‎- MegaUpload - Closed.

  • FileServe - Closing does not sell premium.

  • FileJungle - Deleting files. Locked in the U.S..

  • UploadStation - Locked in the U.S..

  • FileSonic - the news is arbitrary (under FBI investigation).

  • VideoBB - Closed! would disappear soon.

  • Uploaded - Banned U.S. and the FBI went after the owners who are gone.

  • FilePost - Deleting all material (so will leave executables, pdfs, txts)

  • Videoz - closed and locked in the countries affiliated with the USA.

  • 4shared - Deleting files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI.

  • MediaFire - Called to testify in the next 90 days and it will open doors pro FBI

-Org torrent - could vanish with everything within 30 days "he is under criminal investigation"

  • Network Share mIRC - awaiting the decision of the case to continue or terminate Torrente everything.

  • Koshiki - operating 100% Japan will not join the SOUP / PIPA

  • Shienko Box - 100% working china / korea will not join the SOUP / PIPA

  • ShareX BR - group UOL / BOL / iG say they will join the SOUP / PIPA

Japan, China and Korea said NO to the FBI and that even if laws are passed in the USA will not have any value within the sovereignty of their countries.

13 years ago*

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Which Korea?

13 years ago

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if I am false correct me.

13 years ago

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It would be useful to provide some proof that those sites are actually going to be closed.Right at this moment I can access VideoBB,Fileserve,etc.However I'm outside the U.S jurisdiction.

13 years ago

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I figured, but may as well ask.

13 years ago

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North Korea doesn't even have internet (dictatorship) so it's about South Korea for sure ^^

13 years ago

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MY FAVORITE ASIAN BIRDIES ARE ALWAYS AGAINST US FAGS! (No offense to US citizens apart from people who are supporting SOPA/PIPA ;3) NYAHAHA!

13 years ago

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Love your name

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Use rus services, solved.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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If only PIPA was as sexy as the Middleton version I might be more for it.

13 years ago

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The Mayans were right...

13 years ago

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lmao, this made my day

13 years ago

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if torrent sites go down too, it's the end of the world...
Wtf am I gonna do without anime and asian torrents? Maybe we can join russian army and nuke USA FBI HQ.

13 years ago

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BitTorrent and Azureas are funded by major american corporations, so have no fear. Anti piracy, unless it affects our political funding!

13 years ago

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Note for the Korean/Japanese sites. If ANYONE running those companies, steps outside of Japan/Korea the FBI will be on them like a frat boy on a drunken coed. Which mean unless those executives like staying in their respective countries forever they will cave.

13 years ago

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Well, afaik the FBI may only operate within the borders of the US, or am I wrong? So they only have to fear traveling to the US I think

13 years ago

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You'll note that the FBI managed to get Chinese HK nationals arrested in Australia.

So again, yes within the countries giving the FBI the middle finger, they can do little. But second you step outside of those countries, the FBI can basically ask the local government to arrest you then extradite you to the USA.



Thus you are essentially under 'country arrest'

13 years ago

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FBI,KGB,GIGN,who cares?You just can't stop piracy!Theft has been around since the time of the cave man.It doesn't matter if it's intellectual property.

13 years ago

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It matters less that it's intellectual 'property.' The entire notion of intellectual property is kind of a joke, really. No one owns ideas. If ideas were or could be made proprietary, human civilization would never have developed. Our technology and culture are the product of ideas passed from one generation to the next down through the ages. Intellectual property largely boils down to, "Hey, I was doing that first, that's my idea! Stop it!" This is just about a bunch of media and entertainment corporations being greedy over losing a fraction of their market shares and pressuring the government into ruining one of the most vital media in existence to protect those profits.

13 years ago

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Behind these works are ideas, Mr. Dodd.

And ideas...are copyrightproof.

13 years ago

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You just made me think of a perfect BC comic, not sure if it's already been done. But essentially, one caveman goes and makes... fire! Another caveman sees and makes some fire. Last panel is second caveman getting a piece of paper informing him he must cease and desist.

13 years ago

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Can you cite ANY information on this list?

Fileserve still appears to be selling Premium... and the wording you use is rather broken.

13 years ago

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And not a single fuck was given. Only the scrublords download pirated media from file sharing websites with frequency enough to care.

13 years ago

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Or, ya know, the people who upload files to access them in other places or share with friends.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Hah! You can still upload and download files from remaining filesharing websites like mediafire. You just won't be able to host illegal files for linking, like a lot of pirating blogs did.

Megaupload and others were used mostly to pirate third-hand media files, that's why people bought accounts there like mad to get faster download speeds and get more stuff. Refer to my original comment.

13 years ago

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I actually used MegaUpload as another backup for all of my documents. As far as I know, that's not pirating unless I've violated my own copyrights.

13 years ago

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If you've used a file-sharing website known to profit off the downloads of hundreds-and-thousands of dollars worth in copyrighted material as your only backup folder for important documents and files, then it's really your fault.

13 years ago

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Actually, I'll let you know that most of the Steam skins that have threads on the official Steam forums (i.e. SPUF) are hosted on sites like these, most notably MediaFire.

The same applies to...pretty much any file that's larger than 1 MB but which someone wants to give to someone else. Most forums don't have file upload functions, so people use bulk upload sites and then pass the URLs on.

13 years ago

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What is Org torrent and Network Share mIRC?
Never heard of it.

13 years ago

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I dont think this is related to sopa because I am pretty sure it wasn't passed.

13 years ago

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You're right, this isn't related to SOPA/PIPA, but related to a recent FBI raid (or something like that) against MegaUpload and its subsidiary websites. However, the topic is still relevant.

13 years ago

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Even if they were to take down the major filesharing sites (being the main one i use Mediafire, after MU and 4shared), exactly how do they expect to shut down forms of filesharing, even the ones with copyright infrigement? i mean i could easily disguise a file to be a photo i took, or a MIDI i just made, or a drawing, and upload it, and even then, you have thousands upon thousands of private torrent sites to go and get what you want.

Also, i have to ask myself, while they're shutting down filesharing sites, what about sites like youtube? do they really expect that ACTA/PIPA will be approved? or they will simply start deleting content without warning?.

In any case, in my country (Argentina) there's absolutely no legislation in terms of filesharing, and i seriously doubt the government would even care about stuff like this, and even if they would, their security systems are extremely outdated, so keeping track to a hacker, or even a torrent site is pretty much useless.

13 years ago

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Thats why its so easy to navigate the deep web here

13 years ago

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Source: Rumors on a brazillian forum

13 years ago

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I've tried downloading files on FileServe, FileJungle, UploadStation, FileSonic, Uploaded, FilePost and pretty much everything has been deleted or access has been blocked.

13 years ago

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Yes, some sites are blocking sharing but there is no proof it's because of FBI involvement and not just out fear.
The Mediafire one is also pure speculation

13 years ago

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I have a file on Mediafire and its not deleted or blocked or anything

13 years ago

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MediaFire pretty much deletes all copyrighted content that can give them trouble and informs guy on e-mail, telling him that they deleted file xxx, because yyy. Hope, everything would be fine with them.

13 years ago

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What is this Koshiki thing?

13 years ago

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As long as thepiratebay and utorrent still stand, what is there to worry about?

13 years ago

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Any chance you would learn me on some utorrent benefits?

13 years ago

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Direct download from other PCs, no fees, i HUGE prefer you encrypt your connection still.
Who is using it?? (me not)

13 years ago

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I didn't understand a single sentence... :(

13 years ago

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Rapidshare is holding it's ground. Hopefully it continues too. If MF goes down, RS will be our last stand before ...shudders ...torrents...

13 years ago

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No MF = Internet has almost died
No RS = Everything dies

13 years ago

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Wait, people still prefer direct downloads to torrents? EL OH EL.

13 years ago

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A consistent fast speed that isn't dependent on people seeding. Hell yes we prefer DD over torrents. Also torrents being more traceable. Everytime they talk about piracy it's always about the torrent users. go to http://www.youhavedownloaded.com and if you torrent you'll be quite surprised to see some of the things downloaded having a record. Me, never using torrents and only using direct downloads, have no record.

13 years ago

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Yeah I don't see the appeal of Torrents over DD, other then Torrents for some things being easier to find.
My piracy is mostly limited to US TV shows that'll take ages to air here, but I've been crazily downloading stuff I can still find around that I would likely never buy. So this is having the opposite intended impact for me.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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utorrent is a lame ass bitch. and also easy for some dubioud law-agency to get your IP and write a little "warning-letter" with a huge fee. Yes, this happened a lot here in germany.

But ffs are the people from US government smoking rocks or what? forcing all these great 1-click hosters to go down...

Where's anonymous now??

13 years ago

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"Where's anonymous now??"

That's all I could think of when I first heard of SOPA... I'm sure if the American government keeps it up they'll do something about it. (or at least I hope they will lol)

13 years ago

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new plan for live... get a net cable from China all the way to my house... profit

13 years ago

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Even if that were possible it would be a bad idea. A lot of stuff is censored in China. Plus they actually have an internet police and you can get arrested for pretty much anything.

13 years ago

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including using facebook lmao

13 years ago

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Wait, mediafire? Why?!?!?!?!?

13 years ago

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inb4 influx of .onion domains

13 years ago

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i hope that share cash goes down but not media fire :\

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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seedbox and ftp

13 years ago

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Than fak USA goverment.. > FTP/Lan file sharing is still safe..

I like that, I'm from Europe, but that was still good servers.

America: Do some demonstrations/defenestration :D

13 years ago

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you know that few countries already signed acta right?

United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea


ye they turning off sites in usa because of that

13 years ago

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Unfortunately, ACTA is a global incarnation of these laws, so there's still a threat, especially sicne Japan appears to support ACTA.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by anime4049.