Now that you are baited: First, you have to conquer puzzle hell! Your torturous journey begins here, a 625 to the power of 1/2 pieces Jigidi. Will you make it to the end?

And what will be your reward? Well, that is a surprise. Though, be aware that there is a CV restriction ranging from Lvl 1 to Lvl 5. Also, I "might" add giveaways to the train, so check at a later point again. Maybe. Or don't check because it is unlikely ^^'

Since, I am realistic I know that I can't keep up the thread for two weeks :P The attention span of people is just too short for that ^^' Therefore, I just want to give some topics, you can discuss if you want to:

  • To the solvers: Has the reward been worth the torture?
  • To puzzle creators: Have you ever gone back to some of your old puzzle threads and thought: "How am I supposed to solve this?" Not that I have issues solving my own past puzzles :P My favourite threads have been those with ITH quizzes because I can no longer access them. And I read the comments and hints and think: "WHAT was the QUESTION?"
  • To the older part of the community: You remember larger events? Something like JeffHowe's puzzle pyramids or the Touhou Event. Or Nordhbane's puzzle agency. Or older puzzles in general like Samus' dog Caesar.
  • To the community in general: Haven't seen a thread about it yet. May have overlooked it. Disney is working more intensly with Epic games and investing laaaaaarge amounts of money into Epic. I know it is hip to hate on Epic and in special circles it is also hip to hate on Disney. Nonetheless, do you think the cooperation will bring some movement in the market or are Steam and Epic simply adressing different communities/markets?

Ah right, for those challenging puzzle hell, have some inspirational music here:
If you can't see eye to eye with the tiger, maybe try communicating with him:
Both versions should actually work but there might be some issues with the first. It worked on my side but there have been reports that only the second worked.

Also, I checked if everything works. But I might have made errors so if you are unsure, give me a heads up. At least my Virus Scanner says that everything is clean :P

Edit: The second part may have some minor issues. If the heavily hinted at solution does not work, try an equal alternative. You will know what I mean if you tried the intended solution.


  1. The first step is quite easy. You just have to finish the Jigidi and then you get the link to the Tiger image.
  2. You download the image (first pitfall: It has to be around 8 Mb in size, otherwise you just downloaded the thumbnail)
  3. Watch the image closely (the Eye of the Tiger song stirs you into the right direction)
  4. Zoom to the eye and recognize the zipper (second pitfall: Yes, this is hard to see but I hear there are people who recognized it as such, didn't want to make it too obvious)
  5. Make the mental jump from zipper to zip
  6. Rename the downloaded image to .zip (third pitfall: You need to activate file extensions being shown)
  7. Open the newly created zip with WinRar. I think this is pre-installed in Windows? Or 7-zip.
  8. Open the VSF folder and then the Very Secret File.txt
  9. Find the giveaway link for the train
    9+: Scroll down and find the giveaway link for the secret bonus giveaway

So far the theory. However, due to magic I have not foreseen and can't control, the zip method does not work for everyone. Some people reported that they had to open the file inside 7-zip. Others told me that .zip didn't work at all and they needed to use .rar (that was the second video hint: ra(w)r). Apologies to everyone who thought of the correct solution but gave up because of these issues. This was not my intention and I am not sure what the trigger conditions are. On my side, it worked simply with .zip and WinRar.

4 months ago*

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A bit too on the nose but you know what? I like it.

Still stuck with the second part though. No idea what it is supposed to indicate.

4 months ago

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Me too ⁅ ⁆

4 months ago

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Hmm, even with the inspirational music I have no clue what to do after jigidi. I guess I don't have the eye for it.

4 months ago

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I'm probably too dumb for this, There is somerhing weird in the tiger's eyes, but i'm not sure if it's related/relevant.

Thanks for the Jigidi :)

4 months ago

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It probably is ^^

4 months ago

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Bump for solved, and for hating you a lot , as this was REALLY difficult to think that way for me.

But thanks

4 months ago

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Aw man, if I would know you, I would probably be heart-broken :P Well, congratulations for finding the Tiger's den.

4 months ago

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Know that from now on, when i see a post from you, I'll probably be shaking with uncontrollable fear.

But you made my brain work, so in the long term this is probably good for my health :p

4 months ago

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I can clearly see what's different in the tiger's eyes, but I don't know what to do with it. I had thought it would be characters...and it's not. <shrug>

4 months ago

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Bump for solved instantly knew the solution after you mentioned older SG =p but still took 2 tries with the secret for some reason lol

View attached image.
4 months ago

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2nd part is way too obtuse

4 months ago

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I didn't want it to be to obvious. And I edited that image for over an hour until I got a version which was at least recognizable. There is also a reason why I spend an hour or two for a fitting image hosting service as imgur did not work as intended ^^'

4 months ago

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Ha took me 5 hours but managed to figure it out, very clever <3

4 months ago

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I really hope you didn't blank stare five hours at the Tiger but that you did something else and randomly had an Eureka moment ^^'

4 months ago

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was having fun writing regular expression syntaxes then i realized the obvious lol

4 months ago

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Bump for solved :D I finally had to look up a Windows 11 setting, I was too lazy to do before lol

4 months ago

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Does this puzzle only work with Windows 11?

4 months ago

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No, it works with any Windows version.

4 months ago

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but do it work w linux?

4 months ago

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Yes. In Linux the option @SoulNibbler mentioned is enable by default. This puzzle doesn't involve any Windows only method. I've solved the puzzle using a cross platform, open source tool.

4 months ago

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No, it works with every Windows, but I have only had Win11 for over 2 months, and didn't set an option I usually do in every Windows.

4 months ago

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I have no clue :(, i am missing something

4 months ago

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You checked the comment section of the Jigidi? Might help.

Also, I'm sure you have several clues. Though, you might have troubles understanding them. If you are stuck now, feel free to come back later and there might be more hints.

Depending on specific question, I can answer them right now already.

4 months ago

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I see eyes, checked comment and yt videos and still dont get it.
I've looked for image tags after download it, tried insane things but no luck.

4 months ago

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Then take a short break. The event goes until the 18th March. There is enough time to get ideas randomly while sitting at work and then coming back.

4 months ago

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Bump for no clue with the eyes, and not going to bother further. Cheers 🍻

4 months ago

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Two questions, feel free to ignore/tell me to delete, I just wanna make sure I understood the rules properly:

  • Are the youtube links a necessary step for the puzzle?
  • What do you mean by both versions?
    I feel like I'm making a bit of progress with this, step by step.
4 months ago

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The links are not a "necessary" step. They serve as clue. You can solve the puzzle without ever opening them or looking at them.

In the second step, you have to do "something" with the image. The way you have to do something is identical in both versions. But there are two viable solutions for this change. Yea, this sounds super cryptic. But at this point in time, I won't go further. But I will be more helpful towards the middle/end of the event. So, if you are stumped now, you can come back later and ask again.

4 months ago

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Bump thanks :D

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Bump for solving tomorrow

4 months ago

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Yeah, I don't know what to do with that. Does it have something to do with this image?

View attached image.
4 months ago

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I can safely say: No! Not sure at which stage this popped up. You only need the image after solving the Jigidi. Everything else is just information/clues.

4 months ago

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I guess my way of asking about hiding information in images (and the term for it) was hidden too well.

4 months ago

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Yea, it may be. Seeing this comment and looking at the image, I have no idea what you intended to hide with the image ^^'

Congratulations, you managed to puzzle me in my puzzle thread. :P

4 months ago

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Steganography. Didn't want to say it clearly if it were right, but now I got the solution, and steganography is not involved.

4 months ago

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IF the puzzle had involved Steganography, I probably would have gotten the hint :P

4 months ago

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I didn't understand the tiger's eyes clue but I was able to solve the puzzle lol

Nice puzzle, thank you!

4 months ago

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I know there's something in the eyes,but i'm not smart enough to figure it out.
Good luck to everyone who figured it out!

4 months ago

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I think I'm too stupid for this one

4 months ago

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Even with the information that I know with the tiger now, I still don't know what I am supposed to do with that information...

4 months ago

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It took me a while to realise what the solution was.

4 months ago

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Bump for solved!

4 months ago

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Bump for solved. Once again I was chasing red herrings. Turned out to be way easier than I thought

4 months ago

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Bump for solved. Nice puzzle :)

4 months ago

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Bump for solved thanks!

4 months ago

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Bump for solved!

4 months ago

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I was a bit confused at first, but managed to figure it out eventually. Thanks :)

4 months ago

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Bump for solved!

4 months ago

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Closed 3 months ago by Adelion.