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Developer Update (Basically Why Free):
Thank you all. Used some information from the comments.

1 year ago*

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Thank you!

1 year ago

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Thank you R3v

1 year ago

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Thanks for info

1 year ago

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Awesome, thanks!

1 year ago

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Thank you :)

1 year ago

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Thanks for the info :)

1 year ago

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They removed dlc bundles in turkey again so you can not buy it with a good discount, they even removed some high priced dlc that supposed to cost cheaper now, hate them

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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It would be great if they could give away some DLC content. Running the same few missions on repeat loses it's appeal after a while.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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The game seriously needs a dozen more free missions to be viable. Or the paywall removed on dlc campaigns. A single map (half a campaign) isn't enough to make me want to reinstall. They are most likely going to make people pay for the second half.

1 year ago

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Majority of mission content is free: 16 free missions vs. 6 DLC missions (not counting the secret map, because it doesn't really work like all other missions), then there's also free Chaos Wastes which is far superior to the paid Weaves. While more missions, paid or not, would be obviously nice (and they are infact adding 2 more soon), do you seriously expect them to add a dozen more and for free?

1 year ago

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Technically not free but with the price of the game. Comparing Vermintide 2 with other games of a similar price the content feels lacking. When I played it there were less than 16 missions to choose from.

1 year ago*

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Well yes, you are right, it comes with base game price, but that's of course not what I had in mind by calling them "free". Content might feel lacking if all you want to do is to play through each unique mission one or two times at most, and if that's the case, then the 6 DLC missions won't change much. It's really not that kind of a game, it's something where there's plenty to do if gameplay loop clicks with you, and despite small amount of missions, you can spend hundreds of hours on it, similar to, say, PAYDAY 2.

1 year ago

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I played the game for a few weeks and every mission about 50 times over. I stopped playing because everything else was locked behind dlc. It would have been better if they kept the dlc to cosmetics and charged the amount for the game that it would be worth with all other content and dlc missions unlocked.
If they charged the amount for a base game bundled with dlc then most people would consider the price unfair. I certainly do. The DLC are more expensive than what I payed for the base game collectors edition.

1 year ago

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Only the host needs to have the DLC. If you have a frend that have it you can play it whit him or if you play Quick Play (with is the most popular way to play the game, because without the bbonus points from it it's almost imposiple to get best rewards) thare is a big chance to join in a DLC level. Also when you join to a party you can ask the others in the chat for specific level and most of the people will start it if they have it. The levels are practicly free the only limit is that you can't start them as a host.

1 year ago

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Odd, it wouldn't allow me to join any dlc missions that I did not own. Not even if they were open games being hosted by someone else. It would give me an error message stating that I must own the expansion in order to join. Has that changed since I last played around a year ago?

1 year ago

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I don't know about joining to a DLC game by your choise, never tried this, but you can join in a quick play DLC game for sure or if you'r already in a party the host can start a DLC level even if nobody else owns it (both by choise and by random chance in quick play). It was always like this. I'm playing DLC levels with my frends that doesn't have the DLCs all the time. You can't play only the Wings of magic waves without owning the DLC, but they are not that good anyway.

The best way for solo play is to join to a quick game and stay with the party for the next missions, there is good chance that the host will have the DLCs and ~1 of 4-5 games will be in a DLC level. Or you can ask in the chat for specific mission. The community is great and most people will start the level if somebody ask them.

Also there is a new free rouge-lite campain with random generated levels (the nuber of the assets if not unlimited, but they are combained in a diffrent way every time). It takes more time, but it's very good.

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by R3v3ng3ance.