Many game has the option to kill innocent people, civilians or how do you want to put it. When I say people I don't mean other players, I mean AI which isn't a threat to you. For example in Half-Life, you got a gun and you can shoot a guard. In Grand Theft Auto you can drive over any person, shoot at them or just anything. Do you get the point?

How often do you think real life when you are playing, or do you think at all? For real I wouldn't point anyone with a gun and much less would I shoot at them. Often in games I come across a situation where I have the chance to kill a non-hostile civil and usually I avoid doing that.

My point is how much does your real life behaviour affect your gameplay. Of course it's hard to say, like you wouldn't know what you would do in a situation where you got a gun and your life is being threatened. Where as in a game that is the whole idea of it.

So all in all, do you actually consider it to be bad to blow one's head off when they are completely neutral to you?

1 decade ago*

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I don't mix games and real life. When I'm in a game, I'm a character. That character often has many of my real world traits, but it's still a character. That's kind of the point of games for me - doing stuff you wouldn't do in real life.

1 decade ago

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The games are not real, so i really dont care to kill everything i have in front of me in a game, if that does not affect in a way the history/gameplay of the game by itself...
but, in a social way, i consider really fun the extreme violence of the games, you know, going there, in a middle of a city, with a Katana in your hand and a rocket launcher in your back, and no important mission to do, well, fuck em all, lets see the quality of the GORE of the game... you are overpower, the rest are weak, so fuck it kill,kil,kill, blow up something, kill, kill...

in other context, where it affects the gameplay, and history, i preffer to be the hero, and just kill the necesary, but then when the i end the "hero gameplaY" i play the villian way, and i'm evil as fuck...
for example the deus ex games, or splinter cell, metal gear, or even Hitman where you can decide if you go "full letal madness" or go "no letal", i preffer to go "no letal" is more hard, and represents a bigger challenge insted going murder everything that is moving in the map... but yeah, is fun too, to go an kill everything in that is moving in the map...

but again, games are not real, are just fiction, just like movies and books, but with a high level of interaction, you are not just an observer, you are the main character... and yes, probably you explore things that you woud not do in real life (go in a killing spree, jump from building to building, etc)

1 decade ago

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I find myself always being a good guy in videogames, at least for the first playthrough. If it's possible to be "evil," I do that in the second playthrough to see what changes, but I don't really enjoy senselessly killing random civilians.

1 decade ago

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All I can say is anyone who thinks video games are the cause of violence in real life are plain stupid. Sure, some people do violent thing due to video games- the mentally disordered people who would do horrible things for other reasons too. If anything, games can be a stress relieve. Better do something violent in a game with people who don't exist than hurt a real person.[/end of random stuff]

Anyhow, to answer your question. Yes, I am a real nice guy and wouldn't hurt anyone in Real Life and in a similar manner I don't hurt anyone who's not evil in video games and even try to save them if I can. The bad guys however... well, I do horrible things to them with out the game even making me. Serves them right. :D

(Note: Achievements or different endings that requite me to be evil are an exception.)

1 decade ago

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I just blow people up for mass lols. But since its in a game, I can experience it without any bad consequences (Unless I spawn thousands of Dr Kleiners and kill them all, my computer would crash)

In real life, I wouldn't dare do it.

1 decade ago

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I know what you mean, I tend to reflect my real life behaviour, Like, I wouldnt EVER kill anyone if they didnt pose a threat, I wouldnt see the point, I remember in DA2 when somone uses blood magic on you and tries to kill you, Thats when I killed her, As I would in real life, Same with my rash choices, If I got the adrenaline pumping, I tend to not think about my hoices.

1 decade ago

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It was very hard for me to rob a bank in Shrouded Hills (Arcanum) so I decided not to do it, and help Doc Roberts instead. I did kill bandit that took Arbalah's relic, even if I had an option to let him go. Am I good, evil, or just chaotic neutral? Don't know, not really into DnD.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Kyklone.