Demon souls, Dark souls, Dark souls II or Bloodborn. What game wins?

8 years ago

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Soul Edge (@=

8 years ago

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Hmm. The best "game" would probably be Dark souls 2 (I've never tried bloodborne though, stupid bloody console exclusives) but my favorite setting and the overall "souls" feeling would have to be dark souls 1.

8 years ago

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Soul Reaver Legacy Of Kain

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+LoK Defiance

8 years ago

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Soul Nomad & the World Eaters

8 years ago

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Dark Souls for level design and storytelling
Dark Souls 2 for gameplay, combat and online
Demon's and BB for atmosphere

8 years ago

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This haha :P It's on PSN now....good for history if not the trademark difficulty. The PS2 sequel looks pretty good but never localized :/

8 years ago

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For me overall Dark Souls

The worlds of Demon Souls and Dark Souls2 just feel too disbanded after playing Dark Souls.
Haven't played Bloodborne yet..... effin platform exclusivity for no good reason (at least from a consumer point of view)
might change if Horizon Zero dawn turns out to be good, cause Bloodborne looks absolutely amazing .... finally enough games i'm interested in to justify buying a PS4

8 years ago

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I only played Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2; out of these, DS1 is superior. DS2 did some things right, but also screwed up others.

8 years ago

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Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Bloodborne (too little weapon variety for pvp) > poop > Dark Souls 2

8 years ago

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Demon's Souls doesn't have the awesome, interlinking world design that Dark Souls has. It also forces you to farm for healing items (no refillable Estus Flask) which is a real slog.

Dark Souls 2 has a lot of world design errors (things that just don't make sense) and a lot of cheap/artificially difficult sections (many bosses that just throw lots of enemies at you to try to overwhelm you, etc). Online component works the best of all the Souls games though.

Haven't played Bloodborne.

So Dark Souls. Best world. Best lore. Best characters and bosses.

8 years ago

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Dark Souls beats both Demon Souls and DS2 imo. Haven't tried Bloodborne yet, so can't give my opinion on that. I'll get DS3 (eventually), but I doubt it'll be better than the first Dark Souls....

8 years ago

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Dark Souls 1 is probably the best one having no big cons .

Demons Souls is a close second , the only thing that I think was kinda bad about this is the tendency system which in my opinion was a great idea but didn't really worked out so well .

Next one is Bloodborne , the combat pace is great and refreshing , the level design is nice , the music and sounds are good , the story in my opinion wasn't so great and the only thing that the game lacks is the lack of content , but the upcoming DLC will probably bring out lots of new content .

Now for Dark Souls 2 , in my opinion this was one of the best 2014 games , but as a Souls game it's just mediocre . The level design is just bad (for Souls standards) , the combat system is the same but there are some questionable changes (parries ??? , to have roll i-frames dependent on a stat ) , the music is still great , the enemy design was nice I really had fun beating the 7th knight type boss , and the story I think was the weakest . The SotFS patch was really needed to actually shine some light on some stuff even if things still aren't as they were in the demo ( in which you actually had to use torches but they took out the darkness and to still have some difficulty in those places they added some enemies ! yay ! ) .

I did not took in consideration PvP and Co-op but they are the best in dorksouls2 even with the soul memory .

8 years ago

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You took the words out of my mouth xD

8 years ago

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I've only played DS1 and I'm still scared by chests...

That game is a trauma ;_;

8 years ago

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Well I only played Dark Souls 1 so the answer for me is obviously Bad Rats

8 years ago

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Demon's Souls was the hardest one, and the best one.

Best story, best bosses, most re-playability, most immersive/atmospheric world, and most fun. I still play it, while I never bothered finishing Dark Souls 1 or 2 after growing bored of them both towards the end.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Definitely Soul Calibur

8 years ago

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Ok, so I did an overall leaderboard:
1ยบ-Dark souls
2ยบ-Demon souls
3ยบ-Dark souls 2

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by PoisonedG4er.