1. If they have added you, ask for a steamtrades profile. If they provide you with one with a URL linked to it different than the one on their profile, remove them. Be sure to check that both profiles have the same amount of games.
  2. Check their steamrep profile to see if they are a scammer. Also check, to see the creation date of their profile. If their profile was made within the last month or so, be wary.
  3. If they have less than 30 games in their library, be cautious.
  4. If they offer you an outrageous deal (along the lines of Bioshock Infinite for your Bad Rats) its most likely a scammer.
  5. +rep on the user's profile is easy to fake and should not be trusted. Since all comments can be deleted by the scammer, putting -rep on a profile is pointless.
  6. Be cautious of anyone who is/has been trade or VAC banned.
  7. If their username says [Valve] or [Steam] in it, it does not mean they are from Valve. However, if it says [CANDY] it means they have free candy and should be trusted 100%.
  8. Make sure their paypal is verified before doing a paypal trade.
  9. Check their recent game playtime. Many scammers use seperate alts for gaming and scamming.
  10. If the item is tradeable make sure it isn't region locked.
  11. Make sure that a tradeable collection has what you want in it. For instance, old copies of CS: Complete do not include CS: GO
  12. NEVER click links to steam profiles given to you by traders. These are often phishing sites and logging into them will result in your steam account being hijacked.


  1. Do NOT make a thread on steamgifts. You will be suspended for calling out users. Instead, submit a ticket to steamgifts support with proof of the scam.
  2. If the scammer has a lot of +rep on their steamtrades profile, check to make sure that it was the actual user. If not, contact the person being impersonated and let them know.
  3. Take screenshots of your conversation.
  4. Get their steamID64 off steamrep by entering their profile's URL in the searcher. Save this URL for future reference.
  5. Report the user as a scammer on steamrep.
  6. Cry yourself to sleep.

Leave any other tips below, sure there are some things I forget.

1 decade ago*

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Im VAC Banned and i dont scam ......

1 decade ago

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However, you don't redeem won games.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Oh boy! lol...

Protip: If you're gonna break rules, stay low and don't post on forums -_-...

1 decade ago

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Insert burns here

1 decade ago

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Easiest way to not get scammed is to give them to me. xP

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Na, that's more of a joke.

1 decade ago

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I say yes, that's definitely begging despite the emoticon.

1 decade ago

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You've forgotten to mention that if a person has "[Steam-admin]" or "[Valve]" or "[GabeN-cousin-totaly-legit]" in his name, that it means that he is affiliated with steam, should be totally trusted and is 100% safe to send your password to.

1 decade ago

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"[GabeN-cousin-totaly-legit]" lol'd. Nice one.

1 decade ago

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4: If someone offers you anything for bad rats, its already a crazy deal. I mean, nothing is worth as much as bad rats...

1 decade ago

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Black Ops 2 is quite close tho~ :3

1 decade ago

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You just can't not to mention CoD everywhere?

1 decade ago

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They make it so easy. :o

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 decade ago

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DAT NECRO! Yeah can not not not not noooot not not to mention CoD not not not everywhere.

1 decade ago

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Added #7.

1 decade ago

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How about those people with fake (+rep) on their profile scamming no rep people? Just because they have no rep, people wont believe them.

1 decade ago

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Make sure that their paypal is verfied before you make a paypal trade.

DO NOT rely on every russian who offer you buying games for a cheap price from him.

If they use google translate to communicate with you, its not cool.

1 decade ago

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Added your first tip.

1 decade ago

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Thank you, TartFlavor, for posting this information. You have saved me from at least one scammer, already.

1 decade ago

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I've seen a lot of links to this post, helping people who have been scammed; and I think that that's a great thing. But it's a bit one-sided, so I figured I'd write some tips for people on the other end.

  1. Change your name to put the [SCAMMER] tag at the beginning. This will catch the people you are trying to scam off-guard, because they'll assume that a real scammer would never advertise it openly. Additionally, scammers can recognize each other by that tag, so they don't accidentally scam each other.
  2. On the other hand, when starting a trade, remember to loudly add "ALSO I AM NOT A SCAMMER" to your initial trade suggestion. Reassure the other person in great detail that you are not about to do whatever it is you are about to do ("don't worry, I will definitely not take your gift and then run off laughing at your foolishness for trusting me despite the [SCAMMER] tag!") When talking to them, emphasize how much you hate scammers. No, how much you hate hate HATE scammers. Play it up to an utterly creepy degree. Rant for at least half an hour about how scammers are the scum of the earth and you want to murder them all (describe this in brutal, sickening detail.) This will earn the user's trust and totally not make them think you are deranged madman (and even if they do ask if you're a deranged madman, just say hey, deranged madman != scammer!)
  3. Always go first! Give them a gibberish key or, better yet, say "HA HA I AM A SCAMMER! I send you NOTHING! Now send me the game as agreed." Since they will have promised to send you the game at this point (and, unlike you, they are not a scammer) they will be honor-bound to send you their game even after this.
  4. Remember, it is easier to scam people out of common things; people will be less on-guard if they don't perceive what they're trading to you as valuable. Smart scammers focus on scamming people out of DotA 2 keys or out of keys that are currently being given away for free in unlimited numbers. Probably the most clever scammer I know once managed to scam someone out of ASCII art of a bear (which they tricked the other person into copy-pasting into the chat.) If you can do that, then you'll be a true scammer.


  1. It's important to report your successful scam so you can get credit for it in the scammer community. Create a post for it on the Steamgifts forum. Remember to lower your rating on steamrep. Update the "people scammed" counter on your Steam profile.
  2. This is hard, but remember: Don't send them the game you agreed to send them. Remember, you are a scammer. It may be tempting to send it to them, and a lot of scammers screw up this step. Other times, you may get absent-minded and find yourself buying a game, then sending it to them. That's why it's very important for you to go first, so you don't forget you were planning to scam them while waiting for their game. It's particularly embarrassing if you send them the game, wait about a month, then contact them while they're playing it and say "AHAHAHA I AM A SCAMMER! THE GAME I SENT YOU, I DID NOT SEND!" That doesn't usually work.

(Next someone needs to complete this set by writing HOW TO GET SCAMMED.)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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Sorry, sorry. I'll give it back. Here you go:

       _.-~ )
      (_ . ~\\ __
        \\__^/` _)
      .-~_    \\
     (_.~ \\    ~--.
          /_ /~-._/

Hurry up and claim it, though, or someone might ninja it.

1 decade ago

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/ \,~~~~./ \
( ( ) )Oo\
_ @ @ / /
/oO_\ Y // /
_/ ) / \ /( \
/ /_/ \/\ \
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|__) (__|
|__) (|
/ ,-------. \
/ / \ _
( / \ )
) / \ (/
/ __/ '

1 decade ago

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What's that? A brood mother?

1 decade ago

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A failed bearnapping!

1 decade ago

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Too many threads of late, this needs a bump.

1 decade ago

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You should probably add in something about installing enhanced steam. Links each profile's steamgifts, steamtrades, and steamrep directly on their profile. That pretty much reduces the risk of getting caught out by impersonators to nil plus it makes it all quite convenient.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I made this before it was out, or at least popular. I'll update the post later today. In the meantime, if you can think of anything else I should add leave a reply.

1 decade ago

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Sorry, but my guide is way better.

How to avoid being scammed:

  1. Don't trade.
1 decade ago

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I don't understand how being VAC banned means that a person might be a scammer and we should avoid trading with him!
Being VAC Banned has literally nothing to do with trading! I'm VAC Banned, and I've done MANY trades, both Money trades and strictly Steam trades.

1 decade ago

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From what I've seen hacking and scamming go hand in hand. They are usually both done by people that don't care for being decent human beings.

1 decade ago

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Oh what a nice insult! :) Way to go to be ignorant.

1 decade ago

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I don't even know what you're trying to say.

1 decade ago

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Added tip 12

1 decade ago

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Extended part 2, rule 1.

1 decade ago

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Minor edit to rule 6.

1 decade ago

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Just bumping this for some people out there to see.

1 decade ago

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Don't trade using paypal. That will stop a lot of major scams.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by TartFlavor.