Looks like Gabe wants to replace Greenlight with something else:

"Our goal is to make Greenlight go away. Not because it's not useful, but because we're evolving."
"We've tackled how to get games on Steam, now we have to make them discoverable"
"It's about removing us from the process, we want you to be closer to the community"

Source: https://twitter.com/DaveOshry

1 decade ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I read about this maybe a year ago..

1 decade ago

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It is known for a year now that Valve is working towards the store infrastructure for 3rd party sellers, which means that there will be no need for greenlight or any kind of valve selection of products, anyone will (in theory) be able to integrate Steam store front into their website and sell their own product with ease.

Good thing they added the reviews early, so there's at least one kind of protection from total crap. Sadly, you can't really trust the reviews anywhere anymore.

1 decade ago

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El Oshcuro hahaha

This guy remove my comments in community hub in day when Rise of the Triad release in steam.I ofc dont offend nobody and I wrote with a sense...I just post ask about unoptimized Unreal Engine 3 and when players can expected some fixes or patches from developers ( since in my high ring i got about 8 frame per second and still have same amount about 5-6 months after relase ) after 2 min my thread was deleted.I thought community hub is for players to create discussions about problems they got with game...Controlling Information in day premiere by deleting threads with true uncomfortable information about game was enough for me.Last game i bought from this developer.

1 decade ago

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Yay more trash on steam

1 decade ago

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But here is a problem. Developers have to pay $100 or $200 to make their games on Greenlight no matter their games will be released or die there forever. If Valve shuts down Greenlight. Will they refund developers who have paid money to make their games on Greenlight?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Considering the amount of trash that's been greenlit and the amount of trash that's trying to be greenlit, this is good news.

1 decade ago

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You seem to not understand.

"Removal of Greenlight" means anyone can post any (crappy) game they want directly on Steam with no checks or community approval, similar to Google Play store.

1 decade ago

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What is this heresy you're talking about.....

1 decade ago

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"It's about removing us from the process, we want you to be closer to the community"

There will be MUCH MORE trash on Steam.

1 decade ago

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I'm crying, so much.

1 decade ago

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No curation method, no approval method. EVERYBODY GETS IN

1 decade ago

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Even a cheap whore at least charges.

1 decade ago

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Well that sounds scary...

1 decade ago

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As opposed to waiting a couple months more when old games finally get enough votes in a later wave.

1 decade ago

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I think it's fine how it is right now, getting too close to the community is a bad thing, just leaving all the decisions about what game go and what doesn't results in a lot of uneducated decisions, and poor games being green-lit, and we have enough of that already, we don't need more. But good things obviously come out green light and get on steam also. But it's good that valve can get games on steam without going through the community too.

1 decade ago

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Pay 100$ AGAIN!!1

More money for GABE!

1 decade ago

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I just wonder why everyone complains about quality of greenlit games? Yes, there's some trash in the store but why it's such big problem for you? No one forces you to buy these games. You don't like "Vote Yes, join our group and get a free copy" actions then don't vote, wait for release and purchase the game for full price or don't buy at all. It won't harm you in any way.
There's some old proverb that says "so many men, so many opinions". If you don't like some game, it doesn't automatically means everyone else feels the same. Personally, I really think Bioshock is most overrated game of current generation, but don't mind the fact that it's still in the store. Other example: despite very bad reviews in whole industry, people still buy Bad Rats and giveaways are full of entrants. And it shouldn't bother you at all. Live and let live.vv

1 decade ago

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and that's another reason why steam is the shiniest DRM turd out there at the moment! (that was a compliment, btw)

and don't complain if "trash" is released...if the community wants it so badly, they'll get it.
they get their "trash", dev's get their money and valve their part of the cake and haters/dislikers should stop caring. everyone's happy.

you simply can't decide what the majority of people should like and what not. it's democracy, baby!

1 decade ago

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Fix Early Access while you are at it Gabe

1 decade ago

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yeah, paid betas are kinda dumb.

tho, a few pre-purchased early access games come with some benefits, like a extra gift copy or the prequel as an extra.

1 decade ago

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what i got from that twitter link was this: half life 3 confirmed https://twitter.com/ForkParker/status/423999719983955969/photo/1

1 decade ago

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the box clearly indicates that valve haven't learned to count to 3 yet.

1 decade ago

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liar we can all see it's real :P there's like 3 men in that crate

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by TrickZter.