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I bought the deluxe edition, and even if it's a waste of the one time refund I don't think I'll ever ask for something similar again. We'll see how it ends :P
Worst case scenario I just learned a cool lesson, never buy indie games from steam ever again :P
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Yeah I personally don't really care about not getting the money back. The problem lies on my current situation. In my country it is impossible to put money on paypal unless you have a credit card + tons of other complex crap so the only way I can get some paypal is via commissions (I coded a fighting game for the money I got a month ago) and if I'm unlucky with commissions then I'll be unable to get more paypal.
That's why every dollar counts. I would actually buy this bundle and just gift NS2 to a friend but the problem is that all of them own the game because I told them to buy it yesterday and now we're all midly pissed off at this.
I expect EA and Activision to fuck us over like this but when even indie companies start to do this shit... welp, we're fucked :P
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I really never understand this mentality. When you bought it, you obviously felt it was worth the price. It being "cheaper" now shouldn't change that.
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I get your point, but demanding a refund is a bit extreme, IMO. You win some, you lose some - that's life.
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It was more of a principle than the price itself and I already cancelled the ticket. The devs meant no harm so it's hard to get mad at them now that we know the true story behind the timing of both things (Scroll up and read my other post, you'll see a pic of a dev's reply about this).
I also got another commission to cover the paypal loss anything so I'll just let it pass :P
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Understandable and props for keeping a level head.
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+1. If it isn't a major AAA game, then I'm probably just going to wait unless I really want it. And even if it is a AAA game, if it is old I am now cautious about buying it. It's not like I will get a chance to play all of these games anyways with TF2 taking away so much of my time.
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Nope, from the FAQ on this:
"Giveaways created prior to a bundle always receive full value"
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My reaction is you guys are fucking cheap as hell. You over spent by what? 1.49 or something like that? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO That's going to take a big hit on your budget.
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NS2 is pretty good. Well, if your computer can handle it. Mine struggles. So I was generally stuck with hanging back, putting up stuff/welding (though welding could sometimes proof to be a bit hard as well) and being gorge. Because too much action on my screen = blew the feeble mind of my computer ;)
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Ya I felt like this a bit after indie gala popped up with Damnation and Overlord Complete Pack. I have gifts of those but like you said "that's life"
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I didn't bought it. I guessed the game was going to be F2P, turns out it got bundled.
Anyway, Ni no Kuni is having a sale on PSN right now. I left my PS3 back at my house thousands of miles away. I hate myself.
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You dont really need the PS3 to buy stuff though?
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Yeah. But to buy it and cannot play it for at least 10 months is sad.
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I just played 2 rounds, games so damn refreshing and fun, I played the older one back in the day, this ones better and more polished, grab the bundle and give it a try if you have any interest in Aliens, FPS games, or RTS games.
Not even a tiny bit mad now that I bought it before the bundle.
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I gaveaway Natural Selection 2, and it ended and was marked as received before the humble bundle started. My gift value was updated and everything. Now after the Humble bundle started, it has reverted back to the old value. I sent a support ticket. This better get fixed.
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Too many bundles get leaked ahead of time, which means people can set up giveaways prior to the bundle launch and set them for four weeks (believe me, it's happened in the past with people thinking they can cheat the system). That is why the system goes by end date and not start date. In reality, it should really go by end date + 7 to account for the week a person has to give a game away, so be happy it's not that.
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The SG system goes by day, not time. Your giveaway unfortunately ended today, even if the bundle theoretically hadn't gone live until a few hours later. Good luck with support, but I doubt they're going to do anything.
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It says prior to the bundle, not before the day the bundle starts.
"Important Updates to Contributor Values and Bundle Games
(Note: Giveaways created prior to a bundle always receive full value)"
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I talked to the admin about this. Because of the timing of the sale and subsequent bundle, we adjusted the bundle list to the start time of the Humble Bundle instead of the beginning of the day like normal. So any giveaways created before the bundle launched will get full value.
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Bought a 4-pack and this happens. Well that's life i guess.
Here is a giveaway to drown the sorrow:
Edit: Reply from devs
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