Noticed a lot of Ironclads keys popping up in the last few hours. Given that it's a Indie gala 1 dollar key and has a 50 dollar Sgifts value, I imagine as happy hours comes the site is likely to be flooded with people looking for an easy way to boost their contributor values. Even without that, it seems like it could pretty easily cause some general point flooding.

1 decade ago*

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Submitting these keys is against the rules. Needs more ban hammer.

1 decade ago

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Those giveaways go against the rules, you can report them.

1 decade ago

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I was under the impression that Steam Gifts was reviewing their policies on bundle keys from a thread a few weeks ago, though I guess I don't recall what the results were. Wasn't sure if the rules had been relaxed or not.

1 decade ago

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No results thus far, the stance is unchanged. Keys from bundles should not be submitted.

1 decade ago

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Unfortunately, it seems that if there aren't many reports (such as in group/private Ironclads), the giveaways can slip past the radar.

1 decade ago

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Everyone wants in contributor giveaways, look at the private/group wins for Ironclad packs.

1 decade ago

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So i'll just need to make my contributor giveaways with minimum of 1000$. Let's see how they'll avoid that

1 decade ago

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they will create even more ironclad giveaways?

1 decade ago

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Then i'll fight them with 2000$ minimum

1 decade ago

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thats 11 dollars in india gala giveaways... JUST counting iron clad pack. shrugs. Whats sad is that people who abuse the system will profit while you would punish the honest gifters. A better way would be to have a black list and just disallow people that abused the system and of course getting them removed from the site would also be fantastic.

1 decade ago

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I'm just messing around here. Every group which i'm a member of has a strict membership policy when it comes to joining. They check links for your past private and group giveaways and if any of them are games from HIB bundles, Gala's or exploited in any other way then that value is deducted from your contribution value.
So in the end, everyone who are submiting those giveaways now are just making harder for themselves to be accepted in any groups or recognised as respectable members of the community

1 decade ago

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Time to get out the MUDSHOVEL xarabuss.

1 decade ago

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The problem is that people keep submitting these bundle keys.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, the admins are just hopelessly shoveling shit into the ocean while the tide brings in shit loads more. Some get caught while others make it into our drinking water. The easiest, albeit not the best, solution would be to make people unable to create giveaways of games that are in a bundle for an amount of time. Another solution I thought of for people trying to create a giveaway for a game from a bundle would be to get prior approval from an admin. Kind of like another step when creating a giveaway for a game that was in a bundle. This would save the admins some time from having to sift through the giveaways for people unknowingly submitting giveaways from bundles and those that are trying to sneak through amidst the horde of illegals. Border Patrol.

1 decade ago

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Yeah i would have to agree with that. If you have a gift and you really do want to give it away then i dont think its too big of a deal to wait a bit; its unfortunate but it seems like it has to be done.

1 decade ago

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I support the approval giveaway queue idea for exploited and keys from bundle games. It made public with votes or private limited to some SteamGifts users with experience about site rules.

1 decade ago

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please, remove all that new "contributors"... I think it is not fair enough

1 decade ago

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The value of games which are in bundles shouldnt count to the contributor value.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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lol Ironclads, retroactive 1P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Corpekata.