It may have looked like GoW but it didn't play anything like it. It was an entirely different beast. In my opinion RE6 was a lot better than RE5 because they didn't try to straddle survival horror and action third person shooter. It was in most part a highly polished, decent third person shooter.
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They're evolving towards another genre, which might not suit eveyone's tastes. I, personally, prefer the old ones from the PSX era. But I wouldn't say no to a reboot that brings back some difficulty, thick ambience and the first characters and stories (which were much better in my opinion).
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Except the newer Resident Evil games are actually pretty well received (with Operation Raccoon City being the exception). I'd wager RE6 will actually sell better than Revelations in the end, because the only people who say it's "better" are the same minority of hipster douchebags who think Resident Evil is a dying series.
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I don't think selling better is the measure of whether a game is actually good or not, just about how well they advertise. Being a shooter certainly helps with that.
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There is truly no gauge of what is a better game, it's all subjective. That said, a game that "couldn't thrill anyone into it" AND "would turn old players away from it"... really shouldn't be outselling the game that better fits the "much loved games genre". If it is.
I call shenanigans to the post I replied to.
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The turning old players away I believe. I haven't heard much positive about it from those who remembered the survival horror roots. Those players can easily be more than made up for though by people thinking "Hey, this shooter looks cool".
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That's fine, I was replying to the person saying there's no point in RE6 because no one wants it. Clearly people want it, it's arguable people might even want it more than Revelations (the one game somewhat embracing the survival horror roots). That's the only point I was making.
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Revelations is a very good game (I own it on 3DS) and deserves the praise it gets (despite a few very minor issues) and the PC versions seems just as good. RE6 is not bad either, I am playing co-op with a friend - my only gripe is the fact they give very limited ammo compared to the hordes of zombies etc that come at you, which is not a dealbreaker, its just an annoyance. Well, the big fat ones blocking doorways you NEED to go through to trigger events is a pain too, and the scene in the bus is boring as hell if you run out of bullets.
But the point people try to make is pretty simple - they want the creepy feeling back. I got it a few times in RE4, and a lot in RE:R, but not so much in RE6. It is the same issues I have heard about RE5 (lack of creep, and annoying inventory system) but nothing says they are bad games. People do blow it out of proportion a lot, but there are some valid poitns made - people liked the creepy games, and some like the action - and they are trying to address this balance (honestly, they had a bunch of interviews about it when RE:R came to 3DS, and they want to keep them both.)
So it is likely that RE:R will spin off into it's own section of games sitting behind the main plot, adding to it, while the main plot is more action based. As to the main point, it is not dying, not even close. Anyone who thinks this and hasn't played RE:R should go try it at least. It does tie into the main plot, so it is worth it for that too, but it is great as a standalone.
I do think that RE:6 will outsell revelations, unless the DLC for revelations turns out to be amazing, but I heard there will be no story included in the DLC.
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I would call it a shift rather than an evolution.
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Because how dare someone like a videogame.
I definitely enjoyed RE6, and i've played the RE franchise since I was ten. People need to realise the original REs are clunky, even if they were working at the pinacle of their technology back in the day. But the problem is is that was back in the day. Technology is better and people don't want to have to deal with clunky controls (RE6 had one of the smoothest and perfect feeling controls i've felt in a while), and bad ai/ clunky enemies like the original resident evils. Horror games are becoming less and less doable as technology gets better- if you give someone a gun in a horror game, it very rarely stays in the horror genre.
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You don't know the difference between a Horror game and an Action game, this is my conclusion from your post.
Resident evil series were always about the horror factor, not the action, nowadays it's reversed, and that is bad. Dead space is a recent game and it perfectly manages to fit the atmosphere, don't say that mumbo jumbo about tech evolving and games are getting harder to build because of that, there are a handfull of horror games out there that are better than RE series, it's loosing it's charm on what it used to be.
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I think what he's getting at, is that the better a game is made, the more control the gamer has. For example, it's less scary when you can just headshot the zombies with ease, use the refined controls to dodge them, even if ammo is limited... and if the game was intentionally made to make headshots or movement difficult, the casual gamer would likely view that as a flaw. Since it's so easy and "well done" in other more popular shooters.
That's why games like Amnesia have relatively cult followings. The masses don't like games that take away modern "advancements" for the sake of making it more difficult and tense.
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Still not an action movie unlike the latest RE game(s).
Dead space and Dead space 2 were living up to what they were meant to be, while i agree the first one was much better, second still was a good game and worthy of being a runner up.
I havent played DS3 and i heard it's awfull, i don't plan on playing it either, sequels are usually trash and mostly aimed towards fanboys. Just like the call of duty franchise, it's all about fanboys and kids but little to no progress in game development.
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How the hell does technology getting better make any difference...? If anything, it means the game's should be better made.
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damn they need just to make HD Remake of the first 3 games. keep the same core gameplay but with improved graphics. like the RE Remake for GameCube its a fully 3D game but keeping all that made RE.
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The story in Resident Evil has ALWAYS been awful. Outside of some bits and pieces of documentation you'd pick up, it barely had any (maybe that was the point, but I wouldn't call it good)... coupled with a consistently horrendous script and voice acting.
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Yeah, did you ever watch the opening movie on the first one? It's easily the cheesiest thing in the world. Lines like 'You were almost a Jill Sandwich!' were used as if they were intelligent. The whole point was that they were going for the cheesy, b movie horror feel.
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The FOV on RE5 was so bad I played it for 3 minutes before feeling sick and haven't gone back.
The devs made some piss poor excuse about a wide FOV spoiling the game, but personally I'd consider a game fundamentally spoiled if it gave players the sensation of having smoked a ludicrous amount of weed before trying to cross the Pacific Ocean in an old wine barrel after less than five minutes of play...
While I almost admire the developers' watermelon sized balls in their efforts to defend the indefensible, it's the standard thinly disguised two-fingered salute that PC gamers have come to expect from the hacks who undertake these shabby cash-in console ports.
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I know. Weed-addled explorers circumnavigate the globe in old Sauvignon Blanc barrels in their thousands on a daily basis, but for that significant portion of the population affected by motion sickness brought on by narrow FOVs, it's hardly too much to ask to make a computer game with adjustable settings. Unless, of course, all you're trying to achieve is a lazy console port, and deposit a giant green loogie in the face of PC gamers everywhere.
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4 and 5 were back in the days when devs thought PC gamers would just shut up and be happy with any port no matter how awful, but they did a lot better with 6 (I've heard - haven't played it yet, myself) and Revelations, which is almost a new game for PC gamers.
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In what world is Resident Evil: Revelations a disaster? Not only did it sell well and get pretty good reviews, but it's a couple steps back towards the original games. With 6 not doing nearly as well as they hoped, I think the next game in the series is going to be more like Revelations.
After the HUGE success of 4, (which was based on the successful elements of 3. You can tell it's getting more actioney as the games go on) they tried 5, which took those elements another step forward. Unfortunately, it didn't work as well as they hoped, which made them take a step back with 6. Again, it didn't do too well, which is why Revelations took another step back and is seen as a huge improvement. It's not dead, it's just taking a quick nap. My guess is 7 (or more likely, it'll be another subtitle) is going to be more like revelations than 6.
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I hate reboots! Resident Evil 7 only needs to be better game then Resident Evil 6, it needs more real survivor horror. Tomb Raider reboot is good game but most other reboots are only quick cash-in for greedy companies (EA is best example). All Resident Evil games have excellent story, it would be the shame to trow that away just for another lifeless reboot. That would be disrespecting for old Resident Evil fans.
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Pretty much, until Revelations. IMO it was the only game worth bearing the Resident Evil title ever since RE4. It gives me hope that future RE games will be more like it, even though I consider even RE4 to be class below the RE 0/1/2/3/CV. I keep hoping that someone someday might make a Kickstarter based spiritual reboot, with the old camera angles, controls and better graphics, because I doubt Capcom would ever do something like that.
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I think RE5 is still acceptable, i did like the game but it wasn't the best thing i played obviously.
RE6 is crap, havent played revelations but i think it's the same crap as RE6 eventually. Operation Raccoon City had a huge potential of actually becoming a great game, game got ruined with the huge amount of glitches found around while playing and the crappy gameplay formula (shoot something in the head with a sniper, it doesn't die, be it dead or alive, i'm not kidding, it's true).
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Revelations is good. I would say it is more horror based than RE4. It is split into sections, and the parts with Jill are by far the best (very creepy and dark, and does not get over the top) while all the other sections (which are fairly secondary and small compared to the Jill sections) are more action based, but they balance it by not giving you any upgrades, and fairly limited ammo (if you are a good shot it is far more than you actually need). However, it is progressively more difficult as you bump up the difficulty, while Jills parts are less punishing thanks to being able to stockpile important ammo etc.
Overall, it plays a lot nicer than RE6, and is more like RE4 in almost all aspects.
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I personally think it needs a reboot ala Tomb Raider.
To me, RE5, RE6 and RE:R have been a disaster, they are really mediocre games, despite the title popularity.
Anyway, discuss!
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