So... my recent thread had a big response, not a good one but i a big one anyway... first of all my first lenguage isnt english and sometimes i use words that i think mean something but they doesnt, anyway... most people said that i am a leacher myself... and in the big picture a kind of agree, my general ratio is 3 wins- 1 given, but the group is for leacher inside private giveaway groups, that are known to fuck their ratio up and then go the hell out or thing like that, now i am in one and only one private group for giveaways (with ratio) and i am an officer there (of course i have a good ratio there), recently it was an event where a member farm wins and then leave and then keep wining since a week haven past since then, it come to my mind that so this kind of things doesnt happen as often... we could do this kind of things.... you can see in that thread that there are some people that try to defend me or arent 100% saying me that i am a leacher scum... that people are from the same group as i and so they knew what i was talking about. sorry for the misunderstading... and for my own ratio, i really wish i could make more giveaways, but being a student with no credit card in a country with region locking makes it really hard to make tons of giveaways, right know i have a buying order for some paypal money so i can make giveaways (i printed it like 3 days ago) but i can do that so often since the person that doest that sell this money at 2x what the official exchange is... so yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding again


It is an idea just for private giveaways group, maybe leachers was not the right word, so i am sorry

if this thread left you angry at me, just post "+1" in the fist comment

9 years ago*

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Stop right there leeacher scum!

9 years ago

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i am happy to see no comments here :D

edit: inb4 comments

9 years ago

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Oh you were talking about the recent Bundle Quest fiasco. Oh well.
Still my opinion from the previous thread remains.

Edit: This

9 years ago*

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There was a BQ fiasco? Never heard of it.

9 years ago

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some dude impersonated another dude and join and win more than 20 giveaways expecting us to didnt notice, he was already kicked so rerolliing those giveaways will be easy, but a troble anyway more so for the giveaways were the only entry was him

9 years ago

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I see. Well, this is one of the reasons why I implemented my own bot in my 2hu giveaways group. It automatically tracks what user is giving away, winning, and joining. When some critical value is reached, user is being kicked automatically in order to save good members.

But that's unique I guess.

9 years ago

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thats awesome, also your chat bot is awesome too ! though it doesnt let me touch it :C

9 years ago

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I actually thought of making that bot helping some other GA groups, since my SG integration is absolutely unique, but there's still lots to be done and many bugs to get fixed. I just decided to save my time by automating most, if not all, tasks as a group leader.

But hey, it works

9 years ago

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Also poor Llamaboy01

9 years ago

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Thanks for the heads-up.

9 years ago

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Oh how cute 2 2hu talking to each other :3

9 years ago

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If you knew the real relations between us you'd actually be surprised.

9 years ago

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*Starts writing fan fiction*

9 years ago

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Oh that impersonator was on my whitelist O.o It's sad when puzzlers join the dark side :(

9 years ago

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Just to be sure I'm NOT talking about Llamaboy01 but someone who impersonates him (and even used Llamaboy01's avatar once!) with a capital i.

9 years ago

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Yes, of course. I knew that impersonator for his old nick. I know LLAMAboy01 is innocent in all this thing ^^

9 years ago

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i don't understand how he can be in here for 4 years and suddenly decide to be an asshole and impersonate someone else

9 years ago

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he may be member for 4 years, but his actual bigger gifting activity started just 3 months ago. And so does more serious winning. So it's possible that starting then he started calculating what to do to maximize his gain out of this activity, when his ratio fell and he faced the fact that possibly soon he will be out of free game source again, he decided to go all-in and grab as much as he can beforehand.

9 years ago

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i see..well bad move,now he won't be entering many other group and public giveaways too
also will probably end up suspended for a long time

9 years ago

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he probably will and he probably just accepted it. The thing is he knows that for over 2 years he didn't win anything. Then with group he was winning a lot. Then without it he will stop winning again and will not see a win for months, so he decided to grab what he can, because he thinks it's wrth more than suspension/ban?

9 years ago

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dang, just when I created this topic :D: I think I'll just copy-pasta it here ;p

9 years ago

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I just wrote a super long text in the old thread and then you closed it.
You're not doing anything good today. :D

9 years ago

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I wrote one to Leonidas' topic and one to Zelghadis' one, couldn't post any of them because they got closed xD

9 years ago

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Sucks, right? I shouldn't have proof-read the text so often. :D

9 years ago

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Oh and another thing it was just an IDEA, i wanted to know if you people though it was good or not

9 years ago

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it's not.

9 years ago

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yeah i realice that now, i just wanted to create this thread because most people fouced on me rather than the idea that i made, it was something that i wrote just after seeing a bit of what happend in a group, didnt think seriously of it really, so yeah, no hat3 plz

9 years ago

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I'll let myself post your original OP, as in my reply I never got to add before closing I was referring to it.

Original idea:

I know that calling out here is bad, but i know that leachers and other stuff like that are the thing that bothers private groups the most, i dont know if people will like this but i think it would be cool to have a private group, only to officers/admins of private giveaways groups that are based in some kind of ratio just to let each other know about bad users because we can not tell from the profile if an user will turn out to be a leacher, we would have a list of every known leacher (via steam id, and proved the leeachenss of the user :P), anyway it is just an idea, but i already made the group in case people like the idea

My take on a matter:

I believe that any serious group that is seriously administrated should and will do background check on any user wanting to join. And idea proposed in OP is 1) exploitable 2) contrary to SG rules 3) won't work, cause what's breaking the rules in 1 group is fine in another.

AD 1) Anyone can create private GA group. It's not like all group admins and moderators are perfectly clean ppl by definition. Heck, every now and then we see group recruitments for groups that are obvious scams made by "group admins". Now imagine that any of hese douchebags could just go to such a group and post maybe even fake accusation that user XYZ scammed the group, while in reality maybe he just didn't agree with admin and admin is taking revenge on him?

AD 2) No calling out is no calling out. Such a group, while not on SG, is obviously made to go around the rules. It's only purpose is SG related and only reason for it's existence is to break SG rules outside of SG. For comparison - what if I were to make a group solely dedicated to leaking puzzle answers and/or GA links? Should it be ok just because I'm leaking them in steam group and not on SG itself?

AD 3) There are different kinds of SG groups, each with it's own set of rules. What will get you kicked in group A, will only let to probation in group B and will be totally fine in group C. Yet you get publicly shamed and get closed doors or even icked from groups B and C, even if your action wouldn't lead to such consequecnes in B and C.

TL;DR It's terrible idea. It's easily exploitable workaround to clearly break SG rules that can easily bring bad results for innocent people.

9 years ago

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But basically this is the extended version of what I said :V

9 years ago

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i was originally writing it as reply/expansion to your comment to tris ;p

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Its okay that you add it :P
now i see that is a bad idea, i just wanted something like the rep in Steamtrade but for giveaway groups didnt wanted it to be explotiable nor did i though about it being breaking the rules (mostly because the not calling out rules is because of impersonators and my idea was share it via steam id) but i get it now.

9 years ago

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I'm not saying you meant anything bad, just stating what probles it brings ;)

And there are many more reasons for no-calling-out rule other than impersonations. No calling out prevents witch hunts, false accusations, using community as your private army to deal with someone you have personal issues with etc.

9 years ago

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I agree. Mostly on the first point. Most groups just let everyone in who pretends to be a generous good-minded gifter and if you would check their profiles there is nothing that proves it, which nearly noone does.
Although I have to say that calling out is a rule that I sometimes want to be removed because some people are abusing this website and only afew people know when someone breaks a lot of rules, meaning everyone else will think they're perfectly fine.
It's a very very very exaggerated example but imagine someone comitting a felony and everyone involved is supposed to keep shut. It's a good thing to warn other people about it.
The support often suspends people that should've been banned a long time ago and it's senseless at this point to pretend someone never done anything wrong to keep their reputation perfectly clean for everyone else.
We're not even allowed to publicly state if a giveaway is fake or a scam or whatever, while thousands of users think it's legit and we are the ones getting in trouble for calling out.

9 years ago

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Actually it depends heavily on the group. Top private groups take their time with recruitment, carefully pick members. Most of private groups I'm in or ever was (besides one where admin is a azy asshole, looking at you hideo! ;p) hardly ever encounter such a problems, simply because they are well administrated and do their work when recruiting new people. If your admin just lets anyone in - well, if something happens, he's the one to blame. Most of the times there are obvious indications whether the user gonna be good or bad member. You just have to bother to check him.

As for no-calling-out - it is neccessary. Without it the forums would just be a warzone with private wars and witch-hunts all around. As far as I know if someone is caught breaking the rues for the first time, unless it's a serious issue, like multiaccount or feedback fraud, he gets suspended. The short imho length of suspensions is another topic, but it's not related to this discussion. What is related thou is that repeated offense will lead to more serious punishment. Suspension is an educational tool - you get suspended so you learn to behave and to follow the rules. And if you don't you know that it may lead to severe consequences including perma-ban.

As for not allowing to call-out fake GAs - there's a very good reason for that. First of all - poins are free. You don't lose anything in real if you happen to win GA that ends up being fake. Worst case scenario - you end up the same as before you won it. But there's also be cases of legit new users creating awesome entry GAs ust to get hit in the face with false accusations. Think about what impression it brings to such a new contributor? Would you keep giving away to a community that greeted you with public shaming and false accusations? So on one hand we have situation in which noone loses anything (and if newbie keeps making fake/scam GAs he will be punished anyway - ust after there is a proof, not before it), on the other hand we risk calling out innocent people, discouraging them from joining community and potentially losing future top contributors. The choice here is simple one.

9 years ago

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I don't think there's any group that is okay with someone entering and winning as many giveaways as they can but not making any themselves. That's what OP is talking about.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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People have different definitions of leechers. I know I don't just automatically take offense to people who have bad ratios, which would be the definition of leecher for some people. They might just not be able to afford games they would like, which is actually the kind of person I wouldn't mind winning my giveaways at all.

One of the things I do take offense to is people who can afford to give away games to groups to stay in those groups and win many games from being in those groups and also take a great deal from the wider community without giving back through public giveaways and end up with rather shocking won/given ratios.

If private giveaway groups want to keep track of problem members then that may well be a good thing for those groups - but keep in mind the wider community may well have very different opinions of who problem users are and what to do about them if such discussions are made...

9 years ago

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yeah i undersant that, thanks for not just hating :D yeah i wish i could be in more groups, i think that bundle quest is the only one that i could be since it gives you 3 months to giveaway (as you mantain your ratio of course) and so i can give myself sometime to get some money and giveaway something, i hope i dont offense you

9 years ago

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I wouldn't hate anyone over anything like this. I try and see things from the point of view of the other person. I was just trying to explain a few things from the point of view of other folks who maybe did see some hypocrisy there or yourself as less than an ideal user...

9 years ago

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Problem is that the user who causes that much problem today acted perfectly normal until a day - fallen below threshhold, and after we warned him he unfriended every admin (entries not removed) - so we kicked him and he still entering giveaways under the name of other group member (changed name to the exact same and profile pic to the exact same - this is also an impersonating offense) - and we can do nothing until he doesn't sync his SG!
A simple forced sync could solve the whole situation, if there's an option like this at all. It's just terrible that the group is accessible to ex-members until THEY chose to sync, and the group can't really do anything about that. ( Above 50-100 members you can't reach everyone to tell them to blacklist somebody.)

9 years ago

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Well, most of us reported the problem member by now, I hope. I do wish we could post the scoundrel's profile and SG name though.

9 years ago

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That's "rephrase" I believe.

9 years ago

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He stated that English is not his native language, do you expect him to learn perfect out of blue
for the sake of the Topic?

9 years ago

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Its okay, i like learning and i am not bother by people correcting me :P

9 years ago

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Well of course you should never be bothered, unfortunately no one can know everything
It's just the way he said it, but as long as you are alright with that I got no reason to talk at all :D

9 years ago

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yeah i know about the way he said it, but since the last thread generated a lot of hate i dont expect everybody to treat me like they will treat their mothers :P

9 years ago

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now who's a good boooy cuchi cuchi coo
yeeee you a good booooy

Now here's some unrelated gif that contributes nothing to the thread nor the post at all. (pantaloon lovers beware)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I got a headache after watching that gif
You are merciless!

9 years ago

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S-Sorry :V

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Nothing for hat lovers such as myself ? :C

Also just so i know... thats how you treat your mother? xD

9 years ago

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You're a hat lover? Since WHEN

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9 years ago

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Since i knew of the existence of hats...

the other day i was walking to the house of my professor and i crossed 2 stores that sell only hats, on the same streat! thats the best streat ever... also there was another store that sold only pantaloons and their mannequins had bigger butts than nicki minaj...

9 years ago

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Also n-no I uh.... I.... Dammit.

9 years ago

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It was not meant to be offensive or anything. It's just..

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9 years ago

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You're kind of a leecher tho

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9 years ago

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yeah i know, i pretend to fix that, but the point was private giveaway group leeacher (those who win 20 giveaways and the go)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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ArsenaIGunna, ArsenalGurma, ArsenaIGurma ;)

9 years ago

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