As the title says. They are not tradeable, but there is still the option for packing 1000 of them into a sack. Could it be that Valve hasn't fixed the exploit yet but wanted to get the auction running again? The pro tip on the auction page still says that Gems can be purchased through the community market.

9 years ago*

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Will be ...some people don`t have a steam wallet so they will trade for gems when they runs out of background/emoticons.

Also is better to buy a sack of gems instead a ridiculous amount of background/emoticons from market...

Probably torommorow gems will be tradable/marketable again .

9 years ago

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yes i just wasted 0.50 cents for the emots. not even worth 1000 gems

9 years ago

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i think csgo back grounds and emoticons go for 100 gems so it might work out a bit better that way next time you try to get some.. but agreeable it costs more to get a sack then to buy gems if you could.

This is how ive been getting gems and other things in a relevantly fast manner. use some wallet money, buy a set of cards, craft the badge, sell the holiday card you get, scrap the emoticons, and repeat after enough times you get enough for a booster pack you need and more badges easier. not only will you get gems but it kinda recycles your inventory and keeps your wallet around the same as what you started with. ive done it the last 2 days and started with 1.18 and i have made a it to 1.89 in crafting badges and buying booster packs. the high end foils you occasionally get are a profit maker in this cycle i do

9 years ago

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Lets hope.......

9 years ago

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lol how do they got the 150,000 gem.

9 years ago

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buying alot of backgrounds/emotions that gives 100 gems

9 years ago

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yea before people realized i was buying 100+ of the trading card emoticon nobody likes and a dollar earned me about 10,000 gems

9 years ago

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I believe so, might not be before end of auction depending on how deeply they want to track the issue.

9 years ago

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Probably not.

9 years ago

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