Myst & More Redux: 30 Years of Myst

2 Tiers, 12 Items

21 Jul 2023 - 03 Aug 2023

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Note: This is a rebundle of the Myst & More Bundle with its contents from three separate tiers merged into the current T1, and Myst (2021) added as a separate T2, for $10 extra.

Since it's essentially the same bundle, the topic has been updated to reflect the new setup, but the poll can't be modified and thus remains as a 3-tier split.

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Tier 1 - 10 USD | 8.99 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Obduction 77% of 2727 🏆 4.50 CV app/306760 W M D🟡 3 $29.99
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition 88% of 1210 🏆 2.70 CV app/244430 W M D🟡 5 $17.99
Myst III: Exile 93% of 286 - - 2.25 CV app/925930 W M D❌ 2 $14.99
Myst IV: Revelation 73% of 174 - - 2.25 CV app/925940 W M D🟡 2 $14.99
Riven 87% of 1032 - - 0.90 CV app/63610 W M D🟡 2 $5.99
Uru: Complete Chronicles 78% of 142 - - 1.50 CV app/63650 W M D? 2 $9.99
Myst V 65% of 190 - - 1.50 CV app/208110 W M D? 2 $9.99
Manhole 71% of 39 - - 0.90 CV app/63630 W D? 2 $5.99
Myst: Masterpiece Edition 84% of 710 - - 0.90 CV app/63660 W M D? 2 $5.99
Spelunx 71% of 35 - - 0.90 CV app/63640 W D🟡 2 $5.99
Cosmic Osmo 77% of 74 - - 0.90 CV app/63620 W D? 2 $5.99

Tier 2 - 20 USD | 17.98 EUR

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Myst 88% of 1026 - 🏆 4.50 CV app/1255560 W M D✅ 1 $29.99

Steam Deck info: D✅ = verified, D🟡 = playable, D❌ = unsupported, D? = unknown


  • Tier 1 = $127.89
  • Tier 1 + 2 = $157.88

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

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Thanks to luckz for the poll.

2 years ago*

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Long-owned, or the Complete Chronicles you were waiting for?

View Results
[Tier 1] That's one small Mackerel from my wallet, one giant Masterpiece for my collection.
[BTA] I didn't buy these for a similar or better price in 2015. Shame on me.
[Tier 3] It's a realMystery to me how I hadn't bought these before.
[Have] Come on IGN, that's not what we meant when asking for 'unbundled titles'.
[Skip] I don't like rotate'n'click as a genre, sorry.
[Coupon complaint] Since there wasn't any DLC to leave out, you left out the only non-antique title?


Still, trying to sell same game 3 times?

2 years ago

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Actually, it's 4 times (1993, 1999, 2014 and 2021).

2 years ago

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I meant in single bundle...

2 years ago

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Oh. Then I'm either blind, or it's 2 times (Myst: Masterpiece Edition and realMyst: Masterpiece Edition). Still not cool though.

2 years ago

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Also a coupon for third...

2 years ago

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Well, yeah, I'm blind apparently :(

2 years ago

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Its hard to see through the thick myst...

2 years ago

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Myst (2021) isn't in this bundle sadly.

2 years ago

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Hello past me, Myst (2021) is now included! 😁

1 year ago

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Finding friends with similar interests I see ^_^

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Lowest BTA I saw was 4,87 Euro:

View attached image.
2 years ago

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Myst-eriously, all of these were picked up from the Steam Store in years/decades past.

2 years ago

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Own none of them and one is on my wishlist, so, buy it is.

This is basically Myst 25th Anniversary Collection + Cyan Children's Bundle + Obduction.

Obduction has a free DLC

2 years ago

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I only miss games from T3, and too stingy to pay 10 bucks when I don't need T1 and T2... so I guess I'll pass this time.

2 years ago

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Just saying, 7 of these games are in the bundle on steam.

Getting these games in some regions could be even cheaper than this bundle, especially if you're missing only one or two of them.

2 years ago

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Thanks for this, I was tempted on getting it, but, not anymore.

2 years ago

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$12 here, but thanks for the link

2 years ago

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It's cheaper and it has more stuff than the 25th Anniversary Collection at historical low. Good enough deal if you always wanted to buy it, but never got around to it.

2 years ago

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As you said, I always wanted to buy at least 1st Myst due to its fame, but never got around to it. :3
Now I can check out the entire series this cheaply? Don't mind if I do...

2 years ago

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First Myst is excellent, although not as hard as I expected reading some stuff about it. Riven on the other hand... I got stuck pretty early ~15 years ago when I played it and never installed it again. I will have to try it again to see if I got smarter in the meantime. :P

2 years ago

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Obduction has been on my wishlist since I first spotted it, and I only ever played/started the first Myst and Riven. Glad to have these all in one place at last, not for +1 purposes but because I grew up around them and couldn't afford them once upon a time. Now I get to scratch the itch, at long last, insofar as my backlog allows.

2 years ago

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I live in Cyan's hometown, but only ever played Myst back in the day, and have realMyst in my backlog. I am not sure I am going to do this or not. Obduction is on 60% sale for US$12 right now, so this gives you a deeper discount and all the Mysts you dont already have thrown in.

2 years ago

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While I was looking at the bundle tier 2 and tier 3 swapped placed, so I ended up with tier 2 only ....

Edit: At least I could get the extra tier by adding 0,09 €

2 years ago*

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Isn't Obduction tier 2? The new Humble page makes it less clear but it's showing up with the '7 item bundle' for me.

2 years ago

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Yes, I got tricked by that as well. The BTA tier (Better Than Average) is now more expensive than the former tier 3. They have now switched places.

2 years ago

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For US, the tiers are still as they were set up initially (BTA is $9.96, placing Obduction in T3). For EU, T2 and T3 interchanged.

2 years ago

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What's the reason for the price change ? Cuz it happened in some bundles in the past too and that's really weird. I mean it does not happen to all bundles , only to some of them.

2 years ago

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It happens when a lot of people buy T3 (as opposed to buying T1). The BTA goes up very quickly and the closer T2 is to T3, the more T3 purchases you'll have. That, together with the fact that the default is set to $25 and people probably don't realize that they should pay $10 only, makes the BTA tier to overcome T3 and thus swap places with T3.
When T2 / T3 are very close, there's probably some currency conversion difference too (for certain currencies) that can additionally push T2 above T3 - like it happened now for purchases in EUR.

2 years ago

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I should had written it differently. Tier 3 price keeps going up for me. Not tier 2 (BTA).
Tier 3 is supposed to be a fixed price.. Yet it's a bug I've sent for atleast 3 other bundles and now it happens again..

2 years ago

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BTA went over T3... So usual mess of HB.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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man, 20 years old games? if i didnt bought them 20 years ago, why should i buy them now? O.o

2 years ago

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There are new players who weren't even born when they released. And they never have been this cheap.

2 years ago

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I bought 2 of these ~half a year ago, despite them being 20 years old and I'm being 30. Back in the day I didn't even know they exist :D

2 years ago

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Because they are considered as classics and they have been updated to work on modern hardware. And people may have missed them originally or may wish to reexperience them from 20 years ago.

You obviously should not buy them though. They are not for you :)

2 years ago

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View attached image.
2 years ago

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This bundle gives me hope for the next monthly to be an absolute killer!

2 years ago

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Bought T3 soon as I saw this bundle come up. Been wanting these games for awhile.

2 years ago

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I already bought the two most valuable games Obduction and realMyst several years ago. So easy skip for me.

2 years ago

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Very interesting bundle!
Those games are all playable on windows 10 ?

2 years ago

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bought myst 4 and 5 on dvd, when they existed. so no.

2 years ago

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Happy cakeday :D

2 years ago

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thanks, I was not aware!

2 years ago

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Already have 25th anniversary collection, but tempting for giveaways after keeping Obduction and the other non Myst. Or I might wait until Myst 2021 version is bundled some day.

2 years ago

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Dang this brings me back, my mum was a huge Myst fan and very adamant about solving everything before anyone else in the family did XD

2 years ago

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realMyst: Masterpiece Edition is cheaper on steam for me... even splitting. time to take this out from my wishlist...

2 years ago

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Happy cake day!

1 year ago

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If anyone has a spare coupon for the recent Myst Remake I'll take it, own all the games but if I have a voucher I'll grab the remake as well.

2 years ago

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the 10% off Coupon for Myst?

2 years ago

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It's actually a $10 off coupon. I'm not sure if it can be given to another account, though?

2 years ago

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oh, that's even better, you can get this for 11.20€

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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I checked it, it's not a code or something like that, you can add the game to your cart then buy it with the discount.

2 years ago

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wanted this for a long time

2 years ago*

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Sub ID Activates as Info MYST Masterpiece Retail same content as the store sub Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo - Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel - Riven Retail same content as the store sub URU: Complete Chronicles Retail compared to the store sub it's lacking one depot (63653) Myst V Retaill same content as the store sub The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition - Obduction - realMyst Masterpiece Edition - Myst III: Exile - Myst IV: Revelation -
2 years ago

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Did they just raise T3 price to cover T2? I'm getting T3 9.09 and T2 8.79.
EDIT: And T2 is missing the proper T2 games and has the T3 games instead, like Obduction and Real Myst. Is that what you mean by exchanging places because now it looks like a big mess and I don't know what I'd be getting for the "proper" T3 price which was 8.79.
Apparently their shity algorithm that's meant to artificially put T2 as close to T3 in the first few hours, has messed up badly.

2 years ago*

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It always confuses me when the average goes higher than the price of the highest tier? Do people just like to donate more to charity (why not donate directly to the charity, then?)? Some probably just don't change it from the $25 default.

2 years ago

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