Basically I'm getting into game collecting again after 1.5 years or so away. But I don't want to spend as much money on bundling as I did the first time around. I feel weird about entering giveaways knowing I'm never going to play the games. Would you, as a giveaway lister, care if someone like me won your game? Does my ratio make it any less scummy?

Edit: A thought I've had as a result of one of the responses: If you don't want me to enter your giveaways because I won't play your games, by all means, blacklist me! Not only do I understand completely, I want you to do so! That way I don't risk taking a game from someone who wants to win it to play it, and you don't risk giving a game away that you care gets played. The whole reason I made this is because I care about not taking from others what they may enjoy.

7 years ago*

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Am I a scumlord if I enter giveaways to increase my game count? Even though I've paid into the bundle social security fund?

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Yes. Why do you even need more games? What is even the point?
No. You take that social security even if you don't need it.

Although I personally only enter giveaways for games that are on my wishlist, I don't think I'd see it as a problem if an individual enters a giveaway without having the intention of playing the game given that the giveaway is for a cheap bundled game. If it were mandatory to play games that you've won then there would be a lot of giveaways that would risk not getting enough entries, just because of how crappy the games are. However, if the giveaway creator explicitly states that they only want people who really want the game to enter the giveaway, their wish ought to be respected.

7 years ago

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No. The giveaway creator should ask you to not join if you don't intend to play the game, but be kind and don't join giveaways of AAA games if you don't want to play them.

7 years ago*

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I personally - like some people already said - wouldn't really care as long as it's a "small" game or a bundle leftover. If it's a bigger game (let's say 15€+ which wasn't a recent bundle) than I'd care..
I gave away some copies of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Shadow of Mordor and I'd definetely prefer it if people who actually want to play it would win it - but well, it's just a preference. I wouldn't control or blacklist you or anything
Do whatever you think is right and enter whatever GA you like :P

7 years ago

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Depends on the game - always. Even if people tell you otherwise, it's a lie. There are of course exceptions of people not caring at all if their expensive AAA game will be idled for cards, and exceptions of people expecting you to play & complete even 0.15$ bundle trash, but those are still exceptions. Majority of people will be fine if you don't play cheap bundled games, and will be rather very unhappy if you idle expensive AAA game they spent a dozen of dollars on, if not more.

Still, everybody is happy if people join with intention of playing a game after they win it, so it's always nice to join what you truly want to play, but I can't imagine people going insane because somebody decided to not play overly negative 0.15$ bundle trash - even if there is such person, I'd prefer to just get blacklisted and move on, since he's definitely not a somebody I'd want to win anything from in the future.

7 years ago

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I don't care tbh. A big chunk of the games i've won myself is games i have on disc and i've played a few times but probably won't play again. But now i have them on steam wish is nice since i haven't used floppy or CD in years.

7 years ago

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Unless they're for SimGives, yes.

7 years ago

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If I make a public level 1-3, I [clearly] don't have high expectations for it not being shoveled away. For all other situations, I explicitly state that I don't care what happens to a game, when such a circumstance exists.

I generally intentionally giveaway games I myself enjoy [usually straight off my own wishlist, even if I don't own them yet myself], or games I think are good enough that others will enjoy. Sometimes I get a junky bundle throw-in that I can't trade away for something I find more agreeable, and those get posted as mentioned above.

What you appear to be describing is tantamount to spitting on every consideration I've put into the matter [not to mention the time and money I spent picking specific, enjoyable games out for others]. Rather than "are we okay with it", the question should be "are you okay with it". Because doing such a thing [in opposition to the expectations of the person gifting something] is a deeply ungracious thing to do- namely since, if that's all you want, I could probably find you far more games to add to your library that I don't care about, in exchange for your reroll, and find it nothing more than a passing amusement, an event of sorts. Instead of being forthright with your intentions, you're sneakily coming in, in a sense that indicates you know what you're doing isn't the right thing to do, and abusing the circumstances of the situation to pretend you've gotten the answer you want.

Well, that's from the perspective of taking a win without indicating your intentions. If the GA creator is agreeable to it, then by all means, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Rather, the issue is solely in not feeling the need to make your intentions clear, which in turn outright evidences your intent to treat the situation without respectfulness- which in turn answers your question of whether the action is disrespectful or not.

Even just "Hey, I'm entering to add +1, and I feel that's a valid use of the site." when entering a giveaway is an arguably feasible position to abide by- while still disrespectful of the GA Creator's desires (if they run contrary), you nevertheless give the GA creator the power to simply not give you the giveaway. In other words, you openly bring the matter into the bounds of site guidelines and enforcement, where it can be managed with full awareness of the expectations involved.
While the stance is a rude one to take, you are within the bounds of the site's expectations, and you are open about your intentions. As such, you change the situation into being one of [potential] open disagreement between the GA creator and the site['s policies], rather than being a matter of manipulating the fact that the GA creator can't tell your intentions unless you clarify them, so as to ensure you get the game in question.

tl;dr: Candidness ensures basic respectful interaction.

7 years ago

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As long as you're contributing to the website, it doesn't bother me what you do with your wins.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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