So I see Arma 2 is on sale right now, and I really want it. I have $12.28 in my steam wallet, Strike Suit infinity in my inventory, and some Tomb Raider cards. The reason Im holding back on buying Arma 2 is that I have other games on my list. Deus Ex which I would buy down at $3, and Mass Effect 2 if it went down to $5. What do you guys think my chances are of getting both Deus Ex and Mass Effect 2 in the last Flash Sale? This is a tough decision...

My other predicament is that I could hope one of the games goes on sale. If Deus Ex did and not ME, I would have enough for Arma, but if ME did, and Deus Ex didn't, then I wouldnt have enough...hmmmm

Also, if you truly believe one of the games is not worth getting, please state your reasons why. If I was able to rule one out, this would be easier. Also if someone could say why one is the greatest, that would help too.

NEW QUESTION: Is Combined ops really worth it for Operation Arrowhead?

1 decade ago*

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I'd say not good.

1 decade ago

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Anyone have any suggestions on games?

1 decade ago

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I heard FC3 Blood Dragon is good.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Too risky to wait now.
Deus Ex the best one for me did 100%
Mass effect 2 it is also great but it depends on what other games of the series you have and/or will have. if you have the 2 others or will get it then it will go on the top of the list. What a saga.
Arma 2 great but I get over it very quickily then it takes me months to want to play it again. Too bugy and even though I like games bold and hardcore like this one it's just not polished enough and it's also overly complicated.

1 decade ago

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can't realy say, played only a bit of arrowhead at a friends but it didn't seemed much.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I would not wait. If it was day 1 and you had 10 days to get them, then it would be OK to wait, but the last flash of the last day and you need not one but two games...

1 decade ago

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Buy it now.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by theluttinator.