Which game character would you like to be and why? Best answers (most creative, funny) will get a link to invite only giveaway I'll create. :P

9 years ago

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alyx from half life, shes kinda hott

9 years ago

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Larry, because he gets all the ladies (At the age of 40, unless his nether-regions explode due to unprotected.... I don't actually want to be Larry anymore)

9 years ago*

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I'd totally want to be Guybrush Threepwood!
What's better than being a pirate in the Caribbean and be able to hold your breath for 10 minutes?

9 years ago

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I prefer female characters in games, specially 3rd person ones. But when you are "in body"(1st person) it loses beauty for me. So maybe I'd like to be Monkey from Enslaved or Dude from Postal.

9 years ago

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Geralt of Rivia - magic. master swordsman, gets all the ladies, pure awesomeness :}

9 years ago

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Infertile, high occupational risk and meets ungrateful people who call him a mutant. Really cool :P

9 years ago

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My character in SR4 because damn, superpowers would be awesome!

9 years ago

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Agent 47, because reasons

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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nice pick :D

9 years ago

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Apeture Science's Glados. Because potato.

9 years ago

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Abe from Oddworld 'cause I'm really shy and I want to have the courage to say "hi, follow me" to everyone I meet.

9 years ago

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Those who follow you rarely end feeling well! XD

9 years ago

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I take'em to freedom!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Honestly I don't like roll-playing, so nameless protagonist is usually my cap of tea.

If I had to choose it would be Rico Rodriguez from Just Cause, because even with a name, you can do anything, and there is no tear-jerking back-story.

9 years ago

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Jim Raynor from Starcraft ... cus hes a badass and he bangs Kerrigan .

9 years ago

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I won't try too hard and actually answer this seriously.
I haven't seen a character in a videogame that I can relate to on a personal basis so I would like to be that specific persona. Of course living the life of some superhero-ish dude in an action packed world is interesting but not that appealing. I need a background story that explains his actions and makes them reasonable.
Because I think I would not only adopt all the great abilities but also the flaws and story behind it.

I try to think of a character that at least has abilities plus a world that I wanted to live with and in but I can't really think of one. I think Wilson Fisk from the Netflix Series Daredevil is pretty relatable tho.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Lara croft. :) sexy, clever, rich, and I'd love to be that athletic without effort.

I'd also love to be Revan from the Kotor series because mmm Jedi powers.

9 years ago

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Great answer.
+for Revan
you made me want to finally try TOR.. :)

9 years ago

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Hmmm... Not sure. Maybe Prophet from Crysis as he is immortal (even if he is mostly an AI/machine/robot). Or Edward from AC4 because bitches, rum and ship battles! Plus, Assassins ftw!

9 years ago

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Jonathan Klebitz, the most bad-ass character that has a conscience, sense of responsibility, and loyalty to a brotherhood.

9 years ago

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But he died in GTA V !

9 years ago

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Didn't affect me since I've already played it but maybe mark this as spoiler (hidden) since it's such a cool moment. ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Master hand from smash bros, for obvious reasons.

9 years ago

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Mike Wazowski, that way I don't have to change my profile pic. Oh, and he's awesome as hell.

9 years ago

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monkey d luffy from one piece cause hes bamf

9 years ago

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Aren't you asking us this, because of a contest with exact question? This doesn't sound right to me.

9 years ago

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Hard to say... Because the most bad-ass awesome character in video games are damaged, broken individuals who have lived or continue to live shitty lives which I would not want to have. Guys like Niko Belic, Geralt of Rivia, Booker de Witt, capt. Martin Walker, Jason Brody. I think I'll pick Monkey from Enslaved. Cause he just doesn't give a shit. Or maybe my hero from Neverwinter Nights. Total bad-ass...fought his way out of hell and defeated and arch-devil. No one left in Toril to even lay a finger on him because of how powerful he's become. And because he knows everyone's true names.

9 years ago

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My Skyrim character, because, well... I made it by my image and the story is the one I want.
Same for my Dragon Age Origins character. Since Dragon Age girls are prettier than the ones in the Elder Scrolls world, I would rather be there. Damn Morrigan, hottest witch to ever walk the digital world.

9 years ago

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you've never played witcher 2

9 years ago

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Played Witcher, and I have both games on GOG (grabbed the keys my cousin had on the Steam versions) and I know Triss, I downloaded the Playboy album from Witcher 2, I just can't get past the 1st zone in the first Witcher without getting bored to death.

TL;DR: They are both witching hot.

9 years ago

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I think I have to go with the Avatar. He was just some random person summoned to the magical land of Britannia. In Britannia he goes on epic adventures and brings back with him enough money to never have to work again. In all he was summoned to Britannia five time before being stuck there in the seventh game (the first three games have different protaganists and there is the two underworld games one bringing the summon count up to five and the second set after 7) Stuck in an enchanted land, a guest of its king the avatar, already the living embodyment of virtue (Which has its perks) the Avatar then goes on a cross world power up quest that cumulates in the final game with the Avatars accent to godhood. A good life in my opinion.

9 years ago

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