I spent a lot of time on this site just receiving gifts, now it's my turn to give back.
After finally finding an official reseller with global keys (GamersGate), I can create global giveaways.

To fill my virgin whitelist, I'm looking for users who have good giveaway ratios, participate a lot in the forum or are a member of the Steam Gifts Patreon. I shouldn't comment below on all that are added, perhaps the most prominent ones.

6 months ago

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Hi. I live here now.

6 months ago

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You complain a lot. Are you going to complain about me? 😣

6 months ago

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If by complain you mean opinions then I will never stop having opinions sorry. I don't chastise other people for having them but people love to get on my ass for having them.

6 months ago

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I was kidding. Your complaints have substance. But the one I remember most is the one you complain about about those who didn't activate the giveaway quickly. That was just funny because everyone has gone through a moment of anxiety, whether to give or receive a game, and I don't judge.

6 months ago

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lol believe me I understand and I fully support people to voice themselves even if it is against me, if I want peace and quiet I just turn my computer off and huddle up with the dogs but yea it was frustrating when I had those 3 people that did not check their wins for 4 days and 1 never did but he got suspended and a reroll happened, ok I have really took up enough of your spotlight and I do apologize but you understand that I am pretty vocal! cheers!

6 months ago

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I was only passing by earlier but I just noticed you've actually been on my whitelist for a while now and I may have actually been on yours at some point if I am not now. Anyway I'm not a petty person and I'm certainly not going to remove you or anyone else for any reason let alone difference of opinion. Anyway I'll take a moment to thank you for giving back even if you decide to exclude me. Whitelists are the way to go around here. Have you checked into groups? There are some good ones.

6 months ago

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My whitelist had no one until I created this topic. But I added you because of your giveaway ratio.

6 months ago

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I am happy I made the cut, really. Thank you!

6 months ago

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In case you take suggestions, think about users who manage threads, e.g.
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/sensualshakti for all the bundle threads and
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/ipax11 for the Epic free stuff

6 months ago

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Good point. I'll look for others who maintain relevant discussions.
You were added for your giveaway ratio, by the way.

6 months ago

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Might I suggest to you Joseahfer who does the Steam threads for major sales which are very useful for the community too. Additionally has a dream ratio.

6 months ago

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Hello friend, could I join your WL?

6 months ago

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Yeah, welcome my first Patreon member.

6 months ago

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My ratio isn't that great, and I am not a Patreon... but I do hangout in the forum a lot? Anyway, here is my application.


6 months ago

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I won't be so picky about the giveaway ratio. 1:1 with high values is good for me.

6 months ago

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i would like to join your whitelist if there are any spots available. I am not as vocal on SG as in the past and not a SG patreon but i do a yearly event where i make quite a few giveaways

e.g. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/HPqEM/7-is-the-magic-number-giveaways-over-please-bear-with-me-whilst-keys-being-sent

6 months ago

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stevey is a great guy, I think everyone should whitelist him

6 months ago

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Yes, I see him a lot on the forums and he has a reasonable giveaway ratio. Added.

6 months ago

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Thanks for the kind comments antidaz :)

6 months ago

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I don't know if I deserve to be on your list, so I'll leave my comment here ;)

6 months ago

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Woah me too! Love Gamersgate! I have a similar issue with facing regional problems everywhere I go.
Glad you found the site, And are looking to give back :)

6 months ago

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Another great person to consider, anyway I wont clutter your thread any further with my silly posts

6 months ago

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My ratio's pretty meh, so instead, I wanted to give a lil suggestion like Oppenh4imer. Hopefully that's okay :}
https://www.steamgifts.com/user/wigglenose who runs the annual Christmas trains (we hit 1k carts this year!!)

I have a lot of respect for them both and I think they contribute a lot to this community 💜💜

6 months ago

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I try my luck, but I'm none of what you asked for 🤣

Have a BUMP!

6 months ago

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Hello ^^

Could you add me at your whitelist? ^^

Thank you and Have a Good Day!

6 months ago

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Receiving love is something one should never decline. I take hearts 💙

6 months ago

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So I try my luck too. :D

6 months ago

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View attached image.
6 months ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

6 months ago

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Can I try?

6 months ago

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I'd love to be a part of your whitelist, thank you for the opportunity 💙

6 months ago

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I have no life, so I am active here every day. I would be happy to join your WL if you want to add me :)

6 months ago

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I'm not very active in the forums, but I fit in the other two categories. Hello, and thanks for reading!

6 months ago

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May I make love to your whitelist?

6 months ago

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i love pizza

6 months ago

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View attached image.
6 months ago

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Hey, I'd like to join.

6 months ago

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just trying my luck

6 months ago

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I'm actively lurking. Does that count? ;)

6 months ago

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Hello there, I humbly submit my application for your WL consideration.

6 months ago

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