Card drops are not happening for me right now, neither the Monster game nor regular games. Saw someone post a message in a steam group that he played for almost an hour and didn't get any drops for the game he was playing. Is this happening to anyone else?

Just to make sure everyone understands I am talking about ANY game not just the monster game.

9 years ago*

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This is pathetic. I may just stop dropping them altogether with so many games I have. It's just not worth it at this point. Spending roughly half a day per game?

And all because of those stupid refunds. I never really liked that idea to begin with. Buying stuff should teach people to be responsible for their actions. I understand in real life you may buy something that is broken and want to return it but digital goods are not broken (unless your PC is, otherwise you can always find a fix, I've never seen a game that I wouldn't be able to run without some Google research. Not to mention that devs very quickly fix their games if they're not working properly).

They should have never introduced refunds IMO. And if they did they should have thought about everything sooner and come up with a fix that wouldn't "hurt" people who don't refund and basically honest players who don't abuse the system. First paid mods and now this, Valve is getting annoying at this point.

9 years ago

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this is stupid indeed. especially if you have games sitting on your lib for longer than 14 days or games not purchased from steam directly or gifts. it would have been one more line of code to add into their stupid algorithm that checks for all these exceptions before deciding that card drops start after hour 2 of play time.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Well I doubt I'll ever catch up now. It was always going to take a long time, even with idle master but now, well, lol.

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9 years ago*

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99 days just to fill the 2-hour requirement on each game.
45.5 days (average 1 card every 15 mins) to drop all 4373.

cya next year! :3

9 years ago

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Thanks to ppl who abused by refunding games after getting cards

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9 years ago

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You can always count on the Steam community to try and exploit everything to its fullest, creating more problems for everyone else.

9 years ago

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Steam community = people

In every community there will be evil and stupid people. Even in the best communities out there.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by royalatog.