So I was browsing Tumblr the other day, which most of the time is a really bad idea (expecially if you're in some kind of public place).
I saw things I didn't want to see. Things about Undertale. VERY weird and disturbing things about Undertale.
Now, I don't dislike the game at all - but I really can't stand the fanbase and all the fanfictions and fan art and all the overthinking around the game and its meaning and the protagonist sex (I mean come on, who cares).

I have to say I never went deep into other fanbases so I really can't give a proper answer, but based on current information (WHICH I DIDN'T ASK FOR BTW PLEASE STOP) I have to say the worst fanbase probably belongs to Undertale. It's absolutely nuts.

What do you guys think?
Funny stories and anecdotes about gaming fanbases are very welcome.

Also, mandatory giveaways (lv.1+)
Lumino City
Mushroom 11
Titan Souls

EDIT: Apparently I forgot some major annoying fanbases in the poll, just pretend they're there okay? <3

8 years ago*

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The worst fanbase belongs to...

View Results
Call of Duty
Five Nights at Freddy's
Dark Souls
League of Legends
Other (tell me in the comments!)
Random food answer which has nothing to do with the question


8 years ago

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All of them.

The fan base of the industry as a whole is pretty toxic right now.

8 years ago

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My guess is FNaF.

8 years ago

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All of them.

(Though I never had any problem with Dark Souls' fanbase. Outside of "git gud" comments which were often legitimate and random hackers now and then.)

8 years ago

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Ah btw I guess everyone forgot about it but Quake Live has a very bad community. I just wanted to try it during winter sale (haven't touched quake for years) and all I got was kick votes every round, and their "nice" words about how "good" I am....
Probably it is one of the worst possible communities for newcomers right now. Those people have no tolerance for newbies.

Not to mention the game shows your country flag and players were constantly harassing me with racial slurs...

8 years ago*

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They don't really have many newbies, nor any tolerance left for them. Quake Live is usually advised for those who are really good in online FPS in the first place.

8 years ago

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worst is propablu cs, cod/battlefield, lol/dota

8 years ago

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I think Undertale has a pretty overly attached fanbase in my opinion. Its really annoying when I go on a social media site an I see multiple posts of Undertale in a row.
EDIT: Wait... there is Undertale sex related fanart?
What in the world is wrong with some people >.>

8 years ago

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Welcome to the internet. Please read Rule 34 before continuing.

8 years ago

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No need, ive been on the internet long enough.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Both League of Legends and CS:GO have shown off ugly communities as I was trying to learn them.

8 years ago

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L4D2 from what i've read.
They're supposed to be particularly obnoxious on the servers.

Also something very odd going on with Undertale "fans"".

8 years ago

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My vote for CS:GO. And maybe it's only in my region (RU/CIS), but lately i was very disappointed in Witcher fandom for shitting on Fallout 4. I'm not talking about simple criticism, it's understandable and i agree that FO4 have some flaws, but i'm talking about constant attacking FO4 and even comparing it to TW3 in form like "who need this shit when TW3 exists". Seriously, few months ago i didn't saw a single FO4 news or thread without mentioning TW3. It's a shame that some haters can't tolerate people who liked games that they disliked. TW3 and FO4 both are great games, and i don't understand this situation either, who the hell cares about GOTY's and reviews?

8 years ago

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I was detesting a portion of the Witcher fandom long before that. While most of them I tolerated at worst due to that portion behaving normally like most fandoms, a really, REALLY annoying vocal minority made a misaimed fandom regarding CD Projekt RED's policies. Sure, I'll agree, their company policies are a refreshing change of ethics, responsibility, and respect, but the key difference is that that's what they decided to do on an individual basis. These vocal fandom tossers decided that each and every single game company simply MUST adhere to these financially unfeasible policies regardless of culture and/or history; otherwise these dillweeds automatically consider those companies trash.

To these "people," Capcom can't protect their properties despite their history of having their games pirated. To these "people," Sega missed the train, and there's no possible way to make up for it. To these "people," it's all about the customer, and showing even one sliver of understanding towards the seller apparently means you're a corporate apologist. Because there's no such thing as a middle ground.

8 years ago

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In general I try an avoid all fanbases... Ironically I am also looking for a good MMO at the same time... (the conflict in goals is obvious)

8 years ago

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all cs players.ppl who actually enjoy it must have serous issues.i really believe it is one of the worst fps of all time.

8 years ago

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Every multiplayer game has a fanbase that consists of toxic kids, trolls, cheaters, stupid people, etc. Multiplayer games spread this plague, that's why I mostly play single player games. I am mostly talking about multiplayer games that have no storyline, like MOBAs. Probably the worst fanbase belongs on cs:go, but I'm not sure, because I haven't played all these games (thankfully).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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FIFA (on consoles) should be also in that list.

The funny thing that connects all these games is the fact that everyone seems to know everybody's moms.

8 years ago

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It has a toxic fan-base.
And it's not even multiplayer.

People get stupid over games. and most things, really

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Dark Souls by a mile. Every single fan is a smug piece of shit that seems to derive sexual gratification from calling other people casuals for not logging 90+ hours a week on DS and actually bothering to play any other game.

8 years ago

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Penn & Teller's Smoke & Mirrors

8 years ago

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Call of Duty?

8 years ago

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Every fanbase has it's extremes. If judged solely by those extremes they could all be considered a disease.

Where is the potato option. Potato would be better than this discussion.

8 years ago

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