Hello. I have a quick question about the RPG Maker.

I just downloaded it. But im really not into JRPG's. i would prefer an action RPG or something.

So basically, can you make it? I was thinking something more like a brawler or maybe something similar (but way more different) than Hotline Miami.

I know scripting and programming are required, thats not the issue, the thing is. Is it an efficient way to do it or i should look something else?

1 decade ago*

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RPG Maker is pretty limited to JRPG-style stuff. Anything outside of that box will require some amount of engine tweaking and scripting, even To The Moon was made with a heavily modified version of RPG Maker XP. To be quite honest, if you would like to make something like Hotline Miami, you're better off learning GameMaker Studio (which is the actual program that was used to make Hotline).

1 decade ago

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Thank you, i was looking around after i posted, i did found the same, i already downloaded it.

1 decade ago

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If you like it make sure to get the pro version, it'll make your life easier using it.

1 decade ago

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Got the free trial, im going to make some basic design, sprites and see what needs to be coded. I dont know yet if i will be able to put a team together.

1 decade ago

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Contact me on steam I can try and help out. I have some knowledge on photoshop.

1 decade ago

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i think the main problem is your inability to google around

1 decade ago

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I think i did ask about RPG maker, not about being a smart ass.

1 decade ago

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For starters you could have tried asking in a forum devoted to RPG-Maker, as they would have finer knowledge on the subject, as well as far more resources and direct links to assist you. So I think the google remark was pretty to-the-point. The information we can offer is going to be third-rate in comparison to a more devoted info source.

1 decade ago

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The question was quite simple actually. You see, there are many developers any many aficionados here that can answer you with a simple "Yes" or "no", or even better, not saying anything at all if you dont know.

Im not actually asking HOW to make a game with those characteristics, or how to do a very specific thing inside the engine, in that case, yes, i would have to search in very specialized forums. Anyone with basic knowledge on the engine could have answered that, and that was the point of the question.

In any case, there are many ways to say things. It doesnt matter if you are in front of someone or hiding behind the internet. This guy was just a moron.

1 decade ago

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so you dont seem to be able to look around IN the RIGHT place and im the MORON?! LOL

Funny guy

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well, admittedly his tone did leave a lot to be desired~

1 decade ago

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Not sure if it interests you since I'm not entirely sure how much effort you want to put into making a game, and how much knowledge you have but if you want something basic you might want to check out Project Spark. Last I remember it was invite only and win 8 only, but that might've changed now? Not sure but I was able to make really kool things, and even a simple brawler took me a few minutes.

1 decade ago

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Seems interesting, but w8 only. Im not really a fan of it.

Thanks for the info though.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Alientcp.