I just reset my laptop with a Vanilla install of Windows. Now I am lookin' at what games I should play.

I am lookin' for some games that are games that I can sink tons of hours into. Multiplayer or Singleplayer, it doesn't matter. link 2 mai prufile

9 years ago

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The Witcher 3.

9 years ago

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  1. I don't have Witcher 3.

  2. My potato would probably explode the moment I launch the game.

9 years ago

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From your unplayed games, I'd recommend xcom enemy unknown. You can sink a bunch of time into it, especially if you have the expansion as well.

9 years ago

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Based on it's reviews it seems gr8. I am dowloading right now. Thanks )

9 years ago

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I second this. Of all the games he has 0 hours in Xcom is the ONLY one i would recommend. Almost everything else looks like a free to play game.

9 years ago

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What if don't have the expansion? :(

9 years ago

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I mean, the game is still really good without enemy within. However, you have to start the campaign from the beginning to play with the expansion stuff so if you are planning on getting it soon, it might be better to wait before starting the campaign.

9 years ago

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Ark: Survival evolved release is on 2th june

9 years ago

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  1. I cannot afford it.

  2. My potato would go into incendiary combustion and I would be left with no computer.

9 years ago

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Bad Rats

9 years ago

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  1. I do not have Bad Rats.

  2. The moment I open up the game; my eyeballs will burn and melt into my cranium and dry.

9 years ago

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Day One: Garry's Incident or Uriel's Chasm. Both are great games.

9 years ago

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Oh dear god.

9 years ago

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Why you do this to him... he seemed like a nice guy D:

9 years ago

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Oh look at her nick, what did you expect ?

9 years ago

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+this, she's lookin out for you.

9 years ago

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One Finger Death Punch is really awesome. You can sink a lot of hours in it.

Also while it's not very long, VVVVVV is a really cool game that you should probably play.

9 years ago

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Child of Light and Super Crate Box are fun.

I will recommend you to catch up the HB weekly if you like strategy.

9 years ago

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  1. Titan Quest
  2. Torchlight ll
  3. Skyrim
9 years ago

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Dishonored or Max Payne 3 are both very fun games.
Dishonored is well, just all around an awesome sandbox assassin game, while Max Payne 3 is probably some of the most fun I've had in a linear FPS in like... ever. (Also, if you can find a multiplayer match, that can get fun, especially the Saci game mode.)

Hopefully these games will possibly cheer you up. (Your name is Angrygamer... ha... ha... no?)

9 years ago

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Sid Meier's Civilization Vืฅ
but i didn't checked if you have the expansion. the game is improved in so many ways.
and you can easly spend 1000 hours on it.

9 years ago

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id go with torchlight 2, dead space, metro 2033, GTA 4 and terraria.

in no real order but play metro 2033.

9 years ago

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I love Metro 2033 and GTA 4; but my craptop cannot run them. When I do run them I get about ~ 15 FPS on lowest settings.

EDIT: And Terraria was gr8; but that was when I used to play it with my friends. Playing Terraria alone just isn't fun.

9 years ago

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Sniper Elite V2, Dead Space, Metro 2033, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising, Defiance, Firefall, HAWKEN, Heroes & Generals, Star Conflict, War Thunder, XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

You have a ton and half of good games you didn't played (or played just a little). A lot of options... Those are just the games that are more of my taste. Some will be hours and hours of fun! Others just some hours of fun, but fun is fun right? xD Buy Fallout 3/NV and have the most fun you can have with violence and dark humor. =D

9 years ago

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Decided to load up Black Ops II again. My old PC could run it fine, but my craptop runs it at about 15 FPS on lowest settings. It's a lil' hard to play, but somehow I still get about 1 K/D every game.

9 years ago

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Fallout 2 is a great old game that runs on my rotten potato of a PC and NEOscavenger is a GREAT indie survival game that is very fun and has a great forum community that can help with anything you would need. Also another great game(s) are the dark souls series. you may not be able to run it if your PC is a potato but its a great game with great sense of reward after beating a boss. just note that DkS1 is good for PvE while DkS2 is fun for PvP. Also the PvP is basically the most "Honorable" in terms of fairness(unless yourfighting a hacker as the game is run by FromSoft servers and not VACsecured in which case gravity is the weapon against a hacker)

9 years ago

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The Plan

9 years ago

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  1. Doom 3
  2. CoD: WaW (Only if you like WWII FPS)
  3. Bioshock Series
  4. Section 8 (Not on steam. Search for it on amazon)
9 years ago

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Skyrim, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Shank 2. Those are very good games.

9 years ago

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

9 years ago

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  • Civ 5
  • Skyrim
  • The Lord of the Rings Online
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  • Stronghold Kingdoms (if you are willing to pay 4$/Euros per month and you like Strategy MMOs then it is the best game you will find on the web)
  • League of Legends (and not Dota 2)

And if you have wish to sink into a game for tons of hours then you should select

A. a paradox title and buy it during the summer sales like Crusader Kings 2.
B. Euro Truck Simulator 2 and play its multiplayer
C. Mount and Blade: Warband where you have fun both solo and with friends

9 years ago

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xcom, warlock master of arcane, ...

9 years ago

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