I'm looking to upgrade my computer to a good gaming computer between the range of anything below $1200 but can't really decide on whats gonna be good for me, im not really looking for something thats gonna get me max settings in something like battlefield but i'll be able to get at least medium on most games.

[UPDATE] Guys thanks for all the great responses for those who wanted to know here are my PC specs
Processor-Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz
RAM-4.00 GB
Graphics-Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
Hard Drive-119GB
Also this is on windows 8 but i don't mind either 7 or 8 and guys i also wanna know what computer with specs you have and sorta get an idea of what most people have.

[UPDATE v.2] To start off not looking to overclock, also I've never built a PC before would i be able to call someone in to do it for me? If you guys need any more info ill update the post with it.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I would be so good with that

1 decade ago

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http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1PNIT This is my system. Works pretty damn well. I can play BF4 on ultra at 55-60 fps. High is 90+

1 decade ago

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Looks pretty damn sweet and if it can do what you say even better

1 decade ago

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I would recommend building a new computer if yours is prebuilt. If not, please post your current specs.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It said on your profile you were Australian so I did the best I could. Operation system included or no?
Don't know which GPU is better. :v

1 decade ago

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As it is, the GTX 760 is more worth for value compared to the HD 7950, so you should go with the Nvidia card in this case.

1 decade ago

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Seeing as the HD 7950 is cheaper, I am all for HD 7950. I have a Sapphire 7950 Boost and got it when it was way cheaper than the GTX 660 Ti and 670 (before the release of 7XX cards) (btw I live in Singapore so prices could be a lil different then), their performance isn't even that different (doesn't matter which card beats which since a difference of like less than 5 FPS generally isn't going to be that noticeable)
but I wouldn't go with XFX though, saw the reviews and its temperature is not satisfactory enough, if you could find ASUS that would be very excellent

1 decade ago

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I was just basing off the site that is used.
Down here in Singapore, CyberActive does the GTX 660 for around $340 and the GTX 670 for $659 the last time I checked. The only good card worth mentioning here is the MSI GTX 780 Lightning, but it costs around $1k.
CyberActive sucks in the GPU department for sure, since I can't find any of the later cards in there.

Brand wise, MSI and ASUS are the best GPU brands. EVGA is good if you want stock.
All prices are in SGD.

1 decade ago

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From your lower part choice, I modded it to this. ASUS's cooling unit is better.

1 decade ago

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What are your current specs, if they are all outdated then I guess just get a custom built, cheaper to make and it's more fun!

1 decade ago

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Check out Novatech.

1 decade ago

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make a thread at steam hardware forum ;)

1 decade ago

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1200$ is nice budget, should easily get decent rig for that. If you have the periphelia...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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he means pheriperal like Mouse, Keyboards, Mousepad, Headset etc :3

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Do you want to overclock?

Do you want Operative System?

Do you want peripherals (mouse, keyboard...)?

1 decade ago

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I don't want to overclock, preferably windows 7 or 8, I have the peripherals (wanting new monitor but have one that is fine)

1 decade ago

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I'm not an expert, but this should be a good PC:


1 decade ago

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I got only one problem with your choice "professionally".
Why did you not get the Pro version of the OS instead?

1 decade ago

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I recently upgraded my GPU (was my only bottleneck at the time) from a GTX 470 to a 670. I haven't tested all the rigorous games I have, but I've been playing games (i.e. Skyrim) with no problem at the highest settings, which would have maxed my previous GPU and killed my fps. So I think it's safe to say my system is fairly decent with price and what you're looking for.

Everything worth mentioning in my PC:
i5-760 Lynnfield
8GB RAM DDR3 1600
GTX 670

So if you get the latest i5, a mobo that's compatible with everything, and a decent PSU (I highly suggest a modular one) that can power everything then you could feasibly get a system that runs most current games on the highest settings for around $800 (assuming you have all the peripherals that you need and gut your old case to use for your new rig).

1 decade ago

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Why i5 Ivy Bridge? Better get i5 Haswell. It's basically same in price but it has a bit better performance + new CPU's probably will have LGA1150 socket now so better get Haswell CPU and compatible motherboard and you will be ready to upgrade to new CPU after some time when needed. Otherwise you will have to buy new MOBO later.

1 decade ago

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Derp, seems I'm a bit behind in the tech world, I thought Ivy Bridge was still the newest. :P
Well, I'll just edit my post before anyone else sees...

1 decade ago

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Too late for you. I saw that.
Even Haswell will be replaced by another new generation again, the Broadwell Core series.

1 decade ago

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  • i5-3570k @ 3,4GHz
    • 16 GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 MHz
    • Geforce GTX560 TI - Model number: X560 DF 1024MB from Sparkle Calibre
    • A Motherboard from Gigabyte but I dont know the name at the moment
    • Powersupply from LC Power

I would change my 560TI with an GTX760 maybe the EVGA 760 FTW (4GB) but not now because the price is getting higher in the time before christmas.

1 decade ago

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There's not much point in getting 16GB of RAM. You are not going to be able to use it to the best anyway.
As it is, I would recommend the ASUS or MSI models of the 760 instead. EVGA has it all stock, and that isn't the best.
Edit: Also, OP doesn't want overclocking, so your 3570k is pointless here.

1 decade ago

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If you got the OS installer disc and a key, then this build will be best for you.
Else I would just add a Windows 7 Home Premium OEM on that list, which would obviously inflate the price.

1 decade ago

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Definitely very good build. Atleast someone in this topic knows what he's talking about. :D

1 decade ago

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All I did was take the lower build from CompassNorth's post and tweaked it to match, since I noticed most of his parts are actually workable for the build I had in mind for OP.

1 decade ago

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That's ~ what I'd buy if i were you.
-if you are sure you won't need the extra slots, you can replace the atx motherboard with a mini atx;
-I cannot find Sirtec in that list;
-I wanted to add a r9 280x but the final price would grow ~1250$. I forgot to change the rebranded 7870 (r9 270x) for a 7950in that wishlist, but I think you should go for 7950 if r9 280x 1250$ is too much.

1 decade ago

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I got objections with your build.

  1. Is the SSD really needed for a mid range budget?
  2. WD HDDs really suck. You should have went with Toshiba there.
  3. No DVD drive? Really?

Apart from that, Your build looks good.

1 decade ago

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  1. It's not a must indeed, but you will notice the load times and I think it's worth it. It's a luxury, but for me at least it's a luxury I cannot live without lol. If you think you don't need it, you can change it for a hdd. But I'd always have at least 2 data storage drives in my home.
  2. To be honest, I visit a lot of sites like overclock.net or lab501, but you are the first person I ever know to say that WD products are bad. In fact I even have a prety old 1TO Caviar Green myself and while it's a bit slower, it's silent and great for storage. I will post a hdtune analyse in a couple of minutes.
  3. USB memory sticks can boot, are fast, are not expensive. I see no point to put a cd/dvd-rom in your case; beside that I'm sure he has one from his old computer.
1 decade ago

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  1. What you need may not be what the OP needs. Since he's not looking to overclock, I assume he's not wanting an SSD, so just a single HDD will do.
  2. I'm not the first to say WD is bad. And it's the more recent ones with S.M.A.R.T that suck.
  3. He may have one, but might as well get a new one to be safe. The laser reader can fail.
1 decade ago

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  1. As I said before, that is what I'd buy. If he thinks he doesn't need a SSD, he can buy a HDD for OS instead. Beside that, what's the relation between overclocking and SSD?
  2. If you think that WD hdds are bad it doesn't mean they really are bad. If you want to prove a point, bring in some tests, articles etc.
  3. CD/DVD-ROM is optional because it can be entirely replaced by an usb memory stick. Last time I used a cd was about 3 years ago.
1 decade ago

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  1. When you overclock, you usually get a SSD to help make sure there is no bottlenecking.
  2. Ask SG user TheSnake about his experience with his WD drive. Also check out the posts here, the one below it, here and the one below that.
  3. With most older games still having disks, the drive is still a must. CDs are not DVDs, and never will be. Also, you still do need the disk drive for actually installing Windows, unless you got a way to do without.
1 decade ago

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  1. Lmao. To bottleneck what? The system file load times? You should read how does "memory" work in a computer. :))
  2. So you are one of those who thinks that ATI are bad because of their drivers, huh? You cannot say that a brand is bad based on a couple of personal experience, because faulty products are everywhere. I also had troubles with my Hyundai i30, and I can find a douzen of people complaining about Hyundai (and any other brand), but this doesn't entitle you to say that this make is bad.
  3. Do you even read my post? I said in all my posts that you can boot (AND INSTALL) Windows and Linux from usb memory sticks. And yes, if you have some older games that you only own on CD/DVD/disquettes which you want to play, but cannot be activated online, yes, you can buy a CD/DVD-rom / FDD, but this is some exceptional situation.
1 decade ago

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To bottleneck the read times basically. And memory only comes in play for subsequent opens of the same program.

  1. An entire bad line of products does not make a good brand, let alone 2.
  2. Sure you can install from USB memory, but don't forget most retail Windows copies are disk based, meaning you still need the drive.
1 decade ago

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  1. ....; storage drive is the second last tier in memory hierarchy. SSD only helps on loading times and this has nothing to do with overclocking.
  2. just search over the internet. You seem to be the only person who did not get that caviar green and hdds are storage drives not system drives and are not to be compared with spinpoints.
  3. I mostly use ubuntu, but anyway ...
1 decade ago

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  1. Sure it has nothing to do with overclocking. But if you are going to overclock, you might as well get a SSD also.
  2. Considering this is supposed to be a mid-range budget, why would I want two drives in there? So thus that's why a Toshiba would be better here.
  3. That tool only works on the online Microsoft store bought copy. Meaning it's useless otherwise.
1 decade ago

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  1. this make no sense to me;
  2. Everyone has his own reasons. I use the storage drive for media, drm-free games, professional projects and backups mostly. I also made it bootable because it's convenient. Beside that it's handy when your system drive has problems and I think it's worth 60$.
  3. You only need a CD/DVD-ROM for 5-10 minutes in order to copy the "windows files" to an bootable usb memory stick. At some stores, you can even ask the support guy to do this job for you. I don't think there are no solutions, and from my point of view, CD/DVD-ROMs are a waste of money these days.
1 decade ago

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Don't waste your time on him. He posts in almost every thread and makes a fool out of himself because he has no clue about anything. Just let him troll and leave him alone.

1 decade ago

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If I have no clue, you also have none. Cause you also don't know what you are talking about here.

1 decade ago

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PS: I see there is impossible for us to agree on any of those 3 points. I hope OP will buy something that will suit his needs and I want to congratulate him for his new build.
I wish you a nice day, CHTonRage! :)

1 decade ago

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To each his/her own. I have my own thinking and you yours. I don't really wish to keep talking when we have different opinions and thus thanks for telling me your viewpoint.

1 decade ago

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WD isn't bad if you get correct model. Never get WD Blue or WD Green as system drive - they aren't good enough for that. But if you get WD Black as system drive - it will be faster than normal HDD but slower than SSD because it's a hybrid technology. But I haven't seen any problems with WD Black. Of course, there's always a percent of faulty HDD's but it's the same for all manufacturers.

1 decade ago

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The problem is WD Black is pretty expensive, which may not fit the pricing on the build.
And as it is, Toshiba is the current owner of the Hitachi drive manufacturing side, so I expect their drives to be decent.

1 decade ago

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Difference in price isn't that big when you look at them. Where I live it's only around 20$ more but it might be different in USA or wherever OP lives.

1 decade ago

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OP is in Australia, thus WD is not the best choice.

1 decade ago

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I didn't even say that he should pick a caviar green for OS, but for data storage and system backup: it's a bit slower, but it's cheap and focused on saving energy.

1 decade ago

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For storage yes, it can be used.

1 decade ago

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Guys i really don't get why you are having an argument over the internet over a random guy and what he should get in his PC specs but i do appreciate the effort

1 decade ago

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This is the date when I recieved the hdd: Luni, 01 August 2011 08:57
error scan

1 decade ago

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You should get red one.

1 decade ago

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If you're not going to contribute to the thread stop spamming.

1 decade ago

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I beg to differ. Everybody knows that red PCs run faster by ~10%, it's the law of nature. The same goes pretty much for everything.

1 decade ago

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Can confirm this as "Red unz go fasta"

1 decade ago

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As always, building your own system is best and cheapest.

You can easily get a computer running battlefeel 4 on ultra with your 1200 $ budget.

1 decade ago

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-Intel(R) HD Graphics is not a good choice for a gaming computer. You will find quite a few games will either struggle on this or simply not run, or require running at the lowest possible setting.

1 decade ago

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Pcpartpicker I made this a little quickly but it should be ok

Edit: oh wait you're australian :3 I'll fix

Edit 2: Since you're not OCing then cpu coolers won't be necessary. I'm pretty sure mine should be one of the best options for you

1 decade ago

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I can vouch for the MSI GeForce GTX 770 (2GB). It's an absolute beast of a card for the money spent.

1 decade ago

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build a custom pc

1 decade ago

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Intel graphics cards are not too good, check out some of the GeForce cards, for 1200 bucks you can build a beast computer.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by EpicDemoMan.