It was MW2. Not the worst of the games, as far as i have heard.

I still feel a little bad for supporting Infinity Ward/Activision with my cash, although it was only 7,94 euro.

I just really needed an arcade shooter to waste time on.

I hope you will forgive me.

9 years ago*

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I kinda like the CoD games, (I also like the BF games), and whilst Ghosts was terrible, story-wise, it doesn't deserve ALL the bashing people are posting. I've noticed a lot of the complaints are aimed at the fluidity of the game, (they say it's lagging), and can say that the game, 100%, NEVER lagged for me at any time. If your PC isn't up to the task, then don't try playing with the graphics options all being the highest they can go, simple

9 years ago

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COD 4 is better then any of the ones after it

but COD 2 is the best in my opinion

had a blast with it on the 360 on launch before kids could afford the system

i remember we would lob all our smoke grenades and go in blazing pistols our own version of last man standing

pistols only and no shotguns was a blast

but we do forgive you for feeding the beast but damn if a game is cheap enough or free i usually get it

9 years ago

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I didn't even know it got transferred to console, as well as PC. Also, it was, like 2003, (2005 for console), so don't you mean the original Xbox and not the 360? Unless is got ported to 360, too, I don't know

9 years ago

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So the game sucks now because people use strategy instead of playing like morons?

9 years ago

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Wait. Are you trying to tell me that newer CoDs have strategy?

9 years ago

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Exile is the only thing left for you...

9 years ago

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I'm with Strayed - HERESY!
Also if you want to play an arcade shooter I'd recommend Borderlands. ^^

9 years ago

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MW2 was really good, but its empty now. theres like 700 people online at best, and 699 of them on team deathmatch ;c

9 years ago

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I think that's why people are getting "burned out" on COD, all most people play is TDM all the time. They also complain about spawns and camping but it's not too bad in other game modes.

9 years ago

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you still supported them -_-

9 years ago

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YOU DID WHAT? omg, reported!

9 years ago

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Don't worry MW2 is actually good. At least you didn't buy ghosts which is a terrible game!

9 years ago

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My fav COD game was Call of Duty 4-Modern Warfare!

9 years ago

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Meh, no worries. Not gonna hate something I have never played.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i have mw 3,sin = done

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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MW2 was pretty fun for me, would still play the multiplayer now if it was active :p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You have demons in your body now...you need HL3 to cure your body.....

9 years ago

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Repent and sin no more.

9 years ago

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I just did the same...I don't feel bad.

9 years ago

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Its not THAT bad of a sin, now if you bought Ghosts then we would have to kill you because Ghosts is truly shit and the worst thing to come out on PC.

9 years ago

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I bought a couple of the older games, i.e. CoD 1, United Offensive, CoD 2, CoD4 Modern Warfare, CoD World at War, and like yourself, Modern Warfare 2 (Only bought WaW during the recent sale, had the others for months now).

9 years ago

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I'mma lay some knowledge on you all!

CoD 1 is fun, the expansion added quite a bit to it, multiplayer was dead.
CoD 2 was SO MUCH FUN, you had all kinds of servers to play on, and bolt action rifle servers were a blast! (This was about 6 years ago, so idk if it's still alive anymore D;)
CoD 3 isn't for pc so w/e xD
CoD 4 MW1 is possibly the best, still has a strong community, very fun.
World at War I never really played multiplayer for pc, but on the Wii I thought it was pretty bad. The campaign was fun though, so there's that.
MW2 was a blast at it's time. Kinda stupid because of all the kids, hackers, and crappy hosts, but it was still a lot of fun. I believe it's pretty dead now, don't quote me though.
Black Ops 1 - One of the best single player CoDs imo, I had a blast with it, Zombies was really fun, and I had a good time with multiplayer. Again, not sure how dead it is.
MW3 was fun at first, but the more you played the more you hated it. The campaign wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that great. Very forgettable.
Black Ops 2 was good fun, though not nearly as great as Black Ops 1. The multiplayer was just as fun, but the campaign wasn't nearly as good. But I liked how the story changed depending on how you played through the game.
Ghosts. This game sucks massive donkey dick. I say that with as much hatred as I can muster. The game is unoptimized, and it's not really fun. The single player ran at about 1 fps, and the INTRO audio cut in and out, making the intro about 20 minutes long. Basically, it sucks. Multiplayer sucks, though at least it's playable, so there's that.

9 years ago

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they say CoD series is bad. but everyone always try to enter CoD giveaways :/

9 years ago

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its ok i have COD 3,4 WaW,mw2,mw3 black ops 1 ,2 and ghost on xbox kinda want to get WaW on pc for the mod zombie maps

9 years ago

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CoDs are fun on PC, on consoles there are too many kids....

9 years ago

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I try to stay unbiased with this series.

The original games are great. WWII when that was still fairly new and not overly produced yet. When 4 Modern Warfare came out, I was blown away. I don't play any games online or multiplayer, so I'm solely speaking about single player for these games. Modern Warfare is so fluid, full of action, and was so different that it was amazing. MW2 wasn't as good in my opinion, but I think that's because it wasn't novel any more. Black Ops 1 was awful in my opinion. That was one I couldn't wait to be over. Ultimately, people love to love or love to hate this series. Personally, I like the first 4 and have enjoyed each subsequent one less - likely because the novelty has worn off.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by MartDrummer.