All of my yes, where do I get a pair?

1 decade ago*

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You have to grow them

1 decade ago

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How much does an anteater tree cost?

1 decade ago

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used to be able to order all sorts of stuff off the back of an old boyscouts manual, dad had a stack of their magazines(think "lads life" from new vegas) from the 70s that had things like colt rifles and $45 mountain lions, baby alligators 2 for a buck or pet skunks at $5($17 descanted)) to buy. stuff like that.

So to get an ant eater what you do is go out and find a collector with the right comic book, call the number on the ad. This was the days before they started putting the little "offer expires:" asterisks so they'll have to honor it but you may need to bring it there to show a representative.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by jahwillprovide.