Should I contact support? I don't even know who is the creator since I have been black listed

I'm calling it : Make users add a reason when they blacklist someone, make it forced to include a reason

That moment when most people implies stuff and claim I assume too much (the amount of Assumptions in that sentence oh my god. Typing in a biased tone and claiming to be neutral. Such a wonderful thread to read.

8 years ago*

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I blacklist people who make posts about being blacklisted. ;)

EDIT: After reading your replies to other people here, you deserve to be on my blacklist. You want a reason? You're immature, selfish, and condescending. :)

8 years ago*

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I blacklisted you because you are a bit of an asshole. You call people who give more rich and "just trying to grow their epeen". I'm poor with minimum pay and bills to pay and I give more because it feels great, I couldn't careless about "epeen" stop judging us. You don't know me.
feel free to blacklist me back. In fact, I encourage you.

I don't want anything to do with you and I don't want to accidentally to enter in any of your giveaways. If blacklisting also blocks your gibberish from showing, then that would be lovely. but unfortunately, that is not a feature.

also, I realize that I am also being an asshole at the moment. but only to another asshole.

8 years ago*

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..."a bit"? Blacklisted.

Well, not really. Not you, anyway.

8 years ago

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I applaud you, good sir. I had this long-winded post typed out that pretty much echoed the same things you've said, but deleted it to avoid seeing reply after reply from the OP in my notifications.

I haven't hosted any white-list GAs yet, but I am adding you to my white-list, and I'd buy you a beer if I could. ;)

8 years ago

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While I agree with you that blacklisting over ratios is silly I also respect the right of everyone to limit their giveaway entries to whomever they want. If you are so concerned about why you are blacklisted contact the person and ask instead of opening a thread. I understand your anger, I've been blacklisted myself, but opening this thread will only get you on more blacklists.
There are thousands of giveaways every day, what would be the odds of you winning another one from the same person anyway? Don't take it so seriously.

8 years ago

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8 months ago

Mods surely care a lot about suggestions.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by WoShiJiawei.