Reality check: people will care about "the numbers" as long as there are giveaways with a mininum CV to enter. :)
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atleast they can make a option of whether it is a gift or a key
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Yeah, and everyone will mark it truely according to the source they received it from.
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No they will not. This has been covered a thousand times. People will conspire. Gifters might offer "sweeteners" to mark games as non-bundled, or recipients might mark games as non-bundled in a misguided show of gratitude. It introduces an easily exploitable and completely untraceable loophole into the system. Support have better things to do than to police this on a case-by-case basis, which is what it could come down to.
Anyone proposing this has not been on Steamgifts long enough to know that there are a sizeable rump of users who will stop at nothing to milk the system, and these will be the primary beneficiaries of such an easily exploitable rule change.
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True. It would work in a perfect world, not in reality.
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And who would select key if they dont get CV from it?
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I'll keep this in mind the next time The Ship is bundled.
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Oh. I just checked your registration date. Guess you wouldn't get that was sarcasm.
The Ship was bundled in Indie Royale. It gave a Steam key. When that was activated, it gave two new items in your inventory, two-packs of The Ship in giftable format. When those were activated on someone's account, it would give the last copy as a gift to that person's account. The Ship was a giant SNAFU and both giftable copies and keys were considered bundled. Even in game where that isn't the case, people who would abuse bundles are not honest. They would lie and say it was a gift when it was a key. And that's not even getting into the language situation. You won't believe the amount of people who simply don't understand the most basic parts of this site due to language issues. In the last week, I have seen no less than six reroll requests that thought it was a PM system. "Congratulations, here's your key!" Adding more options has to be carefully considered, to be sure it won't add chaos.
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I was talking about the winners. I mean they will also have option if the game was gifted or not (only if the creater has mentioned that it was a gift). and about the ship, so you can't add it in a exception list or something? thanks for the help
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That wouldn't work either. People can be bribed. A second bundle key to say that $40 bundle game was an inventory item? Sure.
Or better, giveaways with friends who would be glad to help you in such a way, like with my 20 bundle games.
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actually in other giveaway sites group giveaways and private giveaways does not give you CV. that is the best. there should be only contribution value limit to enter public giveaways to gain CV.
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Please read my reply to this suggestion above.
It's an easily exploitable loophole for several reasons, and would create an unnecessary workload for support.
You and I might be honest and upstanding members of the community, but there are many who are not :)
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thanks guys I wasn't looking for suggestions. I was looking for help - if a moderator can change the cv to regular price or just make my giveaway to regular cv. bacause it's been too much time after the bundle is over. and I don't want to waste the gift for 1$ cv which real price is 39.99$
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Real price you paid isn't $39.99.
If you did, you're a certified buffoon who doesn't understand how to shop on the internet.
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So what...? You DID pay $39.99 for these games, ignoring numerous sales and a min. $1 bundle?
Son, I am deeply disappoint, although I AM considering offering you my spare copy of DOTA 2 at a full three dollars off the Steam RRP of $29.99 (limited time only).
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dude I can show you my account history if I bought it for 4$ or not. and truthfully I don't even know that it was on 90% sale on steam lol.
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or maybe they don't even create a topic on forum because they don't even have a gift?
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There is always an option.
For every giveaway you delete, cg sacrifices a kitten.
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You could just give the game away regardless of CV. The purpose of the site is giving, not receiving.
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"I won't get full CV, why should I give?"
Well, obviously not because you are a good person, they aren't so greedy and selfish.
Me, I have up 20 bundle titles that I'll get nothing for. But there will be plenty of happy winners. Job done.
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The first item wasn't bundled, so you will get $30 confirmed, plus 20% of $70 for the lat $9.99, making it the full amount anyway.
Just be aware of the bundle titles in future. There is no way to have rules changed for you just because you have an inventory item.
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Yes. The first item got you $39.99, so that wasn't counted as a bundle item. The Alan Wake is now, so it follows bundle rules. But you will be getting the full CV from the 20% anyway.
Just be aware of what games are under the bundle rule in future, instead of *****ing about the rule. It exists for a reason.
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thanks for your help. your comment was helpfull amongst all +1
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dude please I never buy bundle games because I got no paypal I just earn steam wallet funds by selling dota 2/ team fortresss 2 items or trade cards. and buy steam games from the funds.
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I don't want full CV. I just want atleast half of the CV. and my last giveaway was not a bundle.
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I am still confused. deltabladeX says I will get full CV. Arnab21 says I won't. who is right?
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This is now a thread dedicated to cheeseburgers.
I love ones with Swiss, and maybe Pepperjack as well. Don't forget the bacon!
And yeah, who needs CV :) Give with your heart.
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71 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by xxxka
so you are cutting off the contibuter values from a giveaway of bundled game?
but what about the gift? I have a alan wake franchise gift in my inventory and I have just made a giveaway of it.
what now? I recieve the value as bundle price? why? Its not a key. I didn't bought it from any bundle. so why this?
help will be greatefull.
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