1 decade ago*

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A) Quit your job and become a hermit;
2) Take online courses on racism and homophobia so you can belittle your opponents in the worst possible manner;
3) Buy a slop bucket -- you're gonna need it for two things;
D) Spend all of your available free time playing the game, but don't play in ranked matches yet;
E) Learn the layout of all the maps so you can memorize exploits and camping spots;
12) Hone your skills with the AK-47 and use only that gun. AK LEET PROSKILLZ HEDSHOT BITCH;
G) Join a clan;
H) You are now ready to play ranked matches, but make sure you only play on servers that allow you to clan-stack your team;
9) Memorize the "Kick" button, you're gonna need it to rid your presence of players better than you;

Congratulations, you are now a Pro!

1 decade ago

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For mouse skill, reflex training, and click timing/precision you could use Osu. A lot of streamers use it in load times and downtime between games. I haven't used it but it appears to be completely F2P and community supported.
gameplay video
wiki and website

1 decade ago

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its not worth it, trust me .. a real job is much better

1 decade ago

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Well it's all quite simple.
Firstly find the toad of magic, then carry the toad of magic up to Mount Everest, then sacrifice the toad and eat it's magical essence and there you go, you are officialy a reta- ahm I mean pro player :D

1 decade ago

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i see an interested tutorial on youtube. Try to smasha an egg on the keyboard

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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find a time machine, go back to 99' and start pratcicing

1 decade ago

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buy expensive weapon skins, that's the secret ...

1 decade ago

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well mate i was a professional counter strike 1.6 player. played that game till 7 years. dont use hacks it will ruin ur gameplay! just practise hard. the recoil is the main thing. try to hit 1 - 1 bullet with ak , and 2-2 with m4. and try to play clans with ur teammates. so you can learn game sense!

1 decade ago

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Just play a lot of the casual mode.

1 decade ago

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Learn how each gun works. The AK is lethal or near death with one shot to the head. With the AK you want to stop moving and take a quick 1-3 shots aimed at the head. If you're close you hold fire but the bullets quickly go up and to the right then back left so you want to smash your mouse down after about 3-5 shots. You also don't want to crouch every time because if they go for a body shot and you crouch they're going to hit you in the head.

The m4a1-s (I use that) should be shot in bursts of about 4. It's really accurate but be careful because it doesn't come with a lot of ammo. You're going to have to make sure every shot hits.

The p90 works the same as the AK but shoots much faster. Only use it if you're going to rush a bomb sight.

Shotguns aren't bad if you can aim and if it's early game. Armor kills shotguns and early in the game no one has armor so shotguns aren't bad.

The rest is just learning. You gotta learn the map and know where people would go. Everything you do makes noise. In other games things you do don't make any noise but in CSGO noise is everything. That's why when you're trying to sneak up on someone or you're the last guy you wanna shift walk. Running will give away your position. Also turn up the volume. That guy you called a hacker last game either was camping the spot because he knew people come from there or he heard you running and was ready. You can tell where someone is by their footsteps so you can turn the corner pre-shooting before they even know you where there.

Other than that it's just practice. Play casual so you can learn how to play the game and once you feel you're ready play some competitive. The match making tries to put you with people close to your skill level so games shouldn't be too hard but don't be fooled. There are tons of people with 5 year vet badges that are shit while people like me with no badge are able to good pretty damn good in games. Also it helps learning the slang used for each map and having someone in charge of tactics. A organized team is always better than a team playing lone wolf. This game hates on lone wolfs most of the time.

1 decade ago

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1st. You need to choose some pro nickname

2nd. You need to get bit by some wild animal that will awaken your inner skills.

3rd. Find 4 more players that have their inner skill awakened , create team and own.

4th. Bath in eternal fame.

1 decade ago

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dont spray

1 decade ago

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dont spray

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by roneey.