SG International Movie List

So yeah, I might've been a bit stupid some time ago and buy too many Mystery Bundles from Fanatical... :))) I got some pretty good stuff, but i already got about 70% of games I got, so here they are! (TRAIN ENDED)
Instead of bumping (you can still simply do it, but it is less fun) I would like you to write some of less known, but great movies from your country. I love movies and probably watched somwhere around 2000 of them :D It could be my biggest hobby (even bigger than gaming). So because I watched so many of them, I'm pretty bored. I love to discover new movies and especially from countries that haven't got Hollywood :D Don't get me wrong, I also love films from USA, so if you are American and have fantanstic movie to share, feel free.

Of course I will start :D I'm from Poland (you know, Ku.wa country) so here are mine:
Dom zły (eng. The Dark House) - great thriller set on polish countryside in the 70s-80s.
Ostatnia rodzina (eng. The Last Family) - biopic about Zdzisław Beksiński and his family (you probably know some of his paintings)
Jestem mordercą (eng. I'm a Killer) - thriller inspired by true events. It is set in the 70s and follows a case of The Zagłębie Vampire.
Film balkonowy (eng. The Balcony Movie) - documentary about pretty normal people, but I personally love it. Director simply set a camera on his balcony and for about a year, talked to people that went by
Nóż w wodzie (eng .Knife in the Water) - movie from 1961 about three people that go on a boat trip. At first it sounds not very great, but it's great. Fun fact - it's one of the first movies of Roman Polanski, one of the greatest polish directors (The Pianist) and husband of Sharon Tate

I didn't expect that thread will be so active :D I will try to make a list consisting movies that are recommended here. If you want to help, you can also share legal websites and YT Channels that offer movies for free. Many of National Film Institutes and similiar institutions share some of their movies for free in some form, so if you want to contribute, feel free :D

9 months ago*

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Mortadelo and filemon: a animated movie based on comics of the same name, drew by an spanish artist, i think there was a trailer in english at some point, but the movie itself was never translated, surely because a lot of the jokes rely on Spanish culture or things that are popular here

the movie its about Two agents of a detective agency named T.I.A Mortadelo has the ability of instantly changing into costumes and to use abilities related to what the costumes represent, but he is incompetent, Filemon is just sligthy less dumb than Mortadelo, but still he is an idiot who puts a bold face but when things get dangerous for him he shows how much of a coward he is

both have to catch a criminal named "Jimmy" but very soon another one, bigger and more brutish gets out of prison, one with a big grudge to filemon, and here is where my favourite gag of the movie comes, the news cover that said criminal wants to do the "that"(yes,the "that" it it named like that in the movie) , and the local population dislikes Filemon so much that a cop is interviewed and asked what the "that" is and he gleefully explain what it is, the "that" is instantly viralized and Filemon cannot escape thinking about it because in every channel and in social media people start to reference what the "that" is (i wont say what the "that" is, i dont think is a big deal specially given how carituresque it is presented, the entire movie and comic series is very carituresque, child friendly and parodies basically nearly everything that exist at some point but for some reason there are people who think it is very inapropiate)

9 months ago*

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Interesting... It is a funny thing to explore, when you can see cult calssic characters from some country/culture. Some of the like for exaple Asterix & Obelix are well known around the world but others (i assume like Mortadelo and Filemon) are only well known in one country.
The point is I love to explore other cultures, even if it is as small bit as some well known characters from comics/animations :D

9 months ago

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I remember reading the comics at a friend's house and at a library when I was a kid and I loved them. They're called "Clever & Smart" here in Germany. ^^

Too bad that Ibáñez died a month and a half ago :(

9 months ago

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I know the movie "Hobo with a shotgun" not too well known Canadian movie, and the character "Ricky" from Trailer Park Boys is actually in it i believe he gets killed too. So if your a fan of that Canadian show this could be a good watch.

9 months ago

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Ok, I love this type of movies so I will check it out as soon as possible :D

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Thanks for the movies. Few weeks ago I wanted to see Pamfir in cinema, but i was late... From the newer movies I also recon Klondike is really good but I also didn't made it (you can say I'm type of a person who buys a ticket and then forget about the movie :D)

9 months ago

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Luckily many of these films are available on Netflix. I'm going to watch Klondike sometime, but I don't dare to because of the subject matter (there are enough real war-related problems to watch a film about it :)).

9 months ago

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9 months ago*

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Yeah right, Takflix is a great service, didn't realize it was available in other countries

9 months ago

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9 months ago*

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Best polish humor:

Miś - eng: Teddy Bear (1980 or 1981)
Nic śmiesznego - eng: Nothing funny (1995 or 1996)
Dzień Świra - eng: Day of the Wacko (2002)

9 months ago

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Deffinitely would recommend Nic Śmiesznego & Dzień świra (And Wszyscy jesteśmy Chrystusami) for everyone outside of Poland to see. Maybe not exacly as a comedies but more comedy-drama showing Poland really well in this times. Miś is also in this category but it is deffinitely more comedic

9 months ago

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Do you mean little known outside my country or in my country?

9 months ago

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I meany outside but if you have also the other ones feel free to share :D I will try to check all good movies

9 months ago

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Well, the first that come to my mind was L'arbitro, don't know if it's famous in Italy, nor outside. Just take it in case I can't find another which is famous here but not elsewhere and good to watch (is good the right word in this case?)

9 months ago

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Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot and Freaks Out. They are from the same director. I think the first had a bigger "impact" but I kind of liked the second more. I'm not a movie expert though.
I hope these fit the requirements 🤞

9 months ago

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Wow, really interesting movies. I really like football (but I watch it like a few time a year) so also football related movies are interesting for me. So I will deffinitely watch this comedy/drama if I'll have a chance
When it comes to the other two, these are really interesting and really different from eachother. Nonetheless also, I will check them out

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Right!? I didn't expect so many recommendations... I tought that maybe I will have like 20 movies to watch but I think it is now more close to a hundred...

9 months ago

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Some excellent Czech films that are little known outside Czech Republic:
Obecná škola
Vesničko má středisková
Spalovač mrtvol

Some excellent Czech films that are little known even in Czech Republic:

9 months ago

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I really need to check Czech/Czechoslovakian cinematography... I have so much to check out...

I also can mention Učitelka from 2016. I watched it around it's premiere so few years ago but I remember it was a really good movie, worth seeing.

9 months ago

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Overall I don't watch movies made in my country. I am not a fan of acting from our actors. The directing is usually very old fashioned and acting is overly theatrical.. which is usually fine as many actors come from theater... but it differs in the end IMO.

But some movies have made it bigger and been shown outside of Latvia as well. So these actually might be the best known movies from my country, but still I would consider little know on overall scale.
Well.. at least these would be the ones I would like to share:

Blizzard of Souls is one of them - ;

January is another one - ; - we have a lot of classics that obviously are little known to anyone outside of Latvia, but those are pretty much rooted in and about our culture. Lately we have had some more newer dramas being made same as the ones I shared. Probably better ones then January, but as I said - I don't follow our cinema much.

And that is purely due to the fact that people on youtube are able to make much better looking movies then some popular directors can. But somewhat we are fixated on the fact they are legends and had made some old movies in the previous century. I have worked in a filming studio, been doing some side hustles filming events. And Ive met along th way some horrible camera operators that literally cant film for shit, but they work in TV studios. We have a bit of a problem old people feeling they deserve respect just because they are old. Yet many of them are shit at their jobs, included these old directors and filmmakers. And sometimes it goes in the other direction - some aspiring new people start making movies but they seriously lack any artistic style or skill. They make generic hipster movies with cringe stories and acting. In this sense I think the Blizzard of Souls was a really great ice breaker in our movie industry. While cheap run of the mill local TV movies and TV shows are obviously filmed more horrible then I do home movies with my phone, at least we are seeing some more dedicated film makers who aim for international stage

9 months ago

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9 months ago

Comment has been collapsed. - yup, seems like you can watch some of them here. And looks like they even have English subtitles. Pretty cool, yeah. I didn't even know this site before.

Anyway - for the classic movie fans, I suppose any of these are worth a watch. I have seen seen some of them, but as I said - Not a huge fan of classics in general (even if we are talking classic hollywood)

9 months ago

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Thank you for these movies and of course for the filmas website. It will help us a lot with exploring Latvian cinema :D

9 months ago

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Not from my country but recently I watched a korean movie name The Childe

9 months ago

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Ok, seems interesting. I think I mostly watched Korean thrillers and horrors so this is a bit different but still very cool looking

9 months ago

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There are many movies, but i'll recommend 2 from the Indian subcontinent:

  1. Parched : An Indian movie about cultural struggles in rural Northern India. I feel its an underrated gem of a movie. The women in the movie do an amazing job in their portrayal.
  2. Joyland : This is a recent Pakistani movie that I didnt expect to be blown away by. Heavy and engaging. Its about Pakistani culture, lgbtq themes and patriarchy. The acting is really really powerful.

Both are emotionally packed and grounded movies, that I had initially thought of fast forwarding my way through. But I ended up watching them with anticipation.

9 months ago

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Both of them look amazing and if I would have any optiion, I will check them out

9 months ago

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terrrible thread. stuck, since days, at Golwar first comment.

what about this last comment about India...

just out of curiosity, is there someone that's making a list, where to whatch them (legally), curating this a w e s o m e thread... ?

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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You can't make a universal list for everyone, as the licensing rights differ depending on everyone's location.
Example: While one movie might be on the Amazon Prime in France, it mustn't be on Prime in any other country.

But you can use to figure out which VOD service has the movie you are interested in, in your country.

9 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

9 months ago

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JustWatch is really helpful. I didn't knew this site before. I think when the giveaway will end (yeah, this was originally a puzzle for a train), if it is not against the rules, I will move the topic to Movies/TV and keep it alive. By that time I would be happy to collect sites and YT channels that offer movies for free (I will add them despite movie list)

9 months ago

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If you want to put more effort into this, I'd recommend that you make a public list on
This is one of mine, for example:,asc
One of the benefits is that they cooperate with Jusrwatch, as a VIP user you can then easily filter which content is available on your currently subscribed VOD services.

The screenshot below shows my Asian movie list from above, restricted to movies provided by my two current services.

It's really really convenient if you are a big movie fan and don't insist on pirating all the stuff.

View attached image.
9 months ago

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I will consider using it. It looks pretty cool but has it's downsides - of course it can't have "all" of the platforms. Most of them are subscription based and some movies are not added corectly for their streaming location (I checked some Polish movies and not all of them were at platforms that this side mentioned). And of course it does not include sites like Ninateka etc. so sites where all movies are free to watch (or i don't think it consists those) and movies that are just happen to be at Yooutube (either because it is from some official YT channel or just for some reason it is not deleted due to some copyright issues)

9 months ago

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I would do some Google Docs maybe but the biggest problem is that not every streaming platform is avaliable for everyone. Some are region restricted for specific countries and others have different movie libraries in each region. The easiest would be linking movies and sites that are free (like Youtube or eg. some National Film Centre with their own library) but most of the movies there are a bit older.
Maybe the best idea would be to collect sites like and (i hope it works outside of Poland) with addition of paid VODs but available in every (or most) countires

But if this thread will be as alive as it is now I would happly make some list with all the films that was recommended here

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Ninateka is really good site for exploring Polish cinematography. It is pretty active with uploading new movies and it even have some of the newer movies (eg. Jestem mordercą which I recommended). It even has some theatre plays, interviews and lectures about Polish cinema.

9 months ago

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There is also that has similiar offer (i think there could be more but I would have to do some research)

9 months ago

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9 months ago*

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My day too. Just watched Wajda's "Panny z Wilka" and liked it a lot.

9 months ago

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sorry, badly worded...
let me try again:

this thread is awesome. so much that i'm still checking trailers and links 'cause of first Golwar comment, so many things to see... and have to go 'til CultofPersonalitea Indian ones!

(i'm really ok checking comment by comment, no lists no links... i like it this way, Google would be enough for me. but would be a pity not to "format" all this precious content in some more usable form, maybe divided by countries, genres or... + a link to justwatch as Golwar suggested)

thank you so much again, jahas... thank you all!

9 months ago

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I don't know if you like the genre, but this is one of Germany's Pearls 😍
Garden of Love

I also recommend Abgeschnitten which is a thriller from Germany.

9 months ago*

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Posters for Garden of Love look promising :D I love those type of movies so if it is available somwhere, I will check it out

9 months ago

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Austria here (Central Europe):

  • The Counterfeiters (orig. "Die Fälscher", 2007): This well written WW2 drama fictionalizes Operation Bernhard, a secret plan by Nazi Germany to destabilize the United Kingdom by flooding its economy with forged Bank of England pound notes.

  • The Bone Man (orig. "Der Knochenmann", 2009): Private Investigator Brenner is handling a case at the grill-station. There he finds - besides some chicken - also other meat...that doesn't belong in a good meal.

  • Goodnight Mommy (orig. "Ich seh, ich seh", 2014): Two twin brothers move into a new home with their mother, who is undergoing facial plastic surgery. But under the woman's bandages is someone the children don't recognize.

  • The Dark Valley (orig. "Das finstere Tal", 2014): A lonely rider reaches a small village high in the Alps via a hidden path. Nobody knows where the rider comes from, nor what he wants. But everyone agrees that he should not stay.

Best Regards Sir Myr the 13th.

9 months ago

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Thanks for those! I watched the first one many years ago and someone else mentioned Goodnight Mommy so I added it to my list earlier. But other two are really promising so thank you!

9 months ago

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The austrian movie industry is small but these productions seemed to be different somehow. Thank you very much for this thread. I got some nice titles for my watchlist. Have a nice day.

9 months ago

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No Man`s Land (Ničija Zemlja) (War/Drama) - Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film
Two wounded soldiers - a Bosnian and a Serb, have a confrontation in a trench in the no man's land between their line, until the Bosnian finds himself on a bouncing mine and they call for truce.

Summer in the Gold Valley (Ljeto u Zlatnoj Dolini) - Crime/Drama
The movie is about a 16-year-old boy who has to repay his dead father's debt. In order to collect money, he and his friend get involved in Sarajevo's underground crime.

Skies Above the Landscape (Nebo Iznad Krajolika) - Comedy
At the top of the rugged Bosnian mountain, young shepherd Mehmed patiently watches over his cows and lovingly carves the figure of a woman in a piece of wood. Almost on cue, a novice para-glider unexpectedly falls from the sky. Deborah speaks only French and he speaks only Bosnian, but they tentatively communicate, and she accepts the hospitality offered by Mehmed's mom: a bed and a meal of "mountain-style" tripe. Love soon bridges the cultural divide, and the story develops into a series of hilarious escapades showcasing the beautiful landscape and local sounds.

Remake - Drama
With an interval of fifty years in between (1943-1993), the film brings experience of World War II and the Siege of Sarajevo during the 90s,. Remake tells two tragic stories, the fathers during the WWII, and his sons during the 90s..

Fuse (Gori Vatra) - Drama/Comedy - European Film Award for European Discovery of the Year
A few years after the Balkan wars, President Bill Clinton plans to visit to the town of Tesanj, Bosnia-Herzegovina, to observe the country's progress. Hearing the news, alcoholic former police chief Zaim hatches a wacky plan to avenge the wartime death of his son. As the town's corrupt cops and mobsters work to cover up their crimes and present the United States with a sanitized and harmonious version of Tesanj, Zaim schemes to kidnap Clinton and hold him for ransom.

Nafaka ("Nafaka is something strange in Bosnia. It is luck; and it isn't. It is fate; and it isn't. It is God's giving, and yet may not be.") - Action/Comedy/War
Sarajevo, 1992. They are called Ahmed, Lana, Sado, Saba, Sahbey, Beba, Nemanja, Marx, Matan. They live in and between wartimes. They have "nafaka", the destiny which was bestowed on them by God Almighty. They have enough gallows humor and courage to believe in freedom and happiness.

Most of these are Drama/War movies, we actually have a lot of great comedy movies (not even going to mention TV-Series), but the thing is, without speaking Bosnian most of the jokes would be lost in translation, and most of them don´t even have a translation, that is the reason I listed mostly "serious" movies, which are also great. And all of the movies listed above have English subtitles.

9 months ago

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Yeah, I understand the thing with recommendig comedies from your own country (that is why I didn't mention any)... Nonetheless thank you for this movies! I only knew the first one (probably because of many international awards and nominations) so I have many more movies for my list :D

9 months ago

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When I went to Mexico to visit my grandparents, we went to the movie theater and we saw "The Beast in the River", it had Spanish subtitles, but the audio was only in Chinese. Overall, it was a good movie about a legend in China that a beast lives inside a river.

9 months ago

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Chinese movies are really interesting for me. Simmilar to the Bollywood, it is totally different world as big as Hollywood. I really like Chinese cinema, especially like historical-martial arts movies (like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) but, of course, I'm always keen on seeing something new :D

9 months ago

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As a french people, can't help you with that.

However, can recommended you the short movie Kung Fury, totally over the top, but funny because of that. (but not for kid)

9 months ago

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Oh classic! I remember when it came out and bit it made a bit of a buzz in "nerdy" websites (I think because it was crowdfunded). Of course as a nerd I watched it and also can recommend :D

9 months ago

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And fun fact: It debuted at Cannes Film Festival

9 months ago

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Whenever someone asks this question, two films come to mind: One is literally called "American Movie", and while it got a good amount of attention (for a documentary) when it came out and has since become something of a cult classic, I don't think most people over here even know of it, let alone overseas. The other is "A Simple Plan", a masterpiece which was critically acclaimed but criminally overlooked by audiences and for major awards.

9 months ago

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I never heard of the first one so will check it out. When it comes to the secon one, I heard of it before but I just somehow forgot to check it out (probably because I went to explore some weird genre that I was fascinated for like a week :D)

9 months ago

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"The House at the end of time" Nice horror movie.

9 months ago

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I don't know if I ever watched any Venezuelan movie so starting with a horror is great :D

9 months ago

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Ok, so mini update about this thread.

I will still keep it active and hope you guys will still share movies that you find interesting and worth watching. In like a few days I will also add a link in description for a list consisting all of the movies and links for the VODs where to find them (and besides that "national" VOD sites that offer movies for free). I want to make it as complete as it could be so this is why I don't make the list without any links and of course, this is why the list will be up in a few days :D

9 months ago

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Spain -spanish films-: (There are a lot of films i'd recommend and talk 1 hour about them, but here I show you some)

1. Viridiana-> If you like art and essay cinema, black and white with a lot of symbolism and complex scripts, you will like this movie (it can get boring). In addition, it is also based on a Spanish novel and is directed by Luis Buñuel (one of the best directors in Spain, France, and in general, in the classic history of cinema.

2. As Bestas-> A dramatic thriller in the style of Hollywood, one of the best current productions in Spain (it came out in 2022). It is based on true events and highlights the talent of the actors. You may know Denis Menochet, he's the one at the beginning of Inglourious Basterds

  1. Mar adentro-> A classic of the country, a totally dramatic film, very hard. It is a biopic and recounts the life of a man who has been on a stretcher for 30 years trying to live life. The ending is harrowing. (2004)

4.También la lluvia-> It's like Apocalypto, from Mel Gibson. It's about some movie directors who go to Bolivia to shoot a movie. There are many economic and social problems. It is worth it to view cinema from within and also the situation of some underdeveloped countries. (2010)

  1. Abre los ojos-> It is a film that combines romance, thriller and science fiction. Very entertaining. The acting is worse. (1997)

6.Los otros-> Spanish production under the Hollywood stamp. A horror and suspense film with Nicole Kidman as the protagonist. It is a remake of the classic "Suspense" (from Jack Clayton). (2001)

7.Tarde para la ira-> Another case like the one above, a movie more similar to Hollywood. Similar to "straw dogs" but in Spanish. It is a thriller in which the protagonists seek revenge, many tense moments, deaths and a couple of actors with a lot of synergy. (2016).

I could recommend more but I don't know your tastes, I have put movies that the general public might like (except for 1). If one day you see one we can talk about it :-)

9 months ago

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Thanks a lot! I have totally no idea when I will watch any of this (considering how many there are already) but eventually I will try to check them out :D

9 months ago

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Hey guys!
It's been a while but finally I made a list :D At this point, probably most of you have their own watchlists but if you still don't, I came to help :D
It is still open to new recommendations and in next 2-3 days I will add links for free and legal websites that offer those movies (if it is possible).
So here you go! I'll also add the list in the description of the thread

SG International Movie List

9 months ago

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That is an impressive list! Thank you for taking the time to make this. I'll definitely come look for some inspiration from time to time. :)

9 months ago

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I have one more movie from Hungary, Argo. It's a comedy with a lot of cussing.

9 months ago

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Added ;)

9 months ago

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Woah Very cool! Thanks for the effort behind this list

9 months ago

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Nóż w wodzie is one of the best films I have ever seen, just plain awesome. I would like to list all the good Polish films I have seen but I simply don't have that few hours it would take. Let's just say that at least everything by Kieślowski is pure gold, especially Krótki film o zabijaniu which is... well, horrible. But that's the point, violence is not pretty.
I have also seen a lot of Czech films (Jan Svěrák is very talneted), German films (Der bewegte Mann by Sönke Wortmann is hilarious and proves once and for all Germans really do have a sense of humor), Italian films of course - world would be nothing without De Sica, Fellini or Leone.
I could go on forever but I'll stop here by saying I'm a film freak, used to make my living by showing mostly European films in a small indie cinema and I adore "Cinema Européenne".
Myself I'm from Finland and while most people know Aki Kaurismäki and some have even seen his films, it would be a worthy idea to see also films by Markku Pölönen and Matti Ijäs, though I admit they can be pretty hard to find outside Finland.

Finnish Broadcasting Co has an on-demand service for films at - but the trick is that you'll have to use VPN and claim you're inside Finland to access it. No registration needed. Of course knowing Finnish and/or Swedish language is highly recommended :)

9 months ago

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Thanks for your recommendations! I never heard of most of those directiors (excluding Italian classics) so I'll be really glad to check those creators out!

9 months ago

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Baumbacher Syndrome (2019) is a fun indie about a guy who wakes up one morning with an unnaturally deep voice. Problem is, he's a tv show host.

Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding (2020) is a biopic about German rock legend Udo Lindenberg, but because he's not very well known outside of Germany I'd still classify it as "little known".

Blood & Gold (2023) is a good action drama about German deserters during WWII fighting against gold-hungry Nazis.

Algol. Tragödie der Macht (1920) is a great sci-fi movie about a guy who's life is completely changed when an alien gives him an unlimited power source.

Ach du Scheiße! (2022) is a very suspenseful action comedy thriller about a guy who wakes up in a fallen-over porta-potty with a big metal rod through his arm.

Rumspringa (2022) is a surprisingly deep culture shock story about a young Amish guy travelling to "the old country" aka Germany for his "Rumspringa", an Amish coming-of-age ceremony where they're sent out into the world to experience other stuff and find out if they really want to live like that.

Messer im Kopf (1978) is a really good character-driven drama with great performances about a guy who gets shot at a razzia and when he wakes up he has neither memory nor voice. Some people tell him he's a dangerous terrorist, others tell him he's just an innocent scientist who by shere coincidence happened to become a victim of police brutality.

Finsterworld (2013) is a captivating slice-of-life drama about... well, life.

Der Goldene Handschuh (2019) is a really fucked up horror drama based on real events.

And there are so many more that don't come to mind (wait, here's another one: Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (1974)) because my mind is always full of movies but yeah, these are, I feel like, some little known movies from (you guessed it) Germany.

8 months ago

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Wow, we have a lot of Germans here! :D That are really interesting looking movies, so of course, I'll add them immediately to the list

8 months ago

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