Which one is best if anyone of you had used it right now, Sometime google(websites,Youtube) Reviews are not good enough visually, I want to know if you had proved it if you got the Gcard

7 years ago

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1070 from far

7 years ago

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I'd go with a 1070, I don't want to bother with sli and potential bad/unsupported scaling in some games.

7 years ago

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GTX 1070

7 years ago

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In terms of strength, it's simple.

1070>980ti>RX 480.

With the gap between 1070 & the 980ti being bigger than between that of the RX480 and the 980ti.

In terms of performance per $/€/£ it's

RX 480>1070>980ti

7 years ago

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you sure 980ti is better?
480 is the newer gen right?

i agree completely for the performance per money ;)

7 years ago

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The tests I've seen place the 1060 just above the 980ti, and the RX 480 just under it. That is with games that are on the market right now, future games might favour the 480 due to it having better DX12 support.

And yes, the 480 is a newer gen card, but it's a a lower mid-range card of this generation of graphics cards (none of the low-end cards of the current generation has been released yet, but they're on their way), while the 980ti was the upper end of the last generation.

7 years ago

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i saw 1060 vs 480 and they were very close. mostly in favor of 1060 but nothing conclusive in my opinion.
when the scale goes to a few thousands (i have no idea what the units were, arbitrary i guess) and the diff is a few tens i consider it the same (or a measuring error).

i read this

and i forgot, the 1060 is much better with power consumption. which is an issue for low end PSU and for heat generation ;)

edit: damn, the op asked about 1070, and i though about 1060.
all the time, not your typo

7 years ago

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In the tests I've seen, the 1060 wins over the RX 480 by a small margin in most games, offering slightly better performance. Hitman is one of the games where the 480 shines. But while the 1060 is slightly more powerful than the 480, it's also slightly more expensive. Both cards look like they offer good value in terms of performance per money.

7 years ago

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CrossFire and SLI aren't supported in all of the games and when you choose between the 980ti and 1070 then it's obviously the 1070 :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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money wise? go with AMD480
if not, got with 1070, strongest. currently 980 is a waste of money imo
maybe you can find a price cut or something to make it worth it

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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If you don't want to pay much go with 480. If you want performance, go with 1070.

Here's a couple of benchmarks to help you make a decision.



7 years ago

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So NOBODY asked OP what was his preferred resolution to play, his PC components (to know if it could be bottlenecked), neither no one mentioned Vulkan and Dx12, nor the fact that W10 would provide a better mixture or "sharing" of vgas. Also, devs usually go with the paying ads company, in the past and maybe present it always was nvidia's, so we saw their logo in pretty much every game except a very few ones. Now, with the new api and tech, things may or may not change.. we'll see.. Maybe this time devs go with the better tech, proven already in your beloved DOOM.

Want to stick with expensive and not quite proved performance? go nvidia
Want a very competitive priced card that can also throw a punch? go amd. BUT I suggest you not to buy reference, for neither brand, pick a custom one you'll thank me later.

Good luck bud :)

7 years ago

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I don't know about the prices in your country, but here 1070 costs 200€ more than 480 does. Taking this into consideration, I can't see why would you even bother to compare these 2.

7 years ago

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The 480 is a good deal at the MSRP of $240 (8g model) IF you can find it for that price. Every listing on Amazon is $300 or higher and everywhere that is listing it for the $240 price is out of stock.

7 years ago

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If you want maximum power now, can afford paying an extra, and will keep it only 1 year at most, GTX 1070.
If you can cope with slightly less power now, want to pay a bit less, and want a more future-proof card, Rx 480.

But, before choosing, we should know the rest of your configuration: CPU, amount of RAM, and most importantly, your power supply.

7 years ago

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if u don't have budget problem go with 1070 for 2K gaming.

7 years ago

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I'd go with the Rx 480 simply because I'm all about bang for the buck. Ofc, I also have no intention on playing on higher then 1080p myself.

7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by empoazhafikah.