Hi guys, i read some forum posts and want to know it normally.

Here is allowed use two steam accounts on steamgifts?
I do not much use steamgifts and steam too, but i create account here, why not.. :) My account is 1 year old i never care about it.
My bro actively use this site with his account, creating giveaways and trading, sometimes i bump his threads or he bump mine, iam not much interested in this, i play Witcher from gog and sometimes trade some games here. (no i don't have 2 accounts, why yes, iam not big steam fan) :D (most of time i use his better pc, he is phone lover...(girls on messanger) :D :D
My bro tell me "i don't care, do what you want, its your account"...

So i want to know, here is any problem? Site mods care about it or i must inform them about this? Its over year and no problem with it. His account is 2+ years and mine 1 year+, so how?
If i must create ticket, what i must say inside?
Or shut up and continue? :D

Thanks a lot guys. And sorry for english here.

8 years ago

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Its allowed?

View Results
Yes you can use 2 accounts on same ip
No you can't use it
Yes you can, but you must create ticket and inform moderators about it
WTF?? i don't care, where is giveaway?

Yes sent in a ticket and you will be fine.

8 years ago

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thanks for reply too mate ;)

8 years ago

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Create a ticket, otherwise it might look like you are using multiple accounts and you'd get both permanently suspended.

8 years ago

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yay :O i don't care about my account... but if someone stop his account he throw me far far away :D my dead body rot in ditch :(
ok i rather create ticket -_-

8 years ago

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You can have two accounts on the same IP (not the same person/account owner), but you need to contact Steamgifts support through a ticket.

8 years ago

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ok :) i see it in poll, thank you!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Bananananas.