I'm asking if anyone bought this anytime during this Sonic Sale and redeemed the Green Man key on their Steam account? The reason is, I'm wondering if all Sonic CDs come with the Spiral Knights DLC or if it was just a limited time thing from the past. I'd like to buy this one if it does not come with the Spiral Knights DLC. What happens is, it puts an icon in your Library for Spiral Knights. Anytime you own DLC for a free to play game on Steam, it adds the game to your Library. So I'm just trying to avoid that in this case. Thanks

Common Responses

  • You do know you can categorize your library and just put all the crap into one category right?
  • Why do you care what icons are in your library? Do you have O.C.D.?
  • What does it matter what icons are in your library? Just don't play the game, simple as that.
  • Spiral Knights is NOT CRAP... if you don't like it, go kill yourself. I have 3,000+ hours logged in this game.

Categorizing games in your library does not work in Grid View, which is what I use. I care about having games I don't want in my library, I don't know why... call it Steam OCD if you want. I'm not talking shit on Spiral Knights, I just don't want the icon.

Thanks for any info you can give. If you redeemed this Sonic CD game from Greenman sale, check the DLC TAB for Spiral Knights and it should say Sonic CD DLC, let me know if it does! I appreciate it.

1 decade ago*

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I do have a "Sonic CD DLC" in the dlc tab for Spiral Knights, and i got Sonic CD from GMG.
However I bought Sonic CD over a year ago, so I dont know if it was a timed thing or not.

Edit: There is no DLC tab for Sonic CD.

1 decade ago

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oh, yeah sorry I could not remember which tab it went on. Thank you for the info. hmm... I'll wait for some more replies to see. Thanks again you did help since I know it was keys from a year ago that did this now.

1 decade ago

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Actually... I guess it doesn't even matter if it was a timed thing. These could be keys that never sold from a year or more ago, I guess. I might have to wait for a Steam Store sale. Thanks again.

1 decade ago

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NOBODY bought Sonic CD from GreenMan? You should if you don't have it.

1 decade ago

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Here is the app for Sonic CD
Here is the app for Spiral Knights DLC

Does Sonic CD appear in any subs which Spiral Knights DLC does not?

You could have easily checked this yourself and saved yourself a lot of time instead of making this thread and acting like a whiner.

1 decade ago

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Not everyone knows about SteamDB, let alone how to make sense out of what's there. Dude asked a slightly obscure question in a place where someone was likely to know the answer, explained why he wanted to know it even if it might not make sense to most people, and was appreciative when he got help. Why the hostility?

1 decade ago

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Thanks my friend.

1 decade ago

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You are a douchebag and the reason I never like making threads on forums. Let me try and make sense of those links you posted since you don't even want to answer the question.

EDIT: I guess it is saying the answer is yes, the DLC still comes with it.

EDIT: Hmm... maybe not, needs further study.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, I appreciate it! If you're unsure how SteamDB works, then asking would have been better than insulting.

I apologize, but your OP and your "common responses" gave me the feeling you were one of those "I know everything" type people so I had assumed you'd know how SteamDB works.

1 decade ago

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I put the common responses to save the thread from filling up with them and wasting everyone's time. This topic was discussed a few times before on the Community Hub and every single comment contained the "common responses" and filled 3 or more pages of them. Granted this is a different forum and a slightly different question, I just wanted to get down to the answer rather than a discussion and argument about why nobody cares there is a Spiral Knights icon in their library, other than myself.

I don't ask people for help who talk to me like you did. Don't worry, I won't make another thread asking for help with SteamDB. I'll either figure it out or buy the game anyway and hope for the best.

1 decade ago

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I believe the point he was trying to make was that there's not currently any version of Sonic CD available on Steam, whether it's a retail CD key or purchased directly from Steam or as part of a larger Sonic bundle or any other way, that doesn't also include the Spiral Knights DLC. You'll either have to deal with having that in your library as well, or pass on owning Sonic CD on Steam.

1 decade ago

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alright thanks a lot bro. much appreciated.

1 decade ago

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Fair enough. The links I posted were to the 'apps' which are more or less the actual game or DLC where as the 'sub' is what you activate. Both the Sonic CD apps and Spiral Knight DLC apps are all in the same subs which means you will get the DLC regardless of how you activate Sonic CD.

In case you're still a bit unclear of the 'apps' and 'subs', a better example would be Sonic Hits Collection which is a sub and contains the apps for all those games. If you ever activate something and are curious as to what it included, you can go to here and it'll show the 'sub' you activated. My most recent activation was the newest Humble Bundle weekly or 'bitComposer Bundle 1' which as you can see, lists all the 'apps' or games included.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the info on Steamdb... I get what you're saying. I'm sure I'll be using it soon enough as it looks like it can really come in handy. Thanks again.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by GalaxyClassTradeShip.