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professional reviewers are paid to give good scores

1 decade ago

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Yep. You can see what happened to Medal of Honor when EA didn't pay ;)

1 decade ago

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That would mean the end of the writer's career, but you surely know better.

1 decade ago

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There would always be a job waiting for them at IGN.

1 decade ago

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Made me laugh.

1 decade ago

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this ^ is acctually true XDDDDDD

1 decade ago

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They get paid with doritos and mountain Dew

1 decade ago

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and users are biased as F. I've played way worse games that have gotten better ratings. We all know COD isn't terrible and we all know it's stale now but I think we can all agree it is not a 4..

1 decade ago

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Yup. For most people it seems like it's either a 0 or a 10.

1 decade ago

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And don't forget how often users just bomb a score for some stupid reason that isn't related to gameplay.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, how dare people be biased when they're giving their own personal opinions!

1 decade ago

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Tell me you're serious, have you seen any of the user reviews ? Please tell me even 1/3 of them are worthy of being read.

"Terrible, terrible game. -Futuristic setting is boring -Multiplayer Killstreaks are boring (and even more unbalanced than MW2) -Gun Audio is bad, MW3 was better, in fact. -Terrible Graphics -Campaign is incredibly linear and boring. This game is terrible, around the same "quality" as MOHW"

"Same game as any other Call of Duty after COD 4, adds absolutely nothing new. Campaign fells like a boring B-movie. What a huge disappointment and a waste of money."

This is pretty much how it goes for pages. I bet you half of them at least haven't even bought the game , let alone played it..

1 decade ago

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But after CoD 4 they were pretty close to the same. The campaigns DO feel like a boring B-movie. If you want a good single player game, this would be a huge disappointment and a waste of money. How is that review not valid? The first one too, is valid despite not giving reasons for his complaints, it's still valid if he doesn't like SF games.

1 decade ago

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I don't play the campaign, never have and never expect COD to have a good one so that's no surprise. I'm sure a lot more people buy it for the MP. I personally only play the MP and zombies. Those who say cod hasn't changed since 4 are blind though and anyone who agrees is too. Just go watch a few videos on youtube.

Those aren't really reviews though because they don't even mention much of the other more important half of the game. Say what you want but they come off as ignorant reviews to me. They don't even explain WHY the killstreaks are OP, why the games sucks, why this and that. Anyone could say what they are, even without touching the game once.

1 decade ago

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Oh they bought it. These losers are like a priest giving a sermon about how terrible watching porn is, but he secretly loves the stuff.

1 decade ago

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I particularly liked "adds absolutely nothing new". These guys have clearly never played Black Ops 2. It's significantly different than previous COD titles, that's for sure.

1 decade ago

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You can ride a HORSE, for crying out loud!

1 decade ago

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Fuckin AYE!

1 decade ago

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Well, I haven't tried the games, as I haven't played any CoD since Call of Duty 2 so it can actually be good. But most of the professional reviewers, magazines, websites and so on get paid, in one way or another by the companies to inflate games' marks...

1 decade ago

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look at the user score... yeah

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Means nothing. Just like the reviever score and if anything, I'll go with reviewers over anonymous trolls that give the game a 4 with "it sucks" as a review. Seriously, nice review right there.

1 decade ago

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You can't go with the biased/paid reviewers or the /v/ trolls who give it a 0 without even playing it.

1 decade ago

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This. How many of those people do you think actually played it? I'm willing to bet money that around half of them never even touched it and just said "Durr, CoD sucks! 0/10"

1 decade ago

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and the other half went like "OMG COD 10 10 10 10" :P

1 decade ago

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yeah like wtf ofc they dont get paid to review
mario party 3 and so score: 7 for lack of original content
imagine babyz party score 7.5

1 decade ago

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I remember GTA IV. 100/100 according to IGN. :')

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Lol some of the reviews.
'...the game deserves a 9. But I gave it a 10 because of people who gave it a 0, so the user score will go up'

1 decade ago

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"Same game as any other Call of Duty after COD 4, adds absolutely nothing new. Campaign fells like a boring B-movie. What a huge disappointment and a waste of money."

1 decade ago

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Userscore for this is filled with Non-Cod fanboys

Look at Halo 4s userscore. Its filled with Non-Halo fanboys.
ffs alot of the reviews came before the midnight launch or shortly thereafter.

1 decade ago

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Metacritic is a lie .

1 decade ago

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I don't want to live on this planet anymore, amirite? I hate COD lolololol
for the ones who didn't get it, sarcasm

1 decade ago

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It's probably cookie-cut, what's not to like? Hahaha, haha, ha... yeah. Bothers me that games that are consistent sure, but otherwise unimaginative would continue to get good scores over games that try to do a different take, with good execution. Oh well, Last I played was MW2 so I'm really in no position to comment, but then MW2 didn't give me the desire to go play BlOps or MW3 either.

1 decade ago

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Actually, BO2 is pretty innovative for a CoD game.

1 decade ago

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The thing is every cod adds something new. I find treyarch has been innovating more than infinity ward since blops and people are blind what can you do though?

1 decade ago

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That's saying a lot, considering.

1 decade ago

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4.0 user score lmao (PC version even 2.9)
Maybe they should start caring about user opinions rather than about corrupt reviewers......

Wait what did i just say... i'm so silly!

1 decade ago

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For games like CoD, I bet there's sadly more troll users than corrupt reviewrs.

1 decade ago

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Troll user or not. A paying customer is a paying customer.
I'd rather have a good reputation among the player base which will give the game some kind of consistence than paid false reviews.

A major issue is, they release a new title every single year and by this, they split the community every single year.
Another reason why for examle Valve's FPS titles are favoured is, they don't fuck with the community, atleast not in such a massive scale like IW, EA, DICE and companies alike do.

In the end they know they screwed over many players and now have to live with the trollspam.
I used to play games like BF and CoD since day 1 therefore i understand the anger.

1 decade ago

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Yeah... no. User score is far less reliable than reviewer score. Especially since you don't actually need to own the game to rate it. Just look at the actual user reviews, and find me one that explains well why it should get a 1 or a 0.

1 decade ago

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Have you read the actual reviews?
Pretty much every one that isn't an obvious troll (or simply really mad faggots) review (0-3 points) is arount 8-10, with the occasional 6, meaning they aren't actually fucking the community as much as you claim, or perhaps the community enjoys a little fucking now and then.

1 decade ago

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This is because Mass Effect 2 was printed to the second disc of the game, so they can't even play it. It's the most ridiculous mistake I've ever heard a game company making (aside from the Vita trollface.jpg)

1 decade ago

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Can't they just redeem the key on the Steam client?

1 decade ago

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Average quality mass market crap?

Pretty much the rating one would expect.

1 decade ago

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You know, if people would actually start to ignore it rather than hate it soundly and call it shit, even though they haven't played it, well maybe then it would finally decrease in popularity, which is its much deserved and non-existent fate.

1 decade ago

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Yeah I agree, just like MLP.

1 decade ago

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Well, Dragon Age 2 scored 82 so metacritic is not that reliable.

1 decade ago

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I loved Dragon Age 2 >_>

1 decade ago

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Most didn't like it. And it did seem rather lazily made compared to the first but I still liked it.

1 decade ago

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I don't hate CoD as an individual game, just the way that Activision churns out another one each year, with very little change except story and in the case of MW1, BO1 and BO2 a variation in times.

BO is a good enough game, just I personally think there is better out there. (I don't think it really helps with all the underage-age-restriction children playing using mics to whine. I reckon if you were to play it on private servers with only people who are above the age restriction (both physically and mentally) it would be quite good really)

I also think that there should be some law against selling games to people who are clearly buying for someone underage, same as for buying alcohol or cigarettes.

1 decade ago

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Sure kids are pretty annoying, but I don't think there should be a law...

1 decade ago

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Then what is the point in putting age restrictions / age recommendations on games if they are just going to be broken / disregarded immediately?

Imo, it's exactly the same as buying/renting an 18+ film and giving it to a young person or even them buying the film for themselves and not getting ID'd. Or buying, as I said, alcohol at the counter with a child / teenager next to you and telling the cashier 'oh yes, this is definitely for me. No chance at all this young person is going to be drinking it' then giving it to them.

1 decade ago

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In the US there is no legal age restriction on buying any games. I believe the only state that tried to do this had the law shot down in court on first amendment rights. So there's no "underage" on playing games.

1 decade ago

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actually there is a law inside each stores, Not to sell M content games to kids,and here is the trick;
Unless your with a adult........ wa wa wa waaaaaaa

1 decade ago

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Nobody really cares that much about the game or what people think of it. If you're that type of gamer, you'll get it anyway because you also get every iteration of Madden, and if not, you can just stick to your anime tits and spell leveling.

1 decade ago

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Review scores are a joke nowadays, professional websites are either paid off or "influenced", something which I previously refuted until an editor for one of them drunkenly spilled the beans on Twitter and the cat was let out the bag. User scores are no better - everything's either a 0 or a 10. Thankfully the argument for abandoning review scores completely is gradually gathering pace.

While I'm ranting, two more pet hates are the "This game is not a 8.4! It's an 8.2 at most!" and the "Reviews should be objective!" crowds. I'll stop here before I sound any more mad.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for sharing the knowlegde

1 decade ago

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Just found the link, in case anyone assumes I'm talking total jibberish. He was a freelance writer rather than an editor, but still.

1 decade ago

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I generally assume that most publications engage in some kind of bribery or allow themselves to be swayed by less direct forms of influence, but that link you posted is far from a smoking gun. A disgruntled, drunken employee makes some vague accusations. Not exactly the most reliable source.

Also, the two accusations that stood out to me were the GTA IV score bump and the incident with Valve's wall of concept art. The former was a one point bump, from a 9 to a 10. I certainly favor integrity in reporting and reviewing but the difference in one point on a scale is not that great. It's a bit more forgivable than telling people a 6 or 7 point game is a 10. The latter incident with the photos the writer was taking was unfortunate but it's pretty par for the course in ALL industries for bosses to blame their employees, especially when it helps to smooth over a serious PR issue.

1 decade ago

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There is a lot of "bribery" in games journalism for sure. You can read some juicy article about that here. Author of this article have problems because of it. In the end, he finished his carrier in Eurogamer (he quit), for which he wrote it (it's still on their page, but edited/censored a bit).

Quoting article: "One games journalist, Lauren Wainwright, tweeted: "Urm... Trion (games dev, for example Rift) were giving away PS3s to journalists at the GMAs. Not sure why that's a bad thing?""

1 decade ago

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Which mean that I was right all along. Metacritic score doesn't mean shit about the actual game.

1 decade ago

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I played the pirate version of black ops 1 and i must say its better that modern warfare series. the story is cool, zombies are so fun to play about the multiplayer not sure but most peoples say its very balanced. i wanna this game from a long time but the price is the same. wtf the game is two years and the price dont drop :/

1 decade ago

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i guess the user score will change soon to under 4 points xD

1 decade ago

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Call of Duty 4 is what really boosted the CoD series up, and IMO the best CoD. 5 wasn't far off, felt like a reskin of COD 4. But man did they really go downhill from that. Adding all sorts of crap, making the game a fest of all random stuff happening all the time. PREDATOR MISSILE INBOUND. AC-130 ROCKET HUNTER DRONE, BE ADVISED! I don't know, obviously people like that, the monster energy drink drunk kids. For what i know the series had a different community during cod 1/2/4/5, on the pc at least, and now there are people who just get disappointed every year cause it hasn't changed and people who just buy and think it is the best thing ever. The community shifted to a larger one which will give game dev's more money

1 decade ago

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Overrated crap, as always... Yeah, "proffesional" reviewers are paid to give high scores, or they're fanboys too. Wake up fanboys....

1 decade ago

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metascore says nothing about games (diablo3 has 88^^).

1 decade ago

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user score is what counts

1 decade ago

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Sometimes... At some games. But it counts at Black Ops 2 right now, yeah...

1 decade ago

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i dont trust metacritic anymore, i mean, check out the score of some bad games, diablo 3 : 88, mass effect 3 : 89 (not really bad,but the ending was really dissapointing for a company like bioware), dragon age 2 : 82, and cod games from modern warfare 2 to bo2 havent go under 85-80. but sure, sometimes there is honest reviews (keyword being "sometimes")

1 decade ago

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mass effect 3 : 89
Because five minutes of the ending absolutely nullify the great hours you've had with the game. Just go away.

1 decade ago

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I never trust any kind of reviews. I mean, you may hate the game but why would that automatically mean I'd hate it? It's about opinions for god's sake. There has been moments when all reviews I read said a game was crap, I loved it. Thus I never care for reviews..

1 decade ago

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Its more like 75 - but all the reviewers are payed by Activion or brainwashed ...or just stupid fanboy-kiddies.

1 decade ago

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Agree on the 75. They don't directly get payed by publishers. They either receive lavish gifts, exclusive swag, or other sought after stuff. Or get hired by said publishers.

Either way, the fact that many reviewers get their review copies for free is a big indicator of what's wrong with this industry. It automatically creates a small bias, even if you're the most objective person out there.

1 decade ago

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You missed the part where the video game publishers are usually the advertisers paying the reviewers or their website/magazine.

1 decade ago

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The only way I find I can get "accurate" (appropriate for me) reviews of games is to watch through a youtube reviewer's channel and take note of their opinion on games I've already played. That normally gives me a good indication as to whether their opinion of a game gels with my own and whether I should trust their reviews of games I haven't played in the same genre/similar genres. E.g. I don't put as much faith in TotalBiscuit's reviews of puzzle games as I do his reviews of FPS games (because he sucks at puzzle games ;).

1 decade ago

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I'm the same. I need to play the game first and then see what other people think. It's the only way to see if they're full of it or not.

1 decade ago

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MW3 had even higher ratings. Enough said. Everyone knows that the Modern Warfare games had publishers pushing free crap into the hands of the reviewers. Hard to look bad at a game when you're sitting on $200 worth of free swag.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Blordy.