely related. Its like 3 times stronger than a normal person and they sure as well don't question how much force they will use when threatened.
They are capable of some real cruelty in the wild. As anyone seen that footage of them cannibalizing the dominating chimpanzee.
Kinda smart to, there's a group of chimpanzees that learned how to domesticate dogs, all by themselves.
Now the movie uses that pretty ok, it frustrates you because it puts the main character in a mansion filled with them. These animals are part of an experiment, and the scientist abuses them a bit, because he believes to be the alpha.
Just like the Von Braun's experiments (System Shock 2) he is trying to make them smarter, while kinda torturing them, which is not a great idea. And these ones don't even have cryokinetic blasts.
Anyway, back to the film, the reason i said there arent that many chimpanzee horror films, is seen here. Link is describe as a Ape horror film, from there you can deduce there will be no violent monkeys
It's really good though, you never know when a certain Orangutan is gonna snap. for a while, you dont even know how much involved the other monkeys are

5 years ago*

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Mandy - Still not sure if i should give the movie a 1/10 or a 10/10. But Nicolas Cage was great.

5 years ago

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Shutter Island

5 years ago

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Watched lately:

The Lives of Others 8/10
Aguirre, Wrath of God 9/10
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote 8/10
Wildlife 7/10
The Great Beauty 8/10
How to Talk to Girls at Parties 7/10
Based on a True Story 6/10
Widows 7/10
The Sisters Brothers 8/10
The House That Jack Built 10/10

5 years ago

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Aquaman and Godzilla the planet eater
Aquaman was great 10/10
story was good, humor was great and the Action scenes were awesome.

Godzilla the planet eater 3/10
this was really, really disappointing terrible way to end a trilogy

5 years ago

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The Favourite 9/10
Arctic 7/10 (plus a really embarrassing event with Mads Mikkelsen himself, poor guy has such pathetic fans that are only able to see Hannibal Lecter in him)
Roma 10/10 (literally one of the best movies I've ever seen)
Climax 7/10
The Delinquent Season 8/10
Apocalypse Now 10/10 (last watched it as a teen, and, well, it's still staggering)
What We Do in the Shadows 7/10 (not as hilarious as promised - or maybe there's something wrong with my sense of humour)

5 years ago*

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The Square 9/10
Okja 8/10
Beanpole 9/10
Parasite 9/10
The Mirror 10/10

Looks like I've been doing a damn fine job at choosing what to watch lately.

4 years ago

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Spider-Man: Far From Home 10/10 i really enjoyed this movie

4 years ago

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Vice great movie maybe 10/10 and Disturbia on HBO good maybe not great, I like D. Morse ;-)

4 years ago

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Mandy 7/10
Fight Club 10/10 (celebrated the movie anniversary by watching it in a cinema, still a masterpiece)
The Dead Don't Die 7/10 (pretty weak for Jarmusch)
Vox Lux 8/10
The Babadook 8/10
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood 10/10 (definitely the best Tarantino's movie since Pulp Fiction)
The Hateful Eight 8/10 (yes, I haven't watched it until now, and that's weird)
Green Book 7/10 (not bad, but nothing really impressive except for the two leading roles; I don't get how it has been chosen over Roma for Best Picture)
Avengers: Endgame 5/10

4 years ago

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Zombeavers 10/10

4 years ago

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  • Rocketman 8/10 (didn't expect to enjoy this one considering that I hate musical films, dislike(d) Taron Egerton and has always been indifferent to Elton John, but it was surprisingly fun)
  • Memories of Murder 10/10 (my new all-time favourite Asian movie)
  • Dark Phoenix 4/10 (I really should stop watching movies just because they've got Fassbender in them: as much as I like him, the dude tends to participate in impressively bad stuff lately)
  • Mulholland Dr. 10/10 (last watched it maybe 10 years ago, and, well, it's still one of the best movies ever made)
  • Ad Astra 6/10 (I'm being generous because of Pitt's performance and quality of cinematography)
  • Joker 9/10 (a rare case of expectations fulfilled, amazingly good - especially for a mainstream movie. And while we are at it, Joaquin Phoenix is probably the single best actor of his generation)
  • Dragged Across Concrete 7/10 (pretty decent for a genre movie, but that's it, it's nothing more than another genre film)
  • The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 8/10 (absolutely loved the first and the last segment; on the other hand, there were also some fillers)
  • The Idiots 9/10 (I wouldn't call it one of my favourite von Triers's movies, but still, everything I love this director for is very much here)
  • The Souvenir 7/10 (this is a pretty mediocre British movie, I watched it because I was curious about Tilda Swinton's daughter - and yes, while the girl doesn't exactly look like a full-fledged adult actress yet (it's her debut after all), there's something genuine about her)
4 years ago*

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)

Didn't know that I needed more Breaking Bad after the fantastic finale, but this is a very good epilogue. Obviously this "movie" only works, if you have watched the show before, and to completion at that. Aaron Paul is purely amazing in this.
As a movie on its own I'd give it a 9/10
As an extended BB episode, this is one of the best.


4 years ago

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I rewatched Interstellar (2014) on 1st with my friend while trying to recover from the excesses of new year's eve. What can I say, for me it's a 10/10, and the very best scifi movie since 2001: A Space Odissey.
Actually the last movie I watched was Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales just today, because I was doing a rewatch of the saga since past week, but I don't think it's worth mentioning :p Interstellar is way better.

4 years ago

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Angel has Fallen (2019) - 6/10 - Decent action, easily foreseeable plot.
Green Book (2018) - 5/10 - Watched only because of the Bulgarian actor that has 4 lines. I guess the hype was only for the "can't we all get along" story.
Once Upon a time... in Hollywood (2019) 8/10 - Great finale. Could have been 60 minutes shorter.
Joker (2019) 10/10 - J. Phoenix builds amazingly deep sociopath.
The Irishman (2019) 9/10 - Amazing cast and performances. Could have been 60 minutes shorter.
Apostle (2018) 6/10 - Interesting concept of thriller turned into a gore horror. I can understand more "save the planet" ideas than in Mother (2017)
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) 10/10 - Amazing performance by R. Malek. Made me realize I know much more Queen songs that I though :D

4 years ago

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  • The Irishman - 9/10 (elderly Scorsese is still extremely competent)
  • The Snowman - 5/10 (yet another awful movie with Fassbender in it, looks like it's the only only kind of movies he plays in these days)
  • Jojo Rabbit - 8/10 (maybe a tad overestimated, but that couple of kids playing the main parts were pretty awesome)
  • The Gentlemen - 8/10 (I've long since given up on Guy Ritchie, but here we go, it's almost as fun as his early British movies)
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire - 9/10 (a powerful feminist statement and a beautiful love story without a hint of vulgarity)
  • Little Women (2019) - 8/10 (what can I say, I absolutely adore Ronan and Chalamet)
  • DAU. Natasha - 6/10 (definitely not talentless, but deeply pornographic and way too cruel a movie. I mean, von Trier looks like an innocent young boy compared with Khrzhanovskiy. I think I've satisfied my curiosity about this project)
  • The Fly - 7/10 (I was too late to watch it, without nostalgic element it unfortunately looks archaic in 2020)
  • The Seventh Seal - 10/10 (I'm speechless, definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen - and it feels almost like a modern arthouse movie, not like something created more than 60 years ago)
  • Suspiria (1977) - 6/10 (sure, the visuals are pretty, and the soundtrack is impressive, but that's it, I haven't got anything else to praise this movie for. The story is incredibly silly, and acting is poor to a degree of hilariousness. I've enjoyed the remake so much more).
  • Eraserhead - 9/10 (Weird. So weird, even by Lynch's standards. Loved it)
  • Chernobyl - 10/10 (this one is special to me partially because of the tenderness and respect it treats my former and current compatriots with)
4 years ago

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Just watched Memento, 10/10 tbh

4 years ago

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Fight Club

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - 10/10

3 years ago

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  • The Dark And The Wicked - One of the best horror flix I've seen in the past several years. It's a really fucked up movie. In the running for the best horror film of 2020. A must watch if you're a fan of horror. 10/10
  • Love And Monsters 9/10
  • Underwater 9/10
  • The Invisible Man 8.5/10
  • Unhinged 8/10


  • Bad Boys For Life - Love part 1 and 2, this one wasn't as good as those but enjoyable. 7.5/10
  • Terminator Dark Fate - Was better than I thought it would be. 7/10
  • Brightburn - Cool Dark Superman film. The end credit clips of other dark characters was pretty cool. 7/10
  • Anna - Cool spy film. 7/10
  • The New Mutants - I enjoyed it although underwhelming. It was nice to see new characters from the Marvel Universe finally used in a film. Wasn't really a fan of the ending. It's not an MCU film but it is under Marvel so it was finally great to see a film under Marvel use the word Mutants. 6/10


  • The Craft Legacy - Interesting twist. Ending scene was really cool. 4/10
  • Relic - Lots of people liked this movie, unfortunately I didn't. I actually had to watch a video to explain the ending cause I thought I missed something. Nope, didn't miss anything. The ending sucked. 4/10
  • The Pale Door - ..,..... 2.5/10
  • Child's Play - One of the worst horror remakes. Not as bad as the Poltergeist remake though. 2/10
3 years ago*

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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

Wow, it's probably the most underrated movie I've seen. I thought it was amazing, and possibly even better than the TV series (excluding S3 as I've yet to see it).
The movie forgoes all the usual lighthearted goofiness and comedy aspects central to the show, and instead is a very dark and mature horror drama. It's quite a necessary change I believe as the subject matter and themes are disturbing and the movie is one to take seriously. It's emotional; it actually made me feel emotions, and I cannot recall many movies that have done that. The movie is unsettling, has a great soundtrack, great acting, great albeit simple cinematography, great characters, great horror and surreal elements, and a great ending. There's little I can criticise about the movie, except it's not really good to see it unless you've watched the first 2 seasons of Twin Peaks, since it spoils the major mystery of the show.

For a rating at the moment I'd maybe give it a 9/10. This is a movie that will stick with me and keep me thinking, so my score might change. Probably will end up being 10/10.

3 years ago

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Grave of the Fireflies (1988) - 10/10

3 years ago

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Finally got to see Wonder Woman 1984.

I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

It was worse. It's made the top 10 worst movies I have ever seen.


3 years ago

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𝙎𝙚𝙙𝙖𝙩 𝙋𝙚𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙑𝙎 𝘼𝙆𝙋 (𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭) 10/10

This movie is actually real, but it is the most exciting movie you can watch in the world. The mafia, a former partner of the Turkish government, chronicles the crimes committed by relatives of government officials and the drug trade. Definitely follow if you can find the English translation.

3 years ago

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