So I was browsing Tumblr the other day, which most of the time is a really bad idea (expecially if you're in some kind of public place).
I saw things I didn't want to see. Things about Undertale. VERY weird and disturbing things about Undertale.
Now, I don't dislike the game at all - but I really can't stand the fanbase and all the fanfictions and fan art and all the overthinking around the game and its meaning and the protagonist sex (I mean come on, who cares).

I have to say I never went deep into other fanbases so I really can't give a proper answer, but based on current information (WHICH I DIDN'T ASK FOR BTW PLEASE STOP) I have to say the worst fanbase probably belongs to Undertale. It's absolutely nuts.

What do you guys think?
Funny stories and anecdotes about gaming fanbases are very welcome.

Also, mandatory giveaways (lv.1+)
Lumino City
Mushroom 11
Titan Souls

EDIT: Apparently I forgot some major annoying fanbases in the poll, just pretend they're there okay? <3

8 years ago*

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The worst fanbase belongs to...

View Results
Call of Duty
Five Nights at Freddy's
Dark Souls
League of Legends
Other (tell me in the comments!)
Random food answer which has nothing to do with the question

I'd rather not generalize people in such a way. Like in Steamgifts, there are annoying people and less annoying people. Still, they're only matters of opinion.

8 years ago

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League of legends is the worst. You make a small mistake amd even if you admit it and say sorry they will rage at you and sometimes even threaten to kill you irl (yes this has happened several times)

8 years ago

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Every game has it's terrible fanbase. If it's a great game people refuse to see the flaws or are just too content sticking their nose up the dev's ass and if it's terrible people who like it defend it as a hidden gem either due to ignorance, to refuse they're wrong, or just so they can feel like they can look down on someone due to understanding a game that no one else does.

All in all just like with Console and PC extremists all we can do is just enjoy the games we love (but not be afraid to critique them) ignore the ones we don't like, and ABOVE ALL ELSE avoid those who spit venom when they hear we don't like what they like, like what they don't like or play on a platform they don't play on.

8 years ago

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ahh rule 34 :D

Csgo is getting worse day after day.
LoL is pretty bad considering that it's a F2P with a young fanbase, CoD is the same except the F2P part

8 years ago

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My vote goes for LoL. I tried it once because some friends were into it and of each of game the three games I played had someone whining about something. These wasn't even the ranked stuff but the "casual" matches. :|
MOBAs in general seem to have the most toxic atmosphere, not all, but a lot do.

I'd say I find the FNAFs and Minecraft fanbase annoying but then I remember these are mostly children watching and imitating people like Pewdiepie. Most will grow out of it.

Can't say I've ever had a problem with the Undertale fanbase. They've all been pretty friendly to me and I've never seen any weird fanfiction/fanart. I don't really use Tumblr though. I've come across a lot of "interesting" fanart for other video games though. D:

8 years ago

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Unturned due to all the kids complaining about every single thing they dont agree with and acting as if they know everything about how games are made and could develop the entire game in a matter of seconds which they obviously can not.

Atleast on Minecraft you can avoid them by not playing on specific servers, but on Unturned they're everywhere.

8 years ago

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It depends, are we talking interacting with fans in-game or outside the game?
If it's in-game, the cake will probably go to DOTA or LoL, both are very very toxic. It's basically like stepping into a world where people in their 20's & 30's still act like teenagers prone to random fits of rage.

Outside of games? Well, I don't tend to dig too deep into the fandom of any one game, but the Sonic fanbase seems to be rather toxic in general.

8 years ago

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Hmmm probably some kind of MMORPG game or something, so LoL or Dota like everyone is saying... though I've never personally played them.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Haha shows how much I know about it xD

8 years ago

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Lately I've been annoyed at little big planet millions of FNAF levels dear god

8 years ago

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All multiplayer survivals.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hah I immediately thought Undertale. If you tell an Undertale fan you haven't played the game they'll rip your head off.
Sonic fans are more fascinating than annoying. They're a unique case of human study.

8 years ago

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i had a similar experience with Dark Souls b4 i buy it and like it i was hating it because a friend of mine was over my head to buy it and play it and i better not say i dont like it cause its THE game and we almost stop talking when i said hey i like the game but there some things that i cant ignore that ruins the experience for me he acted like i said hey i killed your mom and ate her

8 years ago

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Any game by Bethesda.

8 years ago

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i never understand why are so many people so pron to hate and ridicule otrer people, even more for the things they like.

those are the people i consider "the worst" you know the ones who make cringe lists... or posts like these :P

8 years ago

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Thanks man, I appreciate that!

8 years ago

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humm anytime

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Dota 2, CS:GO, LOL, COD.

8 years ago

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i think any game like LOL COD or CS attract rude people and can ruin the game for others who just want to have some fun but its safe to say its LOL with being the most popular game ever made you can be sure it has the most of those people

8 years ago

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Payday 2 has the worst misuse and abuse I've ever seen concerning the in game kick feature!

Not counting the legion of Payday 2 trolls, infamy cheaters, achievement cheaters and regular cheaters like aimbotters and wallhackers. Overkill brings out dozens of free and paid DLC but to date they haven't got an in game VAC or a VAC type of anti cheating software implemented a very strange situation as Payday 2 was released on 13/08/2013. Not that they haven't have time enough but Overkill simply doesn't care about cheaters and Overkill protects the cheaters with their inaction by not implementing anti cheat software and with their no name no shame policy...

TL DR: Overkill doesn't care about cheaters and Overkill protects cheaters!

8 years ago

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this is the exactly reason I didn't buy it for myself yet :(

8 years ago

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"Praise the Sun!" (That's the only one I know - Chivalry: Medieval Warfare contains a fair number of Dark Souls fans and is my only exposure vector for any of these subcultures. Sunbros don't bother me in the least.)

8 years ago

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BIOWARE and especially dragon age. uuugh. i love the games but the fans on tumblr make me wanna die. non-stop shipping wars, sexuality opinions, straight/bisexual mods, call out posts for mod creators, character hate,...

8 years ago

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dark souls fanboys telling everyone to "learn to play"
undertale with obsessed people
fallout 4 idiots making nude mods and filling nexus with their useless crap

minecraft, really? i never encountered annoying idiots in the minecraft forums. maybe i was lucky...

8 years ago

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Minecraft people are one of the nicest chaps i had the experience to play with lately tbh ...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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I try not to hate on "fandoms", since I know I feel bad when people hate on such communities that I belong or used to belong to. As long as people keep to their own like-minded groups they should be able to act as weird or silly as they want. Stuff like verbally abusing and downvote-bombing negative reviews for a game you like (I remember this was happening when Undertale first came out, not sure if it still does) is where problems begin. But, it's important to remember that a minority of people do that kind of thing.

8 years ago

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I dont see Dota in the lost .
Tho i guess League of Lesbians fanbase has pretty horid fanbase .

8 years ago

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I voted FNaF. That fanbase is just... ugh.. you see them almost everywhere. TF2; Garry's Mod and don't even get me started on deviantart pictures (a good site, has good and well done art, but also has dirty, sick and immature Rule 34 art).

As for Sonic, I just pretend that the fanbase doesn't exist. The story in games? Well.. Sonic 1, 2 and 3 didn't had storylines, but we're great games. Sonic Adventure attempted to do a storyline but did a poor job at it, but the games themselves? They're alright. Wish the 2nd was a little better, but what you have is what you got.
Now back to the fanbase. There are few sane people who want to support great Sonic titles like Sonic Generations and also make great artworks. But the bad side.... well... let me just say that their brains are programmed in the opposite - defending bad Sonic games, creating nonsensical and poorly written stories and the artwork... they have it all: Rule 34, weird choice of 'character' x 'character' romances, poor and disturbing ones, you name it.

Like I said, I like the good Sonic titles. I like the very thought out artworks, but I ignore the poorly written plots, weird artworks and the fanbase itself.

8 years ago

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I'm not playing most of those games but still bump and cheers for mandatory ga's :P

8 years ago

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LoL community.

A: Hello
B: Report

Lets all pray to God they dont do a My Little Pony game.

8 years ago

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