It's already two episodes in and I have to say, both of them kick serious ass!

The animation is as beautiful as ever, Jack's struggle is interesting and very well developed, the action is fantastic and it's beautifully acted. Even Aku got a great replacement! However, my favorite part is the fact that it got a lot darker and moodier, but it still kept it's charm. Both Scaramoosh and Aku's visit to the psychiatrist were hilarious, and the dark moments were dark as fuck. I shouted "Holy shit!" when Jack sliced the poor girl's throat and the blood started splattering! It was amazing!

Well, what do you guys think? Did you like the new tone Jack took? Or did dark mood and heavy stuff turn you off? Have you even watched the new season? Discuss!

There's no giveaway in here. I'm not even sorry. It feels like using this forum became pay to post, which encourages users to lurk the forums for giveaways rather than to participate in discussions way more than it used to do.

7 years ago*

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I was expecting a bit more than what we got... The metaphor with the wolf in the last episode was kind of forced and didn't go anywhere, it didn't show a new perspective, even though that was what it was supposed to do. Animation is not the best either, and I feel like that was a budget issue. The new character of Jack and the world is interesting, I wish we could see more of it later.

Last episode's big reveal was the throat slit. Because Jack only killed robots so far, killing an actual human should have been much more dramatic than it was.

I'll wait a few more episodes, maybe they are just building up to something...

7 years ago

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Yeah, I didn't get the stuff with the wolf either. In the end, it seemed like they just wanted to show more gore. On, the other side, I think the throat slit moment was effective for the time they had. It was brief, sure, but you could see the "oh shit" look and regret in Jack's eyes and I'm sure they'll tackle it further in the next episode.

Also, have you not seen the rain? It looks so fucking amazing! o_o

7 years ago

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I think the noir fight sequence was better than the rain sequences, since that works more closely with the overall tone of the episode.
The wolf metaphor could've lead somewhere, but it was just there to show the same thing twice. This isn't how metaphors are supposed to work...

I don't know, maybe I was expecting something more than a kids show...

7 years ago

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