My miniseries of puzzles approaches the finish line, but before I unleash a bigger puzzle for the finale, there's one more - a wild giveaway appeared and whizzed through! Just look at it go!

You have this much time to catch up with it (ends 2014-01-26 2200 ZULU) (needs $26.01 CV)

Solve on your own, don't ask for hints (not here, not anywhere else), don't give hints yourself, yada yada yada. That should seriously be obvious, these are the rules of the land!

Giveaway has ended, puzzle still considered active!

Well it's what I've been telling for a while I just have that thing to have extra reward for solving all puzzles in a miniseries, on top of the chances you did get from each puzzle alone (or didn't if you weren't solving as they go).

So yeah, actual solution will be a while before I post it. Till then, keep it spoiler free, please!

But meanwhile.. Seriously.. Look up what photo finish exactly is on wikipedia. And if you think you got the idea but are confused about not getting a proper giveaway code, then you either didn't read about it closely enough and are missing important information and aren't coming to a logical conclusion, or you know, it's just a 50-50 shot to get the right code.

1 decade ago*

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bump for 22 commenting solvers! :D

1 decade ago

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Bump because... why not... :P

1 decade ago

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aww thanks :3 bit confused if solved or not (don't see comment on the giveaway) but bump certainly appreciated :3

13h left to solve, 23+ solvers

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Hmm you either calling me a bum, which, fair enough, I kinda am at the moment (not for long though), or you're bumping my thread. I'll go with the latter, thanks :3

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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yeah the time works properly it just counts seconds, 580s = 9m 40s

Cool, reminds me I haven't watched the recent episodes, gunna get me some Vsauce now! :D

1 decade ago

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I used "copy video URL at current time" to get the link. But sometimes it doesn't seem to work. So I wrote that just in case.

1 decade ago

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Solved in 1 minute :P (too bad I'm also one of the last to solve it)

A bump for you!

1 decade ago

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One minute you might exaggerating a bit but like 5 minutes, sure. I don't know what is taking people so long. *sigh*

1 decade ago

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Solved :) Neat idea. Wish I had some CV.

1 decade ago

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1.5h left! Which, of course, is plenty of time or I wouldn't be bumpin

1 decade ago

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solved! lol

1 decade ago

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Giveaway has ended, puzzle still considered active!

Well it's what I've been telling for a while I just have that thing to have extra reward for solving all puzzles in a miniseries, on top of the chances you did get from each puzzle alone (or didn't if you weren't solving as they go).

So yeah, actual solution will be a while before I post it.

But meanwhile.. Seriously.. Look up what photo finish is on wikipedia. And if you think you got the idea but are confused about not getting a proper giveaway code, then you either didn't read about it closely enough and are missing important information and aren't coming to a logical conclusion, or you know, it's just a 50-50 shot to get the right code.

1 decade ago

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Awwwww cmon Award why you do a puzzle during the weekend :(
I've missed it! x.x

1 decade ago

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You're still free to solve it, giveaway may be over but puzzle technically still active, and I hadn't posted the solution yet, just made it somewhat easier with something that should have been obvious anyway (that the whole point of the puzzle is reference to photo finish).

Bit unfortunate indeed that you did not to have the reward (King's Bounty: The Legend), ah well. Sorry about that.

I actually thought that over the weekend more people would see it and have time to do it, and since it is a very easy puzzle in my opinion, I didn't want it to last too long, or give something that not many people have (great many of my friends have it already so this is how I judged).

Apparently some people get bored at work and do puzzles from there, or alternatively chose to spend weekends away from computer, ah well. I'll probably take it into account in future, but more often than not I have slightly more difficult puzzles that I give more time to solve, so they're not just over the weekend anyway. Then again I've noticed that you don't seem to get that many more solvers if you give them more time, initial peak of interest quickly fades by either people solving the stuff early on, or giving up early on to never come back. So my rationale for giving more time is mostly to give those who are interested bit of wiggle room in time managment, they tend to like solving puzzles in general so surely have some other stuff on their solving agenda as well, why not give some breathing room then.

1 decade ago

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yes, indeed most of the weekends I'm out and usually can't follow along.
During the week there are some days when at work I have some free time and can try some puzzles or something, or at least I can try it at night when I get home :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Award.