I did it...it looks like shit!
reason why 24fps was[and still is] used, especially in cartoons, was because of technical limitations which we dont have now except for having TV/monitors @120Hz refresh rate in every household. There is no magic in having fewer frames!
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Yeah, its funny how giving time some technological constraints become its own art/genre/style like black & white film or photography, turn-based JRPG, silent film, tactics gameplay, stop motion... hell, Even widescreen and film grain!
But I guess is not only people tends to worship the aesthetic of those things because its have been the only way for a long time but also because Its language and methodology have been so crafted and used that stands the test of time.
But I agree with you that its only a matter of tradition in most of the cases.
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They kinda are. Though in the end his statement is flat out wrong. While there are reasons why The Hobbit looked odd at 48fps, those are related to how films are made, not an inherent flaw of 48fps over 24fps. Once filmmakers are comfortable with working with 48fps, and have learnt the tricks needed to make things look good (notice how they could not quite cover up all the tiny shortcuts they used in 48fps), 48fps cinema looks better. So what he basically was saying was:
We should not use better tools because we are more used to working with our current tools and things look "good enough" as they are.
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Apart for the article, the thing that really pisses me off is that i write serious reviews for free and nobody gives a flying fuck, while people get paid to write bullshit like that.
Maybe i should start writing about how shitty steam is, how good is EA and how cod ghosts will be the best game of all time.
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People don't want honesty, they want drama,flame-wars and click bait because that does not require actual work.
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Thanks for the interest, but if you don't know italian i don't think you'll be able to understand something lol http://www.vgnetwork.it/
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Yea :( I feel the same way.. Think it is why I stopped making reviews for a site I used to be part of. I admit it would have been nice to get some money for the ones I was doing but I am not going to give "fake" reviews ( IE reviews that are basically bought by a company and not a genuine review ) that I see a lot of people that get payed for doing it seem to do.
Keep in mind though I was only doing reviews for Zombie games,movies and books. Eventually did a few non zombie but still in the horror area reviews. I was actually threatened after my last few reviews.
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I understand why you avoid linking to the stories you want to complain about, but please understand that it's just annoying for everyone else, since it means we can't see the comments or anything else on the original site; trying to read things in an image is annoying, and the links from a random forum post aren't going to change anything.
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When so called journalists start spouting opinions as facts.
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I think he also published quite a few books under the french alias Checkyor Privilégé, this guy is pretty big on tumblr
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Please stop making topics about pointless articles written by some guy nobody has heard of.
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fatal error in all his argument though, "i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60 fps, if i could clearly see how everything moved- probable not.!
sheit our eyes can't keep up with 24 fps, you're already not seeing how everything move, at 60 fps it should have even more 'magic', not because the brain fill freaking gaps, because there is no such thing as gaps, the brain get's overloaded by images and that can have an impact on your imagination and feelings.
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He has a point actually, as movies sped up to 60fps do tend to look too real. I don't care for his movie magic bit though, as it has more to do with how our eyes function, less on how our brain interprets it. I think, in the future, developers should be conscious of the effect. If a game were intended to be more cinematic, they could limit the frame rate down. If intended to be more realistic, they should aim for 60fps.
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If you are going to speed up a clip shot in 30 fps to 60 fps it's going to look sped up because you are literally playing it at twice the rate.
If you film a clip at 60 fps and play it back at 30 fps it's going to look slowed down because you are literally playing it at half the rate; if you play the same clip at 60 fps and compare it with the 30fps one, the 60 fps will have smoother motion.
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One key element in both movies and games for entertainment is the audiences' imagination. If you ignore this fact you are likely a poor story teller - visual or otherwise - and you also insult the audiences' intelligence.
Now regarding FPS... a good entertainer (game or movie) will consider the visual effect of the piece and could utilize various different speeds of FPS in the visual artistry over the course of the experience. This engages the viewer/gamer's imagination and interaction with the visual storytelling. Hopefully drawing them in more deeply into the experience of the piece. This can enhance or manipulate the desired affect that the director wishes to create - thus making the game/movie better, when done right.
The arguments presented by most people are more based on personal preferences, experiences or opinions. A parallel can be drawn here similar to that with music theory: there is no right or wrong. It is theory after all. You may not like it presented in one way or another - or in a given musical style. But that does not leave an intelligent person without the ability to respect and appreciate the artistry even if they dislike it's presentation.
Then again, some of us are also smart enough to be able to control the FPS settings in our media players the way we desire and completely ignore the way that the director/game creator made the piece to be seen and experienced.
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Honestly, I do not understand why you are taking such a pure intellectual argument so personally. (Y'know, that is not exactly a healthy habit.)
I do not feel that you are presenting your ideas with enough clarity as to what you agree/disagree with what the other author had to say.
From what I can see of the issue at hand, as I described it maybe an overly-erudite manner is that you are both right and you are both wrong. You are both intelligent in the material at question. Yet, you are both being stupid because you are both not seeing the full picture.
What is being done with this thread and the previous one linked before is futile. It is just a matter of perspective or lack thereof.
For this topic to continue on is pointless for any parties involved, because it only generates more heat than light from the discussion in a less than proper manner.
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Brain cannot even comprehend more than 30 words per minutes otherwise magic is removed./s
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24fps or 60+ fps... it does not matter.
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I get what he's saying but I'm not sure I buy it as far as it relates to games. The human brain evolved as that of a predator, to quickly track prey animals. So the brain does estimate "missing frames" inasmuch as these missing frames exist in the virtual sense due to our visual cortex's limited perception. So he's claiming that by artificially creating missing frames that the brain becomes more actively engaged in the action it's watching. It's an interesting premise and for movies and other non-interactive medium he might be on to something, and there's even some anecdotal evidence to back that up. However for games that I'm already actively engaged with I personally find lower framerates to be distracting rather than engaging as the missing frames tend to disrupt the action.
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It's more due to the fact that 23-24 fps was due to the technical limitations, and during that time filmmakers have come up with techniques to make films seem more realistic by giving the audience a distorted view of the world so to speak. However many of these do not work on higher fps as we have a better more smoother view of the action, which seems to pull people out of the experience, but this does not mean we should still stick to that standard but instead improve and develop new ways.
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I'm all for more research into the subject as any improvements in the understanding of human perception will only result in better videogames in the future, culminating in true virtual reality. Of course we'll still need to figure out how to broadcast directly from a computer into the visual cortex and bypass the optic nerve, but that's an achievable goal in time.
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Here is the some of the bullshit he has spouted recently.
Some of you may recognize him from the shit he pulled earlier.
"Off the top of my head, I have personally won the 3rd Largest Film Festival of Asia, Worked in Unreal Engine and Source Engine, Coded Games in the SDK and Dev Kit."
"Actually know, everything in this article is presented as an honest opinion. Try this: Record a car being parked with a normal camera. It will record in 30fps. Upon playback it wont look anything like a movie. Now downgrade the base frame rate to 24fps with a movie editing program and you will see what i mean. It will "Magically" start to look like a movie clip."
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