So i have been having a weird bit of a problem over the last few days. Although the Steam Store and Friends Lists, games etc load fine in Firefox, and in the steam client (and IE), i have been unable to open any Steam Community pages, like User profiles (mine included), inventories, trades etc. It just keeps loading and loading forever, or just shows the page without any formatting, just plain text, that too one in a hundred tries after waiting 10's of minutes. I have tried the following to no avail - Rebooting the router, Flushing the DNS Cache, flushing the browser cache/cookies, tried using the Google FreeDNS and FoolDNS.

Apparently the thing does not load at all. I tried tracert and had the following result.


As you can see, trace-route on and returns fine, but the just goes into a loop (dvois is my ISP). I can access the inventories and profiles on the iOS app on my phone on the same connection.

This also creates trouble on SG and steamtrades as well, as i cannot see any user avatar (they are apparently loaded from

Is it something to do with the ISP or something at my end ? I might give a go by contacting the ISP service center, but i have my doubts they will even understand any of this.

Is there any way i can

1 decade ago*

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Steam's problem. Steam Store and Community randomly don't work.

1 decade ago

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i'm happy isn't only me this is annoyingggggggg

1 decade ago

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My problem slightly differs from this, all if not all pages work fine - except for the Badges page.
Every time I try to load it, it send me to my profile page instead. This happens from within Steam, and all 3 of my currently installed browsers.

Infuriating really. Besides, I want to check if they added more games I need to idle on.

1 decade ago

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Apparently it's something to do with my router (?). On my ISP's insistence, i plugged my cable directly to my PC, instead of through my router. And lo and behold, everything works. It's using DD-WRT, and i haven't changed any settings in the last couple of weeks. So no idea what seems to be wrong.

EDIT: I just removed the static DNS entries in the router (i had them set to google freeDNS) and made them both (i assume it makes it use the ISP DNS automatically). And now everything works just fine.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by CapnRossDullblade.