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Amazing price for amazing games. If you enjoy Doom you'll surely enjoy this, even with Doom ports you can play these.

2 months ago

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Absolutely! Here huge fan of Doom! This must have and Quake aswell! And few more great Boomer Shooters games!

2 months ago

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Nice avatar picture

2 months ago

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thank you (=^_^=)⚡️

2 months ago

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The look quite ... old.

I don't judge them based on that. Are they worth to check?

2 months ago

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Yes, these are the cool games we had back then.

2 months ago

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I've never heard of them, thanks for your recommendation!

2 months ago

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My favorite back then was Blood GOG

2 months ago

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I even played this one in the past. For short period of time but I liked it :)

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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If you love FPS games - yes. You can "upgrade" the experience using gzdoom (except for hexen 2 which uses q1 engine) and texture packs. Check some reviews on youtube. Anyhow the price is really low..

2 months ago

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This is nice :) Thanks!

2 months ago

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HeXen II can be played using FTEQW

2 months ago

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If you like Doom 1993 sure.

2 months ago

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Frankly speaking... I've never played it... even back in the days.

2 months ago

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There is little to lose as they cost only a dollar / euro, but tbh if you don't lean towards being interested in retro games / video game history, you can just skip it.

2 months ago

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Indeed. Those look no worse than so called Boomer Shooters. Hmm..

2 months ago

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Age is less relevant when there is zero quality control on Steam. Many asset flip devs still around making games in 2024 that look much worse.

2 months ago*

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Do you mean in your opinion this game lacks quality? Sorry, but I'm not sure I got your point right. I agree on the second part.

2 months ago

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They're quite interesting, in a mostly good way.
Heretic is like a fantasy DOOM. Some fun monsters, levels are a bit more open and it's more challenging. If you like DOOM you'll like Heretic, it's a good one, though I would not say it's quite as good as the old DOOM games.
Hexen is interesting. It plays a lot like DOOM, and feels remarkably smooth to play. The game has a far more open design with a greater focus on puzzles. Some people love this one, others find it confusing. Three classes with unique weapons gives it some replay value as well. Worth checking out!
Hexen 2 is rough. It runs on an upgraded quake engine and the levels are pretty big. Combat feels good and once again you have multiple classes. Some of the puzzles are downright fiendish in this one though and it suffers from a classic case of "where do I go?" syndrome. Still worth a try, you might find the exploration fascinating, and even if you just play through the first world and drop it afterwards you'll get your moneys worth out of it thanks to the solid combat.

2 months ago

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Thank you Fnord. You actually made me give it a try. I will grab it while it's still -90%.

Thanks again for your detailed point of view on those two!

2 months ago

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As Seibitsu said, its an amazing price for this pack. And thank you for this heads up.

2 months ago

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Takes me back.

2 months ago

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Good thing pencil pushers in censorship central(Germany) made the package available.

2 months ago

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Oh man, it's been really 22 years since I've played Heretic and Quake for the firts time. Thanks for the heads up, I've just got the pack!

2 months ago

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Look interesting, even more at this price, but a quick question for people that already played them :

  • Do you can play these games with a controlller, at last for moving + jump (done that with serious sam 1 & 2), or at last use steam imput for doing that.
  • There a easy mode, do you can save any time, and there a cheat mode (i am in general not really good in these type of games, and old game can be really tedious).

Thanks :)

2 months ago*

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These games were made in the mid 1990s and there wasn't much native controller support back then. There might be some workarounds if you search the forums on their Steam pages.

They feature multiple difficulties and have cheat codes, including invulnerability, level skip and all weapons/ammo.

2 months ago

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Thanks for the reply :)

2 months ago

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Yes both games have an easy mode (first difficulty). There are also cheats, but you won't need them on easy.
Controllers should work since Wolfenstein 3D and Doom had controller support. Will test and confirm.

Update: So they use Dosbox which does not support controllers out of the box. Possible but tiresome
You can use a different launcher / frontend like Doomsday or GZDoom which have inbuilt controller support.

As a plus, GZDoom will automatically find the games once installed on Steam / GOG

2 months ago*

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Thanks for the reply :)

2 months ago

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Thanks for the heads up!

2 months ago

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Golden age of id (with Quake 1-2) and Raven for me.

It will be a weird moment when I try to introduce all these gems to my son so passionately and he will look at me with ಠ_ಠ

2 months ago

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Check out the Brutal HeXen mod, it adds a lot of cool stuff.

2 months ago

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I'll add that these Marathon games are free, and have been for a long time. I remember playing them back in 2008 or so. If you don't want to play the Steam versions for whatever reason you can fiddle around with the open source project:

And for the uninitiated, Marathon was made by Bungie and is related to Halo in some ill-defined way.

2 months ago

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Mandaloregaming did some amazing videos about the Marathon games, it's a really intriguing series

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Thax 4 tip... => Bought!

2 months ago*

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Reminder that Hexen is more of a puzzle game than an FPS. Finding all those obscure buttons and items.. phew

2 months ago

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Wish they doing Remastered of Hexen pack but no one find out

2 months ago

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Hey check youtube there're lots of mods to improved the visual quality of these games.

Heretic - Fully Remastered

2 months ago

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What do you mean 'remastered'? That is exactly how the game looks like in my head thinking back. 😆

2 months ago

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Same XD

2 months ago

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I appreciate all the work that comes into these remastered graphics, but for some reason I like to play the old fps's in a small window, in their original, pixelated glory. ;-) I make use of the modern controls, though. :D

2 months ago

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Some of the best FPSs ever made! =)

2 months ago

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loved these games as a kid, they were so hype along with duke nukem games lol, im sad the publishers didnt put steam achievements for them, would have been fun to achievement hunt them

2 months ago

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I think "hexen" means witch in German. But I am not completely sure. I heard this long ago and haven't checked it.

2 months ago*

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2 months ago

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witches, plural
hexe is one witch

2 months ago

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Thank you!

2 months ago

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It's also where "hex" [as in, "to place a hex on someone"] comes from, having a similar morphological and contextual association to hexe as "bewitch" does to "witch".

2 months ago*

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Yeah, I was going to say that (but again, I wasn't sure about it). Thank you for confirming it.

In my language, Euskara (Basque language), we use the word "sorgin" to refer to the witch concept. The word means "creator" in our language, and "our witches" were understood more as doctors or druids. They were people with a nice knowledge about nature, and used it to cure the rest of the community. It is a pity the word has been mixed with the "bad concept" of wrongdoing witch of nowadays.

Anyway, this it seems a nice deal for 1€! Thank you for your time!

2 months ago

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Bought it, thanks

2 months ago

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Cool recommendation!

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Deal ends today

2 months ago

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Considering. Heard lots of good about them.

2 months ago

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