Current Whitelist count: 284 :)

Important update June 2024

Hello there.
My views on this changed, so I will post an update. All these criteria have just one goal: To find active members of SG who don't cheat, don't leech, don't game the system, do play fair and are contributing to this site with giving away more then they win.

  • I am only considering "Real CV", not the "normal" CV SG shows. You can find your own numbers via SGTools.
  • I am looking to add members whose Real CV ratio is over 1:1. The higher your real CV sent is in contrast to your real CV won, the more likely it is for me to add you. That means: Someone with a 2:1 sent:won ratio is more likely to be added than someone with a 1.1:1 ratio.
  • If you have multiple or non-activated wins, you're out. Except when I can clearly see that those are really old and you learned from your mistakes.
  • I am not considering leechers.
  • I am not considering members with a ratio lower than 1:1 in real CV.
  • I am not considering you if you only give in small groups with the intention of CV farming (kinda hard for me to find out, but I am trying).
  • I am not considering you if I can clearly see that you exploited the system with the intention of CV farming (giving away many copies of $1 bundles that result in a high CV value, giving away many copies of price glitches that can only be bought in a certain country but give full CV, giving away overpriced games and so on). If you do "normal" giveaways and give 1 or 2 copies of those bundles away, it's all good in my book. As long as the other giveaways are the majority by far.
  • If you're in a circle jerk group and have to do GAs for that tiny group once a month, I will let it slide if you also do a lot of public or event GAs in that month. If most of your GAs are for circle jerk groups, you will not be considered and active members will get kicked from the WL.
  • Members have to be active. If you didn't do a giveaway in the last 12 months, you're out. The only exception to this is, if you also did not enter any giveaways in that timeframe. The more recent your giveaways are, the better.
  • If you're only doing 1 or 2 giveaways per month, you will most likely not be considered.
  • If you're complaining and complaining and making drama why I added X but not added you, then you are not who I am looking for.
  • If you're VAC banned, you're making it hard for me to add you. I will look at it on a case by case basis.
  • If you're blacklisted, you're blacklisted for a reason. No, I will not remove you. You don't have to ask in this thread. You don't have to create drama.
  • You should have done some public giveaways since your registration date. I know that this may sound ridiculous coming from me at a time where I stopped doing public giveaways. But until I changed the way I am giving away my games, I only did public giveaways. I am looking for something similar within you. So if I only see private giveaways due to trains or puzzles and such, please provide a link to the corresponding thread in the forum. Otherwise I have no way to check if those privates weren't "circle jerks".
  • If you're only giving away region restricted games and are winning mostly ROW games, you probably will not be considered.
  • Oh, one more thing: You don't have to add me to your WL in return. If you want to, that's completely up to you. But you don't have to. I am not looking for a 1:1 whitelist exchange of some sorts.

Aaaaaaand that's it! Kinda easy to get on my Whitelist, isn't it? ;)

6 years ago*

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Hi there! May I?

6 years ago

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Your stats look like someone I am looking for. Whitelisted :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you very much! :)

6 years ago

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show me what you got!

6 years ago

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Can't really tell if your private giveaways are trains or puzzles you publicly post or links you share with only a small group of people.

6 years ago

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Mine are puzzles
I have no friends

6 years ago

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Real CV won is higher than real CV sent, so I am afraid I have to decline at this moment. Sorry!

6 years ago

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No worries


6 years ago

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Thank you for your understanding

6 years ago

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How do you find out Real CV?
Actually.. found how you do it at the end of the thread :)
My high value wins ruin me by the looks :( haha

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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I think for my 7 month in this community i gave many games away :) But I have still 100 keys ready to give away :D Just waiting for the right time ;D

6 years ago

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Du bist definitiv auf dem richtigen Weg :) Momentan würde ich gerne noch ablehnen, aber einige Giveaways mehr/später kann sich das ändern ;)

6 years ago

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Ja klar :) Eilt ja nicht ;D

6 years ago

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Danke für dein Verständnis!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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While I really like your events, your real CV won is higher than your real CV sent, so I am afraid I have to decline at the moment. Sorry.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you for your understanding

6 years ago

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Are you accepting nominations? Is such a pillar!

6 years ago

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Of course! LostSoul already is on my WL for a looooooooong time :)

6 years ago

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Testing. Testing, testing... testing. Oi?

6 years ago

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Passed with flying colours ;)

6 years ago

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Thanks a bunch. I will take this opportunity and expand my own whitelist with some of these guys as well :)

6 years ago

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Good call! :)

6 years ago

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Meine Statistik sollte Deinen Wünschen entsprechen.
Wünsche Dir noch ein schönes Wochenende. 😎

6 years ago

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Da hast du sogar recht ;) Vielen Dank und dir ebenfalls ein schönes Wochenende!

6 years ago

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Can I join? Not sure about your requirement, but can I try it?

6 years ago

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It is always worth a try :) At the moment I will have to say no, sorry :-/ Ratio real CV sent to real CV won is still a little too low for me, but I am sure you are getting there!

6 years ago

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no problem, thanks for looking out!

6 years ago

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You're welcome and thank you too

6 years ago

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Hope you find what you are looking for... there are a lot of nice people around these parts :)

Have a bump.

6 years ago

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Thank you! Already found some new and worthy additions :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I.. I wasn't looking for spots on anyones whitelist with this thread but thank you very much, of course! :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Can I join??

6 years ago

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I am afraid I have to say no. Your real CV won to real CV sent ratio is not what I am looking for, sorry.

6 years ago

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I fail on that pillar thingy. ^^

6 years ago

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Many group giveaways the last months but I am willing to give you a shot, since your real CV sent for public giveaways is still quite high :)

6 years ago

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Hi AmanoTC, I haven't seen you post in a while, hope all is well!

6 years ago

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Everything is fine, thank you. Work takes up a lot of time, a relationship needs attention and since I stopped live streaming I actually have time to play games again, mostly playing WoW with the wifey ^^
Whitelisted, of course :)

6 years ago

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Could I be considered? Thanks!

6 years ago

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The total amout still is not that high but your ratio between real CV sent and real CV won is more than 2:1 and you're doing mostly public giveaways, so welcome to my whitelist :)

6 years ago

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Thanks! Still working on the volume/CV. I've only been active in the last few months. I joined and forgot about the site after a day or two, for about a year and a half.

6 years ago

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No worries, it can only get uphill from here on out ;)

6 years ago

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I'd like to expand it.

6 years ago

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Your wish shall be granted :)

6 years ago

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I never look at my stats, outside of my level. So, I will leave it up to your discretion if you want to add me to your whitelist.

6 years ago

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Your real CV won is higher than your real CV sent, so I am afraid I have to decline at this moment. Sorry!

6 years ago

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No problem. Thanks for the consideration.

6 years ago

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You're welcome and thank you for your understanding

6 years ago

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have a try 😎😎

6 years ago

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While your stats are certainly really good, they are not what I am looking for. Pardon me :-/

6 years ago

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I'd like to join:)

6 years ago

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It was close, but since you did mostly ROW giveaways the last months, you passed. Welcome to my WL :)

6 years ago

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count me in ;)

6 years ago

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I won't, sorry.

6 years ago

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Not sure if I will be worthy of your whitelist

6 years ago

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You are worth everyone's whitelist :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Many times over!

6 years ago

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Hey Cow! I started looking at your stats a long time ago and only considering those, I have to decline. But since I know what you are doing outside of SG, it is a resounding yes from me :)

6 years ago

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I'm poor. Hope you find some people.. really great people around SG. Goodluck. Edited: Like the user that posted before me <3

6 years ago

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It's not about being rich or poor, it's about the attitude, mostly. Thank you for your wishes! :)

6 years ago

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Agree. Give and take. I would love to have enough to do some awesome giveaways here and to support indie games or art. Helping and making others happy is money well spent. Cheers m8.

6 years ago

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Have a nice evening :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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I have to decline at this moment, but I will keep an eye out for you, you seem to be promising :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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There is no easy answer to this because it is my own personal taste ^^
If you do more public giveaways on this site, you will lose your hair much faster and will get to know the support members really good ;) On the other hand, if you only do group and non-public invite only giveaways, everything will be a much smoother experience but you will exclude most members and form somewhat of a small and private community within a community.
So like everything else, it is your own personal choice :)

6 years ago

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Whitelists make people feel happyy

6 years ago

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They do

6 years ago

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I would like to join.

6 years ago

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I am afraid I have to decline, sorry :-/

6 years ago

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May i

6 years ago

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Not to sound like a broken record, but I have to say no, sorry :-/

6 years ago

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