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Ufffff. At least the ending it's not a DLC.

Calm down, guys. everything is fin


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's a scret!

1 decade ago

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gooby pls

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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Pre-Orders are difficult to understand these days.

1 decade ago

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who needs increased difficulty anyway! Metro is a pain in the a** as it is

1 decade ago

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I don't normally have problems with most pre-orders for pc...but this is pretty lame.

1 decade ago

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Eh? I'm fine with it. Also quite funny how everyone goes to tbp for their problems.

1 decade ago

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its called voting with your wallet, to show distaste for poor marketing practices.

money is all the publishers understand and its the only way they will listen to our disdain at what they are doing.

1 decade ago

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Going to TPB is not voting with your wallet, voting with your wallet is not getting the game at all or until you are satisfied with the sale percentage.

1 decade ago

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That's called "making an excuse to pirate games" not "voting with your wallet". Like MDuh said, just don't get the game if you don't want to purchase it. Don't justify pirating games with bullshit.

1 decade ago

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I never even played metro and this pisses me off.

for anyone that isnt angry...Imagine Dark souls where the enemies cost money to put into the game.

Imagine XCOM where Ironman mode costs extra to put into the game.

Imagine your favourite game without your favourite option from it. without something that adds quite a lot to the experience.

1 decade ago

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Except X-com without iron man can still be played in exactly the same way. You just gotta have a bit of self control.

1 decade ago

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Fair point I suppose.

Fine then, Imagine XCOM without the classic or impossible difficulty settings.

which i think is a fair comparison, you agree? both change how the game plays on some fundamental levels (like fucking with chance to hits and how smart the AI is for example, as well as how much health they have, and how easy your soldiers are to either spook or fuck with, how the Panic levels work and a few others im probably not thinking of)

1 decade ago

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Fecal matter has come into volatile contact with an electrical powered harmonic motion resonating air propellant device and the situation when visually perceived is currently not giving any clear conclusive indication as to it's reaction but the eye of the storm has been detected lingering at some distance waiting to strike at an unpredictable time.

1 decade ago

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Thank you Niko Bellic. Now I understand bowling.

1 decade ago

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I understood this. I'm proud of myself. :V

1 decade ago

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The Instructions weren't clear enough I got my dick caught in the ceiling fan

1 decade ago

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The #A52A2A clouds are gathering.

1 decade ago

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Boohoo , DLC's are bad.

Welcome to 6 or 7 years ago.

1 decade ago

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No, back then we said this shit would happen, now it has.

1 decade ago

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This is disgusting.

1 decade ago

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honestly, i'd rather have this than levels / dungeons / misions being pre-order bonuses

1 decade ago

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Hard mode is another reason to play the game. It's more gameplay.

DLC is charging for more gameplay.

Therefore, this is just DLC. We've seen this before. Why is it a problem now?

1 decade ago

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It's always astounding to see the number of turkeys who will not only turn out in their droves to vote enthusiastically for Christmas, but who will also launch spirited, vitriolic attacks on any other members of the species who have the temerity to suggest that said festival may not be an entirely "good thing" for their kind.

1 decade ago

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Hey buddy, you do know what Ranger Mode IS right? It isn't hard mode. It's an immersion mode.

1 decade ago

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Seems to me that these corporations are determined to see how far they can push until they hit significant resistance from consumers.

There's plenty of mileage in this approach and, so far, there hasn't been anything like the sort of outcry (and withholding of cash) from gamers which is going to dissuade them. Joking aside, I can see the day coming where a $1.99 DLC might enable steering wheels, or a cockpit viewpoint in a racing game. Additional teams and game modes for sports simulators? Probably already been done... Graphical enhancement DLCs? Free ones already exist for the likes of Skyrim, but would people pay for them? Someone is sure to chance their arm sooner or later, and we will find out.

The game, as we understood it a few years ago, is in the process of being disassembled and modularised. It's a heroic victory for the marketing departments, but in an age when illegal copies of games are abundant and easily accessible, many potential consumers will simply head over to Pirate Bay or other sites at the slightest provocation, particularly when they find that the full price game they are considering ordering is a stripped down affair. It's a move which could backfire in the long term, and destroy a lot of the goodwill gamers have towards companies in the process.

GOTY editions are de rigueur these days, and while I wouldn't consider downloading illegally, I have several friends who routinely do this, and then buy a cheap GOTY edition a year or two later in Steam/Amazon sales. These are people who regularly bought full price games on release day, but no longer feel that they are getting a fair deal, or the definitive version of the game.

Games companies risk killing the goose that lays golden eggs by over-playing the DLC hand. I have no problem with significant additional content beyond the scope of the original game, but this sort of bullshit is infuriating, and an utterly transparent cash grab which should be met with the utmost contempt from the gaming community.

Sadly that won't happen, and this thread has its fair share of lickspittles and apologists who seem eager to lube up, bend over, and whistle a cheerful tune from start to finish. Let the good times roll...

1 decade ago

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As of now, i cannot think of a possible way to turn this around that doesn't involve in the majority of gamers simply stop mindlessly buying everything they encounter (specially considering that nearly every AAA released game nowadays is aimed at the 14/16yr old demographic).

As an economic stance it's a great thing, but then again the end of the idea is to get more money to their tables instead of providing quality content without resorting to scrotum-smashing low moves such as this.

Perhaps in a few years things will turn naturally, or perhaps i'll just spend these years getting myself 3 to 4 games a year, or simply bunker in my appartment while playing Close Combat IV and Populous III, who knows?

1 decade ago

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What's hilarious is that on top of paying extra, people who preorder the so called AAA games also get the privilege of experiencing all the (possibly game-breaking) day 1 bugs.

I say let the rich idiots pay an arm and a leg for glorified beta testing and enjoy playing your smooth GOTY edition at a fraction of the cost. With all the money you save, support indie devs!

1 decade ago

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Ranger mode was the only proper way to play Metro 2033, I guess it's the same with Metro 2034, but... they want more money to make the game an enjoyable experience... No buy from me.

1 decade ago

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after playing metro2033 directly after release i decided to preorder the sequel. but that bullshit preorder bonus or dlc for players afterwards makes me going to pirate the shit out of it. thq did a good job but koch media really destroys everything...

1 decade ago

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This is why I was pissed when Deep Silver took it.

1 decade ago

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They are gonna milk this and Saints Row 4(Not that SR3 wasn't milked to hell and back already)....but

1 decade ago

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Lolz...all the assholes going "Oh, I'ma pirate this game because the gaming company makes me mad".


Just don't buy the friggin game if you don't like the company. Don't justify you not wanting to spend money on the game/not having money to buy this game by saying shit like "I don't like their concept of taking ranger mode out so I'ma pirate this game." It's plain stupid. If you don't wanna buy the game, then just don't buy it! If you wanna "try it out" play a demo, watch gameplay on youtube, or play it on a friends computer who has the game.

This shit's the exact reason why companies are heading towards always online DRM.

1 decade ago

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If you want to show the companies that you don't like pre-order bonuses then DON'T PRE-ORDER THE GAME. If you want it, buy it once its out. Pirating won't do jack shit.

1 decade ago

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If you want it, buy it once its [b]on sale[/b]. Pirating won't do jack shit.

fixed- but yep, pretty much this.

1 decade ago

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Actually I can see this making people mad enough to pirate it as a big middle finger to the company, is it right? No. Is it right to charge for a difficulty settings? No.

Both are technically wrong but honestly its almost like the company is asking for it....its kinda self destructive. Must be a company of masochists.

1 decade ago

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So if you don't like lets say Abercrombie and Fitch because they don't like fat people, then are you going to go steal clothes from them?

People pirating games for any reason are wrong. 2 wrongs don't make a right, 3 left turns do.

1 decade ago

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if abercrombie and fitch were selling shoes but asking 5$ for shoelaces would it be alright ?

1 decade ago

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That also....thats a good way of seeing it.

1 decade ago

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I kinda already said this...unsure what your point is honestly, I am confused.

See: "Both are technically wrong but honestly its almost like the company is asking for it"

1 decade ago

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And that's why we can't have nice things.
At least we have tpb.

1 decade ago

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Steam Hookups group, got the game for $25, and comes with Ranger DLC, already pre loaded :). If you want to save money, here's a way.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

1 decade ago

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I'm aware. But this is the trend of modern times unfortunately, and it's not going to change.

1 decade ago

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the thing is there will be enough people who will pre-order and buy crap like this in any case

1 decade ago

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and argue it's legit and at a cheap price and if u no liek it u juss no buy it

1 decade ago

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lol saw the angry review when he posted it, and as usual hes so right

1 decade ago

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And I will not be buying this game now. Their loss for pulling some BS like this.

1 decade ago

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It's like going to a restaurant ordering something but in order to be able to sit u need to pay 5$ for a chair.
or a plane but they ask u 5$ for a seat belt.
or a primary school but they are asking u $5 for math.
or u buy a new car but if u want to "drive as it was meant to be" u need to pay them 5$ because they fucked up with your car and want more money to remove their fuck ups.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Taoito.